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5 Replies and 3242 Views Sunset Rubdown-Shut Up I'm Dreaming  3242  5 Started by  easyvision I dunno if anyone here is too familiar with them but I recommend you guys check them out. Its one of spencer krug's (of wolf parade) side projects...
5 3242
by  stephenJump to last post
11/14/2006 3:48 PM
6 Replies and 2401 Views The Gorgeous Colours  2401  6 Started by  Wolparade Hi everybody, I am not the only one promoting that band and i am very delighted. They are just GREAT, the singer specially, a mix of Neil Hannon and Jim Morrison.. I am gonna catch them in Tower Records this saturday 4th of November for their single launch. Expect bubbles and balloons cause these lads are big kids! Check www.thegorgeouscolours.com By the way, bravo Cluas, lovely section about French cultural events i love it!
6 2401
11/1/2006 1:43 PM
3 Replies and 2498 Views Johann Johannsson  2498  3 Started by  Una I'm on an Icelandic ambient buzz these days. new album 'IBM 1404' is beautiful.
3 2498
10/16/2006 3:27 PM
2 Replies and 2214 Views Suits You Sir....  2214  2 Started by  Unkle Monkey The National - Alligator (cant stress how great this album is!) Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams TV On The Radio - Desperate Youth & Blood Thirsty Babes (New Album not as good!) Danielson - Ships (arcade fire tribute band) Shearwater - Palo SAnto The Organ - Grab That Gun Stars - Set Yourself On Fire Elefant - Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid
2 2214
10/5/2006 10:38 PM
1 Replies and 2041 Views Johann Johannsson - IBM 1401  2041  1 Started by  Unkle Monkey Lovely record.... for all sigur ros fans out there.
1 2041
10/5/2006 10:25 PM
0 Replies and 2604 Views Murder By Death  2604  0 Started by  Gar The band's name might elicit comparisions with a death metal or emo band, but this Indiana indie rock act are more along the lines of Spoon or The Black Heart Procession. Currently touring across the U.S. on the back of new album 'In Bocca al Lupo'. Check them out.......especially the track entitled 'Brother' www.myspace.com/murderbydeath www.murderbydeath.com
0 2604
9/30/2006 12:08 PM
1 Replies and 2209 Views The Early Years  2209  1 Started by  Una just got their self-titled debut, brilliant. www.theearlyyears.org.uk/ http://www.myspace.com/thesoundoftheearlyyears
1 2209
9/27/2006 2:26 PM
1 Replies and 3610 Views Vyvienne Long  3610  1 Started by  Gar Bit of an obvious recommendation, but she never seems to get the attention that she deserves. For those of you unaware of who she is - Vyvienne is the cellist in Damien Rice's backing band. She has also worked with various other artists and appeared on RTE's Other Voices programme. Her new EP 'Birdtalk' is out now, and it is superb. www.vyviennelong.com
1 3610
9/22/2006 1:46 PM
2 Replies and 2060 Views Devotchka  2060  2 Started by  Gar Anybody who has seen 'Little Miss Sunshine' should be aware of this band as they have four tracks on it's soundtrack. They are an excellent band anyway and recently released a new EP. www.myspace.com/devotchkamusic www.devotchka.net
2 2060
9/21/2006 5:44 PM
2 Replies and 1832 Views Howling Bells  1832  2 Started by  Una oh, how I love them www.howlingbells.com www.myspace.com/howlingbells.com
2 1832
9/20/2006 10:19 AM
1 Replies and 2136 Views au revoir simone  2136  1 Started by  Ciarán Ryan three girls with three keyboards, drum machines, tasty vocals = sweet pop. www.myspace.com/aurevoirsimone
1 2136
9/13/2006 4:25 PM
13 Replies and 2188 Views The Hidden Cameras - Awoo  2188  13 Started by  Una just got this album, it's lovely. Plenty of REM / Paul Simon references.
13 2188
9/9/2006 3:07 PM
2 Replies and 2380 Views Zip Up Your Mickey  2380  2 Started by  Una hee hee http://www.myspace.com/twink666
2 2380
9/8/2006 5:00 PM
21 Replies and 4457 Views The Frames - 'The Cost'  4457  21 Started by  Una bloody great record. It's recorded as live and just feels lovely. IMO their best one to date.
21 4457
9/6/2006 12:22 PM
0 Replies and 1940 Views Mescalito  1940  0 Started by  j.Evans just so yall know I am very good friends with this band but I am not bias.They're a great band but have fallen on hard times since their bassist left at the worst possible time and their management failed.All this just as their debut album was born!so check them out and let us know what you think.www.myspace.com/mescalitoband
0 1940
8/31/2006 11:59 AM
0 Replies and 2203 Views Schwervon!  2203  0 Started by  dera I've been listening to these people quite a lot recently. The exclamation mark is part of their name and not me being enthusiastic. This is me being enthusiastic now -> They're pretty ace, I think. They exist in the netherworld between twee, garage, grunge and New York cool, and are from, er, New York. They sing perfect, messy pop songs and make you think that all bands should sound like them. You can watch two of their videos on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=FdLRzhR6t48 ...
0 2203
8/29/2006 5:06 PM
3 Replies and 1936 Views Blood On The Wall  1936  3 Started by  Una just got their album 'Awesomer' If you like The Pixies or scuzzy stoner rock, you'll dig this. http://www.myspace.com/bloodonthewall
3 1936
8/29/2006 4:16 PM
3 Replies and 3555 Views Girl Talk  3555  3 Started by  ctrlaltdelete aka Greg Gillis. check out the new Night Ripper mix. Mashuptastic.
3 3555
8/12/2006 4:42 AM
1 Replies and 1970 Views Union of Knives  1970  1 Started by  Una just got the album - Violence & Birdsong, really interesting stuff. Anyone into Radiohead's electronic stuff should dig it.
1 1970
8/8/2006 5:21 PM
0 Replies and 1739 Views Sally Shapiro  1739  0 Started by  Binokular If you're the kind of person who can't sit through the Eurovision without having some kind of violent reaction, then this probably isn't for you. On the other hand if Italdisco is your thing,'I'll be by your side' is a modern classic: http://www.johanagebjorn.info/sally.html
0 1739
8/4/2006 10:49 PM
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