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6 Replies and 3121 Views Les Savy Fav on Saturday  3121  6 Started by  Protein biscuit One word: Awesome!
6 3121
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
11/1/2007 7:07 AM
4 Replies and 3275 Views BSS presents Kevin Drew  3275  4 Started by  elmo95 Brilliant to any other standards though it was bordering to the maximum of absurdity when we were forced to sing Where the Street Have no Name. I say 'made' in the way that I love Kevin Drew and would even sing U2 to please him. NO KC or IBI!
4 3275
by  mixtapepublicityJump to last post
10/16/2007 1:42 AM
2 Replies and 2921 Views Mos Def @ the Village  2921  2 Started by  UnaRocks two hours late on to an angry crowd. Thought it was OK, but a lot of bigger fans were well pissed off.
2 2921
by  UnaRocksJump to last post
10/10/2007 7:16 AM
27 Replies and 8725 Views Is Whelans (the venue) open again?  8725  27 Started by  John Doe
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I heard some time ago that the venue part of Whelans was closed for renovation. Is it open again If so, what's changed Anyone got any news on this
27 8725
by  TrixJump to last post
9/28/2007 6:34 AM
4 Replies and 3332 Views Dark Room Notes @ Crawdaddy  3332  4 Started by  muzak Anyone else go along to this last night They're now officially my new favourite band.
4 3332
by  muzakJump to last post
9/19/2007 7:55 AM
5 Replies and 2797 Views Scream Club  2797  5 Started by  UnaRocks I went to see Scream Club on Wednesday night in the Boom Boom Room. It was amazing. That is all.
5 2797
by  JamesTJump to last post
9/13/2007 5:21 AM
1 Replies and 4674 Views Hybrasil  4674  1 Started by  ishrink What happened They used to be deadly. Seems they've taken they're own lyrical advice a bit too literally and forgotten those sythesizers to become a star. New tunes are mostly bland guitar based almost Snow Patrol-y pop with keys just as backing, mostly. They've even redone 2 of their, formerly excellent, old tracks as guitars-by-numbers tunes by kicking the keys to the background. Bad move lads, yous really excel at the dancier numbers. It was made all the...
1 4674
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/12/2007 7:28 AM
17 Replies and 5031 Views Electric Picnic - well?  5031  17 Started by  hearty How was it for you fantastic - final fantasy, Deerhoof (amazing drummer), beasties (although i was outside the tent), sonic youth very good - Chemicals, bat for lashes (missed the second half of the set), Archetecture in helsinki (let before the end to get some jarvis, shouldn't have), Delorentos, Erasure, the go team (again didn't see the full set) sitting around the 'chill' stage, the ticket magazine i got in the morning (similar to ones at other festivals), managing to avoid t...
17 5031
by  crucifixioJump to last post
9/7/2007 2:21 AM
4 Replies and 3105 Views The Shins  3105  4 Started by  pol* Great gig last night.The bass player is a lunaticJames Mercers voice is great live. Saint simon was the best song for me.I dont know what went wrong during new slang but it was the worst of the night. Anyone else at it
4 3105
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
8/23/2007 9:06 AM
2 Replies and 2984 Views Foo Fighters - Marlay Park  2984  2 Started by  John Doe Possible contender for gig of the year...well for me anyway. Happiness is beautiful weather, a pit band, and the Foo Fighters playing a blinder of a gig. Interesting set list - they started with Everlong ( unusual as they normally end gigs with this ), finished with All My Life, played Enough Space, which is a f*cking savage song from The Colour and the Shape and which I wasn't expecting as they rarely do it live these days. Played one new song ( The Pretender ) and a cover which I didn't recogn...
2 2984
by  John DoeJump to last post
8/23/2007 6:22 AM
9 Replies and 3069 Views Midlands Festival  3069  9 Started by  Quint Was at this over the weekend. Utterly brilliant, so good it's hard to find fault with it...really! The only word to describe the woodland and lake setting of Belvedere House, just outside Mullingar, was magical, especially on Sunday when we got the first hot day of the summer...incredible mix of people, (indie kids,Thirtysomething EP types, parents and their kids)...no queues for the the toilets (for the men anyway!!) or the bar..lovely food stalls...no skangers...no trouble or arrests...no seri...
9 3069
by  John DoeJump to last post
8/17/2007 2:46 AM
1 Replies and 3075 Views bill callahan  3075  1 Started by  Ally was tremendous in the village on friday night... i do not tire of his music...
1 3075
by  John DoeJump to last post
8/17/2007 2:40 AM
0 Replies and 2235 Views Sliabh an Iarainn 2007  2235  0 Started by  itison review is here... http://www.itison.net/blog/archives/60 cheers, mark
0 2235
8/13/2007 5:18 AM
1 Replies and 3142 Views DEVO - Vicar St  3142  1 Started by  maccor Wow. the tightest, funniest and bestest entertainment i've seen in years.
1 3142
by  muzakJump to last post
7/19/2007 7:42 AM
3 Replies and 3302 Views George Clinton last night.  3302  3 Started by  Peejay Fantastic show last night from Clinton and Co. They blew the roof off Tripod for FOUR hours, with hardly any let-up at all. The mid-show guitar noodling went on a little too long, Maggot Brain was cool, but then he kept going and going. I didn't mind though, the last quarter of the show was superb. There was non-stop music for a solid two hours. Everybody was dancing. The revolving door of characters onstage was gas aswell and Clinton (with flourescent pink hair) more often than n...
3 3302
by  muzakJump to last post
7/19/2007 7:42 AM
10 Replies and 3291 Views Annuals @ Whelan's  3291  10 Started by  crucifixio I thought they were really good last night even though most of the small crowd left after the chapters. Obviously, not many people know of Annuals yet or it could be the fact that it was a Monday night before Oxegen! Just want to know if people know them and if so what do they think
10 3291
by  cometJump to last post
7/4/2007 10:42 AM
3 Replies and 2915 Views Ham Sandwich @ Whelans  2915  3 Started by  UnaRocks Awesome gig on Saturday night.
3 2915
by  UnaRocksJump to last post
7/2/2007 6:00 PM
5 Replies and 3298 Views Peter Gabriel, Crowded House, Starsailor  3298  5 Started by  alameda Anyone else make this gig PG was fantastic, played several tracks from his early albums which made it for me, being a big fan of his late 70s/early 80s stuff Good show from Crowded House too but missed Starsailor
5 3298
by  CarlsbergJump to last post
6/28/2007 2:27 AM
2 Replies and 6001 Views Cathy Davey in Whelans  6001  2 Started by  Unicron I thought she and the band were pretty marvelous. Some of the new songs sounded really good too. Nice to have her back.
2 6001
by  alamedaJump to last post
6/23/2007 1:13 PM
2 Replies and 2836 Views Simple Kid live in Paris  2836  2 Started by  aidan I saw Simple Kid in Paris last night - fantastic! Entertaining, funny, bizarre... and his songs are brilliant. Is he playing in Dublin soon If so, go. He may even do his special duet
2 2836
by  cometJump to last post
6/23/2007 8:04 AM
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