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by UnaRocks6/6/2008 5:43 AM |
37 Replies and 9561 Views
Review of Battles, etc in Vicar Street 9561 37
Started by AstonishingSodApe
The review I've just read by Daragh Murray on Cluas (of last night's Battles gig) is one of the most ridiculous I've read in years. Is he taking the piss Does he honestly expect a BOUNCER to appreciate Battles And what's this toss about 'Exaggerated emotion, tossed scarves, and sweaty, meaningful stares' WTF The gig was incredible - the band was lost in the music, as always, completely dedicated and performing faultlessly. He admits he knew nothing about the band before going - even the smal...
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9561 |
by MarkO6/6/2008 5:10 AM |
2 Replies and 3488 Views
Primavera 3488 2
Started by mixtapepublicity
Anyone over in Barcelona for this one What a damn excellent weekend.
My favourites were Public Enemy, Sebadoh, Les Savy Fav, Caribou, Midnight Juggernauts (what I can remember of them in the haze), Devo, Devastations, Okkervil River, Notwist, MGMT. I don't think I got to see half as many as I should have but what can you do.
Portishead were dreary, as was Rufus W without his backing band.
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3488 |
by MarkO6/5/2008 12:52 PM |
5 Replies and 3584 Views
Bon Iver 3584 5
Started by carry_grant
Utterly utterly beautiful.
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by carry_grant6/4/2008 8:36 AM |
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2599 |
5/29/2008 1:57 AM |
3 Replies and 3108 Views
The Frank & Walters, Lumanaire London 3108 3
Started by PeterQuaife
Fantastic gig from a fantastic band. Venue was rocking from start to finish..was well worth the trip over from the north. Band called Pilotlight () supporting, flight was delayed, so I missed them...anyone know anything of them
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3108 |
by PeterQuaife5/27/2008 1:58 PM |
0 Replies and 2733 Views
Musical Mystery Tour in Carlow - Did anyone else go to it? 2733 0
Started by Iambeave
I was at a rave that had so much potential the other night: a huge warehouse, funky little marquee, and no cops.
But where were the people
We were told to keep it hush hush - but when that means that you have an empty warehouse with about forty people dancing, then what's it all for Apparantly PLUG (the organisers) had a license for 1000 people. I think there were about 300 people there.
What did everyone think of it, if anyone went I'd a great night dancing, but like ...
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2733 |
5/19/2008 1:29 PM |
11 Replies and 4406 Views
The National in the Olympia 4406 11
Started by Quint
Seems only yesterday that they last played the Olympia but last night's gig not as good. Started well but far too many slower songs which led to a long mid-set slump...they blew the roof off with 'Mr.November' at the end but all in all, not the most memorable of gigs.
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by carry_grant5/16/2008 2:26 PM |
3 Replies and 4163 Views
BRMC live in the Academy 4163 3
Started by Trix
Anyone else there last night As always they were amazing.
Sound was slightly off at times but I think the intimate style of the Academy really suits them!
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by Trix5/16/2008 2:34 AM |
2 Replies and 2970 Views
American Music Club - Whelans last Sat 2970 2
Started by Quint
Great, great gig last week- Mark Eitzel in great form. Lots of funny anecdotes and one incredibly filthy joke from the great man. Neil Hannon popped up on vocals for one song. Amazingly after 25 years they are sounding better than ever, the two new members seemed to have given Eitzel and guitarist Vudi a new lease of life. Unusually, for an Irish gig, no morons in the crowd and no stupid heckles.
What the hell have they done to Whelans though, bit more space alright but it seems a bit sou...
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2970 |
by Pool Cleaning Guy5/15/2008 3:34 PM |
4 Replies and 4113 Views
Yeasayer in Whelans - dont mind unicron :-) 4113 4
Started by benni
Hehe :-D
Yeah i thought they were pretty deadly. Poss because i normally go to out and out ballsy electro or bluestastic gigs and this was TOTALLY different.... but they are legend musicians and some really nice songs too. Not much of a performance to them but then there doesnt always have to be.....
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by Unicron5/15/2008 6:43 AM |
1 Replies and 3220 Views
Man Man - Whelan's 3220 1
Started by crucifixio
I just want to say that they rocked like an absolute motherf^*cker! There is something to say about a gig where you nearly get your head taken off by a spoon while standing near the back.
What did everybody else think
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by mickeyjoe5/14/2008 3:02 AM |
0 Replies and 2885 Views
BRMC - Derry 2885 0
Started by PeterQuaife
dark, moody, loud and very very warm...brilliant gig
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2885 |
5/13/2008 9:23 AM |
1 Replies and 3362 Views
Iron & Wine last night in the Olympia... 3362 1
Started by Goat Boy
Psychedelically superb! 8 piece band, funky percussionist, great musicians, pristine sound and Sam Beams songs. Marvellous....!
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3362 |
by Zeitguest5/12/2008 1:21 PM |
4 Replies and 5118 Views
MGMT / Futureheads / CSS 5118 4
Started by UnaRocks
MGMT third on the bill Crazy. 25 minute set, crazier.
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by aidan5/9/2008 11:22 AM |
9 Replies and 3350 Views
Ricardo Villalobos 3350 9
Started by UnaRocks
What a great night. Bones still sore from dancing.
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3350 |
by Binokular5/8/2008 9:17 AM |
4 Replies and 3291 Views
Baby Dee 3291 4
Started by Ally
so unicron, what did you think of that baby dee gig the other week.... saw you sitting down looking bemused / bored / interested....
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3291 |
by Unicron4/28/2008 5:18 AM |
0 Replies and 2072 Views
Ladyfest, Cork 2072 0
Started by UnaRocks
Party Weirdo were great.
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2072 |
4/28/2008 4:00 AM |
1 Replies and 3333 Views
Alela Diane & Mariee Sioux 3333 1
Started by dermot_trellis
In Crawdaddy last night.. anybody head along Two talented backwoodsy folky gals from the same Californian town that Joanna Newsom is from. It was a very pleasant evening, and they're both very sweet.. though I think I may have hit my quota of 'nature imagery in song lyrics' for the next six months sometime fairly early on. I think Alela might make a few waves with her second album when it comes out later this year, if the quality of her stuff to date is anything to go by.
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by aidan4/26/2008 9:03 AM |
2 Replies and 3227 Views
This Will Destroy You @ Whelans 3227 2
Started by Quint
Sublime, Mindblowing stuff and Very, very, LOUD!! They just pummel you with the most incredible guitar assault but it's all underpinned with some very subtle and deeply moving guitar lines. Mogwai's true heirs. Marred somewhat by groups of complete f**king morons talking loudly during the quiter moments however.
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by ishrink4/15/2008 6:23 AM |