CLUAS Readers' Poll !!!
Miscellaneous Stuff
The rest of the categories are here. The best'n'worst Venues, the High and Low
Points of the year and - to warm the cockles of your heart chambers - the Best Pubs.
High Point of the Year
1 The Witnness Festival
(a clear cut winner!)
To be quite honest there was the greatest lack of consensus ever in this category
(except that is for the many who plummed for the 3 day
Witnness festival that took place
in August). Some other memorable high points of the year that were submitted include
'flying in an airplane over that big bay in Canada', 'Getting the bosses job',
'Falling in love' and 'Seeing Raging Bull on the big screen for the first
time'! |
Low Point of the Year
1 Uaneen Fitzsimon's death
2 Westlife
category that, quite simply and respectfully, speaks for itself. |
Best Venue
1 Whelan's
2 Olympia
3 Vicar Street
4 Temple Bar Music Centre
5 Point Depot
voted no. 4 last year, this time around manages to oust last year's winner The Olympia. |
Worst Venue
1 Point Depot
2 Temple Bar Music Centre
3 Punchestown
5 Slane
Point Depot comes out again as the king of questionable venues. Punchestown (i.e.
the tent that Radiohead carted over for their 3 Irish gigs in October) was not appreciated
by many (see this article
for a rant on the venue). |
Best Pub
1 Whelan's
2 Long Hall
3 Mulligan's
4 Summit Inn Howth (!)
5 The Stables (Mullingar)
content with pulling off the 'Best Venue' award Whelan's manages to also pocket
the 'Best Pub' category. The Long Hall holds on to its no. 2 position from last
year and the surprise entry has to be the Summit Inn in Howth (and yes, we checked
the IP numbers for any indication of dodgy voting practices but none where found!)
The Stables sees some fruit from its heightened profile through the many gigs it
now plays host to. |
Other results...
Also check out the results for the Cinema &
Music categories. Click here for
the 1999 readers' poll results.