1 Replies and 2336 Views
CLUAS server back in action 2336 1
Started by admin
Apologies for those who tried to access the CLUAS website on Monday a.m. It was down. And the reason I have no idea. Apologies in any case, etc.
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2336 |
4/10/2006 2:05 PM |
42 Replies and 6563 Views
New Look for CLUAS 6563 42
Started by admin
I tonight am rolling out the first cut of a new look for the CLUAS home page. I am also changing the default font across the site to the font known as Georgia (chosen as (I find) it's easy to read, classy and works great - well it works great on the new redesigned NYT website which was unveiled this week). Check out the home page: www.cluas.com
I am keen to have your views on this work in progress. Comments / suggestiosn for the home page in particular are most welcome.
Is there a downsid...
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6563 |
4/6/2006 12:38 AM |
9 Replies and 2504 Views
Wanna help CLUAS? Dish out a few flyers 2504 9
Started by admin
Ever wondered how you could help CLUAS You could of course contribute a few articles but not everyone feels up to that. But here’s another idea: give out a few flyers about the site in your college or at a gig you go to. And to make it that bit easier I last night uploaded a PDF of a CLUAS flyer to the website for y'all to download, print off and then give out. It can be downloaded here:
http://www.cluas.com/flyer/flyer.pdf (PDF format, 100KB in size)
The PDF file is an A4 size page but ...
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2504 |
2/28/2006 10:00 AM |
0 Replies and 2099 Views
New CLUAS sub-forum: Music Recommendations 2099 0
Started by admin
I last night created a new CLUAS sub-forum called 'Music Recommendations'. This is motivated by the fact that over the years there have been a large number of music recommendations added to the board by members and I think they deserve their own sub-forum, especially now with the board getting busier, etc. Check it out here:
Any Music recommendations mistakenly posted to the Soap Box, for example, will now be moved by a Moderator to the...
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2099 |
1/10/2006 9:33 AM |
20 Replies and 5038 Views
Vote in the 2005 Readers' Poll 5038 20
Started by admin
Polling booths are now open for CLUAS.com's 2005 Readers' Poll. Get cracking here:
And feel free to add to this thread your reflections on who you will be voting for in the different categories, etc, etc...
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5038 |
11/15/2005 11:20 PM |
2 Replies and 2135 Views
New link & writer profile sections 2135 2
Started by admin
I today added two new sections to the site that have been way, way, WAY overdue:
-> Directory of links to other sites: http://www.cluas.com/links/
-> Profiles of various CLUAS writers: http://www.cluas.com/writer-profiles/
Credit goes to Dromed and Celine O'Malley who whipped together the basic info in these new sections. And also to Binokular and Klootfan who sorted out the HTML side of things for the links pages. These sections should have been live ages ago and the blame for the ...
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2135 |
10/30/2005 11:31 AM |
6 Replies and 2404 Views
New Moderator - Klootfan 2404 6
Started by admin
Klootfan has kindly agreed to join the Moderating team for the CLUAS boards. Klootfan is one of the longest standing members 'round these parts (he first joined the board in July 2002) and in that time his contributions here have been consistently engaging, balanced, informed and sometimes (just sometimes) entertaining. Regulars will certainly agree with such an assessment. Well, he'll no doubt continue in the same vein despite the, er, considerable overhead and responsibility that comes with be...
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2404 |
8/10/2005 11:31 AM |
0 Replies and 2014 Views
Change to website home page 2014 0
Started by admin
You may or may not have noticed, but the website's home page changed a bit tonight. I added a new section on it called 'Discussion Board Highlights' which (dynamically) lists the top 5 threads from the Soap Box (the top 5 are calculated in real time with a very, er, sophisticated formula that takes into account the no. and frequency of replies to a topic).
The goal of all this is to raise the visibility of the discussion board with visitors to the website who might not click (or even notice) ...
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2014 |
7/20/2005 11:53 PM |
0 Replies and 3975 Views
New sub-forum: Stuff for Sale / Stuff Wanted 3975 0
Started by eoghan
I've noticed in 'The Soap Box' and 'Musicians Wanted' part of this board that, every now and then, members have been posting items for sale or items they are looking for (concert tickets, musical instruments, etc.). I've no probs with that in principle, but I thought it would be worth setting up a new 5th 'subforum' called 'Stuff for Sale / Stuff Wanted'. And in order that it's populated a bit from the off I moved over a number of such postings from down through the years that I could find. I su...
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3975 |
7/20/2005 12:34 PM |
1 Replies and 2015 Views
Discussion Board is back, and the Ads are in town. 2015 1
Started by eoghan
Apologies to those of you who tried to access the Discussion board earlier today and failed. Yeah, the migration of the site last night to the new web server threw up a few problems for the board (to be expected) but all that is now sorted. As you’ll see the Google ads are also now live across the site. The relevancy of the ads for the discussion board is – alas - brutal. But I am in touch with Google Ads team to sort that out. It may take a bit of time however so in the meantime please put up w...
