Listening to Digital Music on CLUAS

'PLAYing' a song

Q. If I choose to 'Play' a song what will happen?
A. If you choose this option your PC will launch your default multimedia application capable of playing the format you choose (i.e. Mp3 or 'Windows media'). A few seconds later you should hear the song (assuming you have a sound card and speakers/headphones installed on your PC!)
If you do not have a multimedia application installed you need to install one such as the 'Windows Media Player'.

Q.  What are the advantages & disadvantages of choosing the 'play' option to hear a song on CLUAS?
Advantages: By 'playing' the song (also known as 'streaming') you get to listen to the song before all the song data is transferred to your PC (this is because the PC initially downloads a 'buffer' 15-30 seconds of the song before it starts to play the song to you. It then continues to 'stream' the rest of the song data from the CLUAS web server while you are listening to the remainder of the song (if your connection is not interrupted you will hear the entire tune.)
Disadvantage: After 'playing' the song you will not have a local copy of the song on your PC to listen to off-line. To hear the song another time you will have to log-on again to CLUAS. 

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