The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


Key Notes is being a little self indulgent today.  Yes, this blog's main function is to discuss the Irish indie music scene but today, Key Notes is going to wear his heart on his sleeve.  Tonight you see brings the final of the Champions League and the battle between the (red) devil(s) and the deep blue scum sea.  Key Notes, as you may know from his semi-final dilemma, is a massive Man United fan and has been waiting for this day since May 26th 1999.  Tonight will see this blog don his 1999 Champions League edition jersey, complete with curry stains that have remained unwashed for 9 years, and watch as pure, artistic and free-flowing United take on those shady, cheating folk from London.

Now, football is nothing without an analogy and one comes to mind immediately when comparing United and Chelsea.  Rocky IV.  It's our hero Rocky - American, old school, pure to his art-form - versus Ivan Drago - Russian, new money, and known for his lack of respect towards referees.  (It also works for Liverpool - they're Apollo Creed, lots of pomp and ceremony, but really should have given up long ago).  We all know what happens at the end of Rocky IV, our hero wins and teaches the evil villain a few lessons in the right way of doing things along the way.  Just like United will hopefully teach Chelsea that it's not just about winning, but playing attractive, free-flowing, football this evening.

Best of all (for the sake of this blog!), Rocky IV contains the greatest ever Rocky song and a pretty good montage, and Key Notes is a firm believer in the theory that if you're going to do it right, do it in a montage!


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Nuggets from our archive

2008 - A comprehensive guide to recording an album, written by Andy Knightly (the guide is spread over 4 parts).