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4 Replies and 2214 Views The Urges, Porn Trauma, The Heathens    2214  4 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Saw these last night, anyone else there Thought the Heathens were full o'beans but short on tunes. Kings of Leon fronted by a young John Power. Or Gings of Leon you might say. Liked Porn Trauma quite a bit, fairly raw bluesy/country rock, deep voiced singer, some good songs. Not what a band called Porn Trauma should sound like at all at all. First time seeing The Urges too. Felt like I wasnt watching a real band after a while. It was weird, almost like a tribute band. The singer's a self-...
4 2214
2/17/2006 10:51 AM
6 Replies and 2187 Views Chernobyl gig last night    2187  6 Started by  Eric Did anyone go to this gig last night in Whelans - it was amazing! David O'Doherty was MC. Hoarse Box (very impressive) - Nina Hynes - Brona Gallagher - The Walls - Mick Pyro and his sis did a duet then suprise, suprise the Republic of Loose turned up and played about 6 songs! Feck all people turned up for some strange reason which made for a very intimate gig. Its on again tonight - details below.... Chernobyl Charity Gig WHY To raise money for an ambulance (packed with aid),whic...
6 2187
2/8/2006 12:50 PM
4 Replies and 2750 Views SuperJiminez, Mocrac &The Radio in TBMC    2750  4 Started by  thekbband Was at the gig in TBMC last night. Three bands SuperJiminez, Mocrac and The Radio. I really liked Mocrac. The music is very different, a bit of fresh air. Wasnt too mad about the radio though. SuperJiminez id say would be good on cd or another venue or time because the sound in the place was awful.Very boomy and cluttered. Anyone else there
4 2750
1/7/2006 10:36 AM
1 Replies and 2233 Views DOVES    2233  1 Started by  akablue Doves, last night Superb stuff, surround sound, made one feel warm & fuzzy..... Maximus joyus....
1 2233
12/22/2005 12:24 PM
2 Replies and 2185 Views iAN brOWN    2185  2 Started by  Unkle Monkey was anyone at lan brown last night what a complete an utter disappointment was the whole gig just one long sound check not to mention all the mini browns going round getting sick in every corner!!! approach with caution if your going along tonight! im off to catch to complete stone roses!!
2 2185
12/6/2005 4:12 PM
4 Replies and 2282 Views Lost live in the Sugar Club    2282  4 Started by  Una I went to see Lost last night in the Sugar Club and thought they were very good. I had only seen them once before (I think) in Whelan's. They are a bit of a treat. So young. There are some mp3s on their site www.lost-official.com Anybody else ever seen them
4 2282
11/6/2005 12:47 AM
11 Replies and 2584 Views Magic Numbers    2584  11 Started by  Daragh anyone see them last night Was a really good gig, not sure what i was expecting to be honest, but they were class. Really warm crowd, and the band we're all smiles, pretty sweet. They played a new tune at the end, pure hillbilly or rockabilly or somethinilly, great though.
11 2584
9/6/2005 9:57 AM
8 Replies and 2160 Views HWCH so far...    2160  8 Started by  Una What a great night last night. Niall James Holohan pop rocked it in Pravda Fair Verona got the chick vote in Spirit skinny skinny Idlewild were full of all of the beans in the Olympia Sack members wrapped themselves in toilet paper in the Music Centre Rulers of the Planet kicked cameras after Sack and Mighty Stef ended it all in sweatbox Hub. Great vibe around town, and the photo exhibition in the basement of filmbase is worth a look too, mighty fine snaps, especially Miss ...
8 2160
8/27/2005 10:41 AM
4 Replies and 1839 Views Stephen Fretwell    1839  4 Started by  Eoin anyone see him Whelans last night Fantastic gig, probably shades it as the best of the year for me so far. this guy is seriously talented, not a duff song at all. he just may be huge !
4 1839
6/6/2005 1:40 PM
4 Replies and 2322 Views The Magic Numbers.    2322  4 Started by  ishrink Anyone else catch their show in the village last night Excellent stuff. Trumps Bloc Party for best gig so far this year, for me. Not one weak song in the set, they just oozed confidence. Every note was hit spot on, without the slightest bit of vocal strain. They pulled off tempo change after tempo change without even a hint of a mistimed pluck, hit or strum. And they just looked so happy and genuinely engaged while doing it all. Love is just a game was the best song of the night which wa...