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2015 |
6/23/2005 2:34 PM |
5 Replies and 2116 Views
Important changes to CLUAS.com 2116 5
Started by eoghan
I have (for once!) been busy the last while in the CLUAS backroom and consequently there are some important changes that will be rolled out over the coming while that I want to bring to your attention. This is a long posting but hang in there until the end if you can…
I am in the process of migrating the entire CLUAS website to a new web server. This web server has more advanced technology then what we are currently using and it allows (in due course!) for many new things that will improve th...
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2116 |
6/22/2005 8:59 AM |
0 Replies and 2001 Views
CLUAS - tell a friend, etc. 2001 0
Started by admin
If I do say so, the members of this board have conjured up some excellent discussions here the last while. And I think we all know people who would appreciate these discussions but who - shlock und horror – just won’t ever hear of them (or even the CLUAS site) unless we get out there and tell them. So I propose a goody two-shoes deed for the day for all the regulars 'round these parts. Pick a favourite thread here of yours from the last few days and send the link to that thread on to someone in ...
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2001 |
2/24/2005 5:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1848 Views
Update email in your profile 1848 0
Started by admin
Everyone should make sure their email address in their profile is their current one, otherwise members won't be able to contact you via the 'email a member' function. Logged-on members can edit their email address by just clicking the 'Profile' link that they'll see above there in the top right hand corner...
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1848 |
2/17/2005 3:26 PM |
0 Replies and 1908 Views
New Tell a Friend functionality 1908 0
Started by eoghan
I tonight added a new 'Tell a Friend' page to CLUAS that allows you to send an automatic email to someone recommending they visit CLUAS. You can also add in a personal message on the email. Check it out on this page:
Alternatively click on the new 'Tell a friend' link you see at the top of the (non-disucssion board) web pages on the site.
Yes, it's a viral marketing, word of mouth gimmick. You didn't ask for it, so you got it.
Give it a spin.
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1908 |
2/4/2005 12:47 AM |
12 Replies and 2136 Views
New Discussion Board functionality: Active Users 2136 12
Started by eoghan
I today added some new functionality to the Discussion board - info on “active users”. On the discussion board home page it now gives info on not just how many guests are browsing the site but also how many of them are registered members, who they are (by their log-in name) and how many are “guest” vistors. I've also added a new link right there above in the top right hand corner ('Active Users'). When a signed-in member clicks on it they'll be brought to a new page that shows who is online on t...
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2136 |
11/26/2004 11:05 PM |
2 Replies and 2164 Views
The 2004 CLUAS Readers Poll 2164 2
Started by eoghan
The polling booths for the 2004 CLUAS Readers Poll are now open for business at:
Feel free to discuss here on this disucssion thread who you will (or will not) be voting for. The seven categories are:
-> Most Outstanding Performance in the studio
-> Most Outstanding DEBUT Performance in the studio
-> Most Outstanding Female Artist
-> Most Outstanding Male Artist
-> Most Outstanding Irish Band
-> Most Outstanding New ...
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2164 |
11/25/2004 7:26 AM |
0 Replies and 1957 Views
New email functionality on the Disucussion Board 1957 0
Started by eoghan
I today activated some new email functionality on the CLUAS Discussion Board. It works in a number of ways, both at the time a new user registers for the discussion board, and, also for those who are already registered on the discussion board. Further details below:
What’s new now when a user registers for the discussion board
All new users on the board will now be automatically sent an email from CLUAS when they register for the discussion board. In this email there is a unique link that t...
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1957 |
11/16/2004 4:38 PM |
1 Replies and 1932 Views
Upgrade to discussion board... 1932 1
Started by eoghan
The board will be down for some of this morning as I am about to upgrade the ASP scripts that run the board. Hopefully it'll be back up runiing quickly but then again if I screw something up....
In any case don't expect any radical changes after the upgrade. The changes are more behind the scenes and are security focused.
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1932 |
11/2/2004 9:24 AM |
18 Replies and 2197 Views
New look for CLUAS - initial reactions. Purleese 2197 18
Started by admin
I tonight knocked together a new look for CLUAS. I have done one page so far to demonstrate the ideas that have been knocking around in my head and I want to get some feedback on this early 'draft' look. The page I've put together is a new look home page for the site, but the thinking is that the concept will percolate to (all) other pages on the site in due course.
Check out the first cut of this new look on this page:
http://www.cluas.com/default2.htm (and yes there are some dead links o...
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2197 |
10/5/2004 11:19 PM |
1 Replies and 1884 Views
The Discussion Board Hall of Fame 1884 1
Started by eoghan
As regulars 'round these parts know well, there have been a fair few decent rants and raves on this board over the years. And many that we have forgotten about, even if they are buried somewhere deep in the discussion board's database. Anyway I put together (cue a trumpet off on them there hills) a 'Hall of Fame' for the Discussion Board, with links to some of the better discussions down the years. Check it out now. It's not quite finished (for example for each posting listed I want to indicate ...
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1884 |
7/27/2004 12:57 AM |