The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


The Choice Music Prize is now in its third year and, to date, Key Notes has a 0% record in predicting the winner.  However, the third time's the charm and, to celebrate my confidence of a positive result this time, I'm not only going to predict the winner, but the shortlist also.  Now, clearly, this could blow up in Key Notes face, but along with Nialler and Shane, it's only meant as a bit of fun so Key Notes expects no angry letters or calls to Liveline if he's wrong.

The Shortlist 

Cathy Davey - Tales of Silversleeve 

Future Kings of Spain - Nervousystem 

Mumblin' Deaf Ro - The Herring & the Brine 

The Flaws - Achieving Vagueness


Roisin Murphy - Overpowered  


 Adrian Crowley - Long Distance Swimmer 

A Lazarus Soul - Graveyard of Burnt Out Cars 

God is an Astronaut - Far From Refuge 

Jenny Lindfors - When the Night Time Comes 

Delorentos - In Love With Detail

The Winner

So, here goes nothing, the winner of the Choice Music Prize 2008 will be: *insert drum roll* Adrian Crowley for Long Distance Swimmer.  Remember kids, you read it here first.  Future Kings and Cathy Davey will both be unlucky to miss out.

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2003 - Witnness 2003, a comprehensive review by Brian Kelly of the 2 days of what transpired to be the last ever Witnness festival (in 2004 it was rebranded as Oxegen when Heineken stepped into the sponsor shoes).