4 2322
6/4/2005 1:49 PM
9 Replies and 1857 Views I Am Kloot    1857  9 Started by  klootfan What with IAK releasing their 3rd album recently and having kicked of their irish tour last night, it would be remiss of me (with a user name of klootfan) not to ask what people reckon of their 3rd album. Personally, it didnt stick in my mind as quick as their second self titled album, but its growing on me. 'Over my shoulder', the first single, is quality, and the video is excellent as well, worth checking out. Theres a lot of catchy tunes on it, but it is in my view a tad more downbeat th...
9 1857
4/28/2005 3:42 PM
6 Replies and 2006 Views IMRO SHOWCASE AT SUGAR CLUB    2006  6 Started by  Rev Jules To all the artists who performed at the IMRO showcase in the Sugar Club last night (21/4/05) ch-1, Betamax Format, Dry County, Stellar 8 I jus' wanna say... Y'all f*ck*ng rocked !
6 2006
4/22/2005 10:56 AM
27 Replies and 4131 Views interpol    4131  27 Started by  caps lock So who made it to the gig last night I was blown away by how good they were!Easily the best gig of the year so far in my humble opinion..
27 4131
4/7/2005 10:17 AM
2 Replies and 2635 Views The Frames in L.A. (photos )    2635  2 Started by  QsySue I caught the Frames last night in L.A., truly an awesome show. I'd post more but I'm delirious from lack of sleep. I took a whole ton of pictures and some videoclips, if anyone's interested: http://qsysue.tagplazen.org/shows/frames/3-15-05/ I would just post a few of the best ones right in the thread but it looks like it won't let me.
2 2635
3/16/2005 10:22 PM
14 Replies and 2514 Views Doves    2514  14 Started by  one eye was anyone else at Doves last night If so what did ya think Was my third time to see them play and they just get better and better.....what a fantastic live band! They didn't just play there new album either but a great selection of their best tunes from all three LP's..... if ya can start a gig with a song like 'Pounding' you are always gonna have the crowd on your side. Respect to the doves
14 2514
3/1/2005 1:28 PM
4 Replies and 2190 Views CHUZZLE    2190  4 Started by  benni Man I went to see Sondre Lerche in Whelos last night. Great gig. Anyway the support act was this quirky Irish dude called Chuzzle. He was f**king s**t cool... such a performer. Anyway I was on his site and there aint much goin on there in terms of info etc. Anyone know of this dude....does he have any releases etc. Nice one in advance for any help!
4 2190
2/26/2005 12:35 PM
3 Replies and 2412 Views Velvet Revolver show in Dublin    2412  3 Started by  mutch this is what the people have to say! was at it myself and can vouch that is was amazing and beats any live expierince ive had in the past 12 months (pogues,planxty,muse,darkness,steve earl,stoneocean(had to give them a plug!),korn,incubus,static x, metallica, metalicia,therapy,mark lanegan, cant remeber the rest...great year for gigs though!) except for when i travelled to mancchester to see Velvet Revolver! oh, wait! same band... Optimus, youre lucky to be in manchester man(saw the thread) t...
3 2412
1/13/2005 12:11 PM
2 Replies and 2308 Views The Chapters    2308  2 Started by  roadhousemag Anyone else catch the Chapters last night All I can say is special - they're gonna be big, Gabby Hayes big!!
2 2308
12/23/2004 10:02 AM
9 Replies and 5066 Views Did Metallica phone it in @ RDS?    5066  9 Started by  Rev Jules Hi all, I was at the Metallica concert last night in the RDS, more because I had never seen them before live and wanted to, than because I am a major fan of Metal. I had heard a great deal about the devotion of their fans and also had followed Metallica's attempt to sue those same fans over music downloads. My overall view of the gig was that Metallica do not deserve the continued devotion of a fan base which, from what I saw, was the most enthusiastic, good natured and...
9 5066
6/26/2004 12:28 PM
4 Replies and 2103 Views Incubus    2103  4 Started by  Lucera OK this is'nt entirely related to the Irish music scene, but I was at the show last night and am just wondering if anyone who was there knows who the support act were (hundred reasons didnt play)
4 2103
6/1/2004 12:14 PM
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