The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


Key Note Speaker returns after an extended winter break.  Contrary to rumours printed elsewhere, that break did not involve enjoying the après ski with a bevy of beautiful models in Aspen.  No, instead Key Notes has been diligently tapping up bands and musicians from around the world to become Key Note Speakers. 

The first Key Note Speaker of 2008 is Kilian Pettit of Cork band EchoGram.  2007 saw EchoGram's debut single Conspiracy reach No. 1 on the weekly chart and the band being named Today FM Rising Artist of the Week.  An impressive accomplishment for an unsigned band with no management.

Favourite Songs from the Past Year 
All the best tunes last year were either pop or electronic, but I can't single any one song out. I can't remember liking any rock songs last year, even though the Jimmy Eat World album was ok

Favourite Song Ever
Something by U2 or Depeche Mode, though I don't know what. Maybe One (I know it's a cliché), or Enjoy the Silence. Smells like Teen Spirit also blows me away though

Favourite EchoGram Song
Probably Everytime I Fall. It's a really simple song, written on an acoustic guitar but the recording sounds huge.  You can check it out on YouTube:

Favourite New Band/Artist 
Nothing has really grabbed me yet in 2008, but it's still early

Favourite Band/Artist Ever
Again, it's going to be U2 or Depeche Mode. I do think Billy Corgan is a musical powerhouse though. I also love Deftones as well as most non-retro electronic artists

Favourite Gig This Year 
The only one I've been to so far this year is The Smashing Pumpkins in the RDS

Favourite Gig Ever
It's either Popmart in 1997 or Soulwax at the Electric Picnic in 2005. The sheer scale of Popmart blew me away, so impressive. Soulwax were fantastic though, because all the ravers and metallers were going for it together, something I want for my band too. It was such a great atmosphere

Favourite EchoGram Gig Ever
The Cork show of the 2fm 2moro 2our was amazing. Everyone seemed to be singing the songs back to the stage, it was like waves washing over us

Favourite Venue
I think Cyprus Avenue in Cork is the best venue in the country for it's size. They really have the sound and lighting sorted, I've spent so many great nights there.

Favourite Piece of Musical Equipment
My first acoustic guitar. It's a Hohner, it's a piece of sh*t, but I keep using it. It's so familiar as I learned to play the guitar on it. I always feel very comfortable with it, it's like my security blanket

Download or CD/Cassette/Record
CDs, man! Cassettes are vinyl are before my time. Downloads are ok, but the quality is just nowhere near as good

Favourite TV Show at the Moment
Rescue Me with Denis Leary is the best show around! It has everything: action, drama, comedy, sorrow and loads of sex. The main character is pretty loathsome, but every now and then he'll trick you into thinking he's a nice guy

Best Movie Ever Seen
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind brought a tear to my eye, something that I'd never experienced until then. I just saw Children of Men, I'd rate it as almost highly

Greatest Book Ever Read
A Star Called Henry by Roddy Doyle. Check it out

Most Listened to Radio Show
Dan Hegarty on 2fm. He's played a lot of EchoGram on his show which is great, but even if he hadn't I'd still think he plays the best music on radio.

What’s in Store for EchoGram Next
I've just secured US and UK management for the band, so we're working on the right deals in London and LA at the moment. Work on the debut album is going to start pretty soon, and we'll be playing a lot of shows in the next few months.

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1999 - 'The eMusic Market', written by Gordon McConnell it focuses on how the internet could change the music industry. Boy was he on the money, years before any of us had heard of an iPod or of Napster.