The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


A review of the album 'Correcto' by Correcto

CorrectoReview Snapshot: Just quite how a band can produce a record that, by their own admission, wasn't meant to be a masterpiece, and yet fall so short of even those paltry expectations, is beyond comprehension.

The Cluas Verdict? 1 out of 10

Full Review:
'And you and get it right and you can get it wrong' suggests Correcto's second track, Do it Better.  Just how Correcto - made up of Richard Wright, Paul Thompson (Franz Ferdinand), Patrick Doyle (The Royal We) and Danny Saunders - get it so wrong is breathtaking to behold.

Much like a sideward's glance at a car crash, repeated listens of this record are only to reaffirm that, yes, it really was as bad as you remembered.  Trapped in a hideous location on the musical spectrum - somewhere between post punk and alt rock - Correcto comes across as pure comfort zone pop.  There is a laziness and lethargy about this album that does little to separate it from the torrents of art school incubated albums vying for your time and money.

That being said, Joni, the album's standout track, is pure pop gold and repeated listens really do make you think that you might have taken Correcto up all wrong.  Alas, the only other true highlight of this album is when it ends.  Of course, being released on the much vaunted Domino label will probably help it sell bucketloads, as will the bands association with Franz Ferdinand.  If only they had the songs to go with the hype. 

Steven O'Rourke

 To buy a new or (very reasonably priced) 2nd hand copy of this album on Amazon just click here.

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