The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


Yael NaimBy any chance, has this song reached Ireland? It's being played all the time on French radio, and since it's in English we reckon it may spread Eire-wards very soon.

Yael Naim is a young Parisian singer-songer who mixes Hebrew folk and English pop. Her single 'New Soul' is a breezy little tune about how she's communing with the world (or something). First listen, it sounds sweet and cheery. After that, however, you want to kill it for its drippiness.

Our hunch about its world-domination potential comes because it's the perfect soundtrack for a commercial. You know the type: soft-focus beautiful people tripping through the daisies all hippy-like, eyes gleaming like deep pools of water, teeth shining like bathroom tiles. Then the logo for the bank or phone company pops up. All very soothing; you're literally begging them to take your money and make your world a happier place.

So, is Yael Naim the devil? Perhaps not. We just think that you'll soon be so sick of this song that you'll be kicking in your television. Here's the video, in which Yael moves into her new apartment and starts her new life - no doubt with the help of her friendly building society and their fantastically competitive rates:

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Nuggets from our archive

1999 - 'The eMusic Market', written by Gordon McConnell it focuses on how the internet could change the music industry. Boy was he on the money, years before any of us had heard of an iPod or of Napster.