The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


A review of the album 'New Again' by Taking Back Sunday

Taking Back Sunday - New Again

Review Snapshot: 'New Again' is a typically poor album by a terrible North American band. Standard mainstream emo rock targeted at young teenagers that do not know better. There perhaps should be watchdogs set up to stop this practice.

The Cluas Verdict?3 out of 10

Full Review:
When I was listening to ‘New Again’, I was honestly hoping that my battery might die. I was wishing that the annoying sound of Taking Back Sunday’s latest album would give way to the drone of commuter rail. Alas no. I persevered however and gave the band a chance. After all, I did not care for ‘Closer’ the first time I heard it at 14. My ears have deceived me before. I can now say though, that Taking Back Sunday are no Joy Division. They’re not even on a par with A Certain Ratio.

‘Bleed America’ - the record that launched a thousand terrible emo bands. Jimmy Eat World have a lot to answer for. The difference between Jimmy Eat World and their spawn is that Jimmy Eat World actually had some good, fun throw-away songs. Taking Back Sunday on the other hand just display repetitive distorted guitars, basic guitars and occasionally cringe-worthy lyrics. I could not help but think that Taking Back Sunday sound like a generic winner of a high school battle of the bands. If I had my way, they would have stayed in that moment of glory in their sweaty gymnasium.

Single ‘Sink Into Me’ does have its merits. I mean I can see how it can appeal to its audience of young teenagers. It has relatively ‘deep’ lyrics about relationships and infatuation. The song rawks. The lead singer sounds angsty. Their parents probably don’t understand them either. Some teenagers just love this stuff. I might have too if I was 8 years younger. If there are any fans of the band reading this now, I implore you not to go straight for comment box below to lambast my ignorance, but instead to pause and take a deep breath. You are better than this. Go and search for Times New Viking’s last album and listen to it instead. I’m sure you own ‘Nevermind’, but do you have ‘Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain’ by Pavement? Go explore and you’ll never look back, I promise.

Garret Cleland

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