Listening to Digital Music on CLUAS
'DOWNLOADing' a song
Q. If I choose to 'Download' a song
what will happen?
A. You will prompted to "Save"
Q. What are the advantages
& disadvantages of choosing the 'download' option to hear a song on CLUAS?
If you 'download' the song you will be able to listen to the song any time you want as you will have your own copy of
the song on your PC. You can even listen to the song when you are off-line (assuming you have the appropriate hardware
& software).
Disadvantage: You
cannot listen to the song until the download is complete (a 4 minute song will take ~5+ minutes to download with a 56kbs
connection). Also, the song will take up some of your hard disk space (~3MB for a 4 minute song in MP3 format).
Q. Okay, I've 'downloaded' a song
from CLUAS - how do I now listen to it?
A. Using your file management system (e.g.
'Windows Explorer' on Win95/98) navigate to the music file you downloaded from CLUAS. Open the file by double-clicking
on it. The appropriate multimedia software application will then launch and you will hear the song (this assumes you
have a sound card & speakers/headphones installed). If you do not have a multimedia software installed you need to
install one such as the 'Windows
Media Player'.
Other FAQs
Jump to another category of FAQ from the choices below:
Comparison of 'Download' &
'Play' options
'Playing' (or 'streaming') songs
Internet Music Technologies
My connection speed is 28kbs!