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0 Replies and 2037 Views The Lonely H  2037  0 Started by  UnaRocks pretty cool band, if a bit Kings Of Leon rip-offish http://unarocks.blogspot.com/2007/07/lonely-h.html
0 2037
7/31/2007 8:07 AM
0 Replies and 2766 Views The Pale The Contents Of A Shipwreck Reviews  2766  0 Started by  dogwithnotail The Contents Of A Shipwreck (1969 Records) Totally Dublin July 2007 The prodigal sons return.Way back in the early 1990's The Pale was the band of the moment, when the carbon footprint of the London A&R departments rose dramatically over Dublin and deservedly so.Killer tunes like I Am The Butterfly and Dogs With No Tails were pop nuggets and the 4 piece duly landed a deal with A&M, had hits in Ireland, France and Turkey with the above, and a hit album Here's One We Made Earlier. ...
0 2766
7/25/2007 6:03 AM
0 Replies and 2310 Views Iron and wine in TBMC  2310  0 Started by  Jairzinho Iron and wine playing TBMC on 27 Oct. Tickets already on sale.
0 2310
7/10/2007 10:28 AM
3 Replies and 2930 Views Rifle Fire Rifle  2930  3 Started by  Trix Has anyone heard anything about this band
3 2930
by  UnicronJump to last post
7/3/2007 6:35 AM
1 Replies and 4435 Views The Ting Tings  4435  1 Started by  UnaRocks http://www.myspace.com/thetingtings
1 4435
by  crucifixioJump to last post
6/28/2007 5:39 AM
1 Replies and 3045 Views Submit your Hidden Gems  3045  1 Started by  UnaRocks Thought it would be a good thread to start - just to highlight some great records that people may have missed. I shall kick things off: The Organ Grab That Gun Too Pure records 2006 One of my absolute favourite records of the past few years (and maybe ever) is 'Grab That Gun' by The Organ. Released in 2004, it more or less passed me by until last year (it was released worldwide in Feb 2006) when I picked it out of a mountain of CDs at home and started listening to it a...
1 3045
by  crucifixioJump to last post
6/28/2007 5:36 AM
3 Replies and 2695 Views Handsome Furs, 5th October, Whelans  2695  3 Started by  Unicron Nice one, been enjoying this album a lot.
3 2695
by  crucifixioJump to last post
6/26/2007 6:01 AM
2 Replies and 2941 Views The Reigning Sound  2941  2 Started by  Peejay Any thoughts on this Memphis band I don't think they tour Europe very much, except maybe support slots, so I guess they slip under the radar a bit. I have two of their recent albums (of the past five years anyway), Time Bomb Highschool and Too Much Guitar and I think they're both excellent. If you like your rock & roll noisy and fast then Too Much Guitar is an absolute gem that harks back to Nuggets type garage rock. Time Bomb Highschool is a little more on the power-pop side and shows frontman...
2 2941
by  PeejayJump to last post
6/21/2007 6:04 AM
0 Replies and 2363 Views The Loungs  2363  0 Started by  brendo amazin new band from merseyside. debut album released on a small enough label but the best ive bought so far this year.. bit of sfa, the coral, the beta band. wacky pop music. stream of the whole album on their website: www.theloungs.co.uk
0 2363
6/20/2007 1:36 PM
5 Replies and 3467 Views The Crimea - Free Album  3467  5 Started by  Crockett Belfast boy Davey Mcmanus' band, The Crimea, have just released their second album 'Secrets of the Witching Hour' as a FREE DOWNLOAD. The whole album is completely free, and available at http://www.thecrimea.net I think it's great! Colin Murray played a track on Radio 1 last night (their his favourite band apparently) A free album!!
5 3467
by  rockchickletJump to last post
6/18/2007 10:15 AM
0 Replies and 4353 Views Super Extra Bonus Party  4353  0 Started by  UnaRocks http://www.superextrabonusparty.com Songs Everything Flows Favourite Things
0 4353
6/15/2007 9:55 AM
8 Replies and 2809 Views Crystal Castles  2809  8 Started by  UnaRocks http://www.myspace.com/crystalcastles
8 2809
by  mixtapepublicityJump to last post
6/15/2007 4:38 AM
0 Replies and 2351 Views Liquid Liquid  2351  0 Started by  muzak Anyone familiar with these guys 1980s New York 'No Wave' band who's song 'Cavern' formed the basis of 'White Lines' by Grandmaster Flash - Sly and Robbie replayed the bass and drums bit from Cavern. I finally got hold of a 12' of this after seeing it on some late night arts show and its weird to listen to - very spectral, minimalist funk with shouting. I'm sure you must be able to get it on some kind of CD compilation.
0 2351
6/13/2007 1:44 PM
20 Replies and 8103 Views Superjimenez 'Faye'  8103  20 Started by  Dolly
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Okay, I'm a big fan of these guys and I came across this. I think it's brill... Superjimenez' latest marketing ploy for their next single 'Faye' www.myspace.com/superjimenezfaye
20 8103
by  muzakJump to last post
6/13/2007 1:37 PM
17 Replies and 6659 Views Fight Like Apes  6659  17 Started by  UnaRocks awesome. Probably one of the best bands in Ireland at the moment. Go see them live now. http://www.myspace.com/fightlikeapesmusic
17 6659
by  UnaRocksJump to last post
6/11/2007 6:19 AM
0 Replies and 2250 Views Mumblin Deaf Ro  2250  0 Started by  mp3hugger On the same label as Michael Knight and about to release new album 'The Herring & The Brine'. Top quality lo-fi acoustic folk with a good head on its shoulders. http://www.myspace.com/mumblindeafro
0 2250
6/9/2007 12:35 PM
7 Replies and 4952 Views THE COLD WAR KIDS - ROBBERS AND COWARDS  4952  7 Started by  Unkle Monkey grabbing america by the balls 4* reviews all over the place was out monday i think so get down to your local ripoff merchant and get a copy... ...and una remember this band now!!
7 4952
by  The_Pen15Jump to last post
6/9/2007 10:26 AM
6 Replies and 2749 Views Japanese Indie/Rock/.......  2749  6 Started by  PeterQuaife Hey folks Can anyone give me a shortcut to good japanese indie rock, etc etc.... Someone recommended Mono (think it was una), and they are top. Any insight would be appreciated cheers PQ
6 2749
by  muzakJump to last post
6/8/2007 2:39 AM
2 Replies and 2963 Views Inertia 66: Irish Beatles/Beach Boys & Kinks.  2963  2 Started by  Furio www.myspace.com/inertia66 An undiscovered national treasure! An Irish Beatles, Beach Boys, Kinks and Oasis and that’s Inertia 66. The '66' in the band name signifies the year 1966. Paying homage to some of the great music created that year, which has inspired this group. Edging closer to the legendary producer Phil Spectors’ formula for success and to what he referred to as “Little symphonies for the kids”. Inertia 66 (one of Irelands up...
2 2963
by  muzakJump to last post
6/8/2007 2:36 AM
0 Replies and 2421 Views Fantastic Pop:Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies  2421  0 Started by  The_Pen15 Hi, I came across these guys through another forum. They are really good, check out their album demos stevegoldbergmusic.com
0 2421
4/12/2007 8:53 AM
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