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0 Replies and 1908 Views New Moderators  1908  0 Started by  eoghan Overnight the number of moderators on the CLUAS disucssion board doubled! Yeah, today those esteemed members of the board going by the handles of 'Rev. Jules' and 'Binokular' both were elevated to the hallowed status of 'Moderator'. So buy them a pint each next time ye see them. Or throw a pint over them. Whatever your preference is. eoghan
0 1908
6/3/2004 3:25 PM
0 Replies and 1885 Views Vote NOW for your top 5 Irish albums...  1885  0 Started by  eoghan The polling booth is now open for you to vote for your top 5 Irish albums of all time. The overall top 50 compiled from votes received will be published on the site on May 15th, that being the same day as the mighty CLUAS 5th birthday gig which will be taking place in Whelan's. More info on the gig and its (absolutely fab) line-up will be announced later in the month. But in the meantime get out there and submit your vote. And here’s the page you have to get yourselves over to: http://www....
0 1885
4/6/2004 10:24 AM
0 Replies and 1897 Views New forum for new Releases / Recordings  1897  0 Started by  admin I tonight set up a new Discussion Forum on the CLUAS site for bands wanting to announce info on new releases they have or new recordings they have made. It can be checked out here: http://www.cluas.com/discussion/forum.aspFORUM_ID=5 Any announcements posted to The Soap Box about a band's new release will be moved to the new forum by a moderator. Vee have vays of making you do vat vee vant. Or something. Over and out. eoghan Eoghan O'Neill Editor & Webmaster & Moderator & This & ...
0 1897
3/1/2004 10:03 PM
0 Replies and 1923 Views CLUAS 2003 Readers' Poll  1923  0 Started by  eoghan Polling booths are now open for the 2003 CLUAS Readers' Poll. Cast your vote in the 7 categories on this page: http://www.cluas.com/poll/vote_2003.htm You can cast your vote up until 6pm on Dec 21st 2003. Results will be published on the website on Dec 23rd. Get cracking. eoghan Eoghan O'Neill Editor, Webmaster & all that lark http://www.CLUAS.com - lending an ear to the Irish music scene
0 1923
12/1/2003 10:16 AM
0 Replies and 1846 Views CLUAS website inaccessible for three days  1846  0 Started by  eoghan You probably noticed that the CLUAS website was not accessible from July 31 to Aug 2. This is due to a massive 'Distributed Denial of Service' attack directed at our web hosting company's web servers. The result of which was that the 3000 sites they hosted (including CLUAS) were not accessible for 3 days. It turns that even the FBI is now investigating this particular attack. For more details on what happened check out this page I've set up: http://www.cluas.com/ddos.htm Once again, apologi...
0 1846
8/4/2003 8:27 AM
0 Replies and 1955 Views CLUAS Readers Poll 2002 - voting booths now open  1955  0 Started by  eoghan Right. That time of year again. The e-Voting booths for this year's CLUAS readers' poll are now open. The voting page is http://www.CLUAS.com/poll/vote_2002.htm There are seven categories for voting - same as last year - and the categories are focused for bands and artists who were active on the Irish music scene in 2002. So get crackin' with your democratic right. And stuff. Winners of the awards will be published on the website on Dec 23rd 2002. Unfortunately there will - alas - not be a...
0 1955
12/2/2002 11:44 AM
0 Replies and 1965 Views CLUAS gets hacked but we're back in action  1965  0 Started by  eoghan Yeah, for the second time this year the CLUAS discussion board got hacked. It was some Turkish hackers who did and you can check out a screendump of the hacked board here: http://www.cluas.com/images/cluas_hack_nov_4_2002.jpg Anyway the bad news is that the disucssion board was down all day Tuesday November 4th and that the last week's messages were lost. The good news is that I've upgraded the software running the discussion board and there's now LOADS of new functionality that regulars...
0 1965
11/6/2002 1:08 AM
0 Replies and 1946 Views New content on the site - at last...  1946  0 Started by  eoghan Finally, after a prolonged absence I've gotten around to posting some new content to the site. Check it out from the CLUAS home page. There'll be more added over the coming days. Cheers for the patience. And the readers' poll for 2002 will be open for voting in early November... cheers eoghan Ze www.CLUAS.com Editor, webmaster & other fine and dandy titles
0 1946
10/25/2002 11:00 AM
0 Replies and 1870 Views Trouble accessing the Discussion Board  1870  0 Started by  eoghan At the moment there may be some trouble accessing the Discussion Board. Basically you can reach the discussion board no problem if you try and link to the following page: http://www.cluas.com/discussion/default.asp However - for some unknown reason - it no longer works if you try and access the Discussion Board without typing in the 'default.asp' part of the link above. Up to yesterday this was not a problem and neither I nor the webhosting company CLUAS uses know what the feck is going on. ...
0 1870
8/1/2002 9:41 AM
0 Replies and 1831 Views Two new features on the Discussion Board...  1831  0 Started by  eoghan Right. I was bored last night so I tried to add some new tricks and treats to the Disucssion Board's functionality. The fruits are the following: 1) Ranking of members based on number of posts they've made. Yeah, you'll see that members now have a 'membership ranking' under their name. The ranking is based on the number posts they've made to the CLUAS discussion board. The ranking categories are as follows... 'Ridiculously-Busy' Member = 70 posts 'Famously-Busy' Member = 40 to 69 posts ...
0 1831
8/1/2002 9:25 AM
0 Replies and 1859 Views CLUAS gets hacked!!!  1859  0 Started by  eoghan It is with great pleasure I announce that the CLUAS Discussion Board was hacked. 'Tis is a great honour for the site: finally after 3 years CLUAS has fallen into the cross-hairs of some (very very) bored hacker somewhere. In this case it seems to have been hacked by a Turkish guy or gal who goes by the name of 'VeNoMxXx'. No serious damage was done to the Discussion Board (thankfully I had a back up of the Disucssion Board database and was able to minimise the damage quickly enough - although an...
0 1859
7/29/2002 8:09 PM
0 Replies and 2009 Views CLUAS Readers Poll 2001 - voting booths now open  2009  0 Started by  eoghan That time of year again. Get voting at: http://www.cluas.com/readerspoll2001.htm The winners will be announced at the CLUAS.com awards night in Whelan's, Dublin on Saturday, Dec 22nd 2001. Watch the CLUAS site for details of this event and info on when tickets for it are going on sale. Some of Ireland's top acts will be performing on the night and the Awards night will be a benefit gig in aid of Concern's Afghanistan's Relief Campaign. eoghan
0 2009
11/29/2001 8:34 AM
1 Replies and 2152 Views CLUAS Discussion Board is back. Baby.  2152  1 Started by  admin Yeah, after the hassle there was with the old version of the board I've gone and done what I've been meaning to do for ages - that is to upgrade the CLUAS Discussion board to something snazzy and jazzy and, er, better. So here it is, and guess what - it requires that awful thing they call 'Registration' before anyone can post a message. I'm looking forward to getting lambasted on high from a few out there on that decision, but in long run I'm sure it will make for a better more interesting disc...
1 2152
11/16/2001 5:49 AM
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