The CLUAS Archive: 1998 - 2011


Review of EP released by Belfast band Yes Cadets

Cluas Snapshot: Fused pop, rock n roll, art house synthesisers & jumpy vocals make YES CADETS potential darlings of the UK music scene this year. The songs are snappy, catchy and the melodies delicious. YES CADETS are going to be big. Fast.

Cluas Verdict? 9/10YES CADETS

Full Review: YES CADETS formed in Belfast in 2008. Only a year in and they have on their hands a belter of an EP to flaunt their wares with. First things first, YES CADETS are not about ground breaking new styles of music. Make no mistake, there are elements of everyone from Franz Ferdinand to Gary Numan in here. The key thing for this reviewer is that the songs are quality. The EP has five tracks, and any of them could make the radio as a single.

Opener “Rufio” is bouncing, and infectious. Sweeping synth, constant drumming and a pop vocal that drags the listener in, it’s excellent. Lead single “Canada” continues in the same vein. Nice choppy guitar and synth intro swamped with sweet jumping vocals. It’s a constant beat, and addictive. “Burial/Tongues” is a little more early eighties but with the same synthesised pop intent. “Fashionista Art Party” has all the clever bouncing vocals and melodies that would make Franz Ferdinand jealous. It’s catchy, tight and brilliant. “H.O.T” finishes off the EP in style.

The true depth and mettle of YES CADETS will be tested with a long player release. However on these 4 tracks, they have achieved more than some acts manage in twenty. It’s vibrant, exciting altogether pleasurable stuff indeed.

Kevin Coleman

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