The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


A review of the album Let The Truth Be Told by Laura Izibor

Review Snapshot:  Pretty face on the cover? Check.  Impressive voice? Check.  Middle of the road, vaguely familiar sounding songs? Check.  It appears we have found this years Nora Jones/Alicia Keys/Dido

The Cluas Verdict? 3.5 out of 10

Full Review:
I've always believed that musicians should put more thought into their album titles, especially albums they know will be critically reviewed.  Let The Truth Be Told, really?  Okay, the truth is that, despite being touted as the next big thing since winning the 2FM Song Contest at the age of 15, Laura Izibor has produced an album that is the musical equivalent to magnolia paint.  In other words, Let The Truth Be Told is blandness personified.  No doubt then, it will be huge.

You see, Let The Truth Be Told is not an album, no, it is very much a product (what credible musician finds it necessary to plug the type of make-up she uses on her website?).  As a collection of music it borrows very heavily from the song books of the likes of Lauren Hill and Alicia Keys.  Izibor's vocal phrasing is also reminiscent of Keys (and oddly, Ronan Keating at times!).  Lyrically, Izibor deals almost exclusively with matters of the heart and though her lyrics are firmly in the Des'ree (I'd rather have a piece of toast) category: Only get a short time on this earth/you gotta make each moment worth/something beautiful/you gotta give every bit of you/with love, half won't do, oooh, they will have a certain amount of appeal.  

It's not awful.  Shine, with its catchy chorus and simple structure is almost the perfect summer pop hit.  Likewise, the touch of gospel that makes its way into the albums final track MMM... might be a pointer as to the direction of Izibor's sophomore album.  However, it would be remiss of me to review this album as anything other than a product designed to sell bucket loads of units and pay back some of the plentiful investment Izibor has received from Atlantic Records. 

As a product, it has it all.  She's gorgeous for a start, possesses a great voice and has the ability to appeal to the very profitable American market.  I've no doubt it will be very successful.  Whether anyone who buys it will still be listening to it in 6 months time is another matter altogether.

Steve O'Rourke

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