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3 Replies and 2573 Views 2 EP tickets for sale  2573  3 Started by  Goat Boy 2 EP weekend camping tickets for sale. Face value, €455 for both (price we paid incl the extra rip-off charges etc..). Come and get 'em...!
3 2573
by  ishrinkJump to last post
7/20/2007 4:27 AM
0 Replies and 2040 Views Marshall Stack For sale!  2040  0 Started by  Made Of Stone Marshall G1000R head and second hand cab goin for €400. Great Sound! Send e-mail to wallofsound2024yahoo.co.uk if interested!
0 2040
7/20/2007 2:23 AM
2 Replies and 2608 Views The National Ticket Swap  2608  2 Started by  ab83 Hi everyone, I know the gig isnt until November but...I have 1 upstairs seating ticket for The National Olympia in November that i would like to swap for a standing ticket, if you would like to swap please email me, Thanks, Adam
2 2608
by  purple ronnieJump to last post
7/14/2007 3:43 PM
0 Replies and 1965 Views Oxegen Ticket swap  1965  0 Started by  Mr Wilson I have two tickets to Saturday and would love to swap one of the Saturday tickets for a Sunday one. I will be up at Oxegen extremely early in the morning if anyone would like to please swap. My number is 087 7838411 Cheers!
0 1965
7/6/2007 1:55 AM
0 Replies and 1681 Views Oxegen Ticket Swap  1681  0 Started by  enda Hey, I've got a 2-day Oxegen ticket without camping, turns out i can't go down on Saturday now so i'd like to swap for a Sunday only ticket cash if anyones interested in going for the 2 days. I don't want to sell the ticket. Cheers.
0 1681
7/1/2007 2:06 PM
0 Replies and 1805 Views The Dixie Chicks-free sneak preview of 'Shut up and sing' SAT 30th June  1805  0 Started by  maryc Saturday 30th June - I have two (FREE) tickets to the sneak preview of the excellent documentary that is'Shut up and sing' at the IFI, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 at 12 midday on Saturday 30th June. Unfortunately I cant make it. If anyone wants these tickets can you please email me ASAP!!!! First come first served. The Dixie Chicks (Natalie, Emily and Martie) were the top recording artists in America. They sang the US national anthem at the 2003 Super Bowl. Just two months lat...
0 1805
6/29/2007 2:36 AM
0 Replies and 1797 Views REM gigs - ticket swap  1797  0 Started by  Cacamilis Would anyone like to swap 2 REM tickets for Thursday &91last night and therefore fab &93 for the more sedate and less fab Wednesday night
0 1797
6/25/2007 3:40 AM
0 Replies and 2210 Views Streisand. Oh Yes.  2210  0 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf My mother (I swear) has one spare 550 quid Streisand ticket. If anyone knows any mentalists willing to spend that much or slightly less on it, you'd be doing my ma a big favour. Lets say 450 Euro and up.... Any takers for Mecha-Streisand Primo seats too. 3rd row, dead centre. Perfect sniper distance.
0 2210
6/12/2007 6:22 AM
0 Replies and 2072 Views Arctic Monkeys Saturday Night Ticket For Sale  2072  0 Started by  da reilly Hello, I've got one Arctic Monkeys ticket for sale for the sold out Saturday night gig at Malahide Castle on the 16th June. Just looking for face value of €52 for it. If anyone is interested pm me. Thanks.
0 2072
6/12/2007 3:30 AM
0 Replies and 1949 Views For Sale: Ticket for The Who/29th June/€50  1949  0 Started by  Dromed 1 ticket for The Who in Marlay Park on Fri 29th June with support from Biffy Clyro. Bought for €69.50 will sell for €50. Email dromed1cluas.com
0 1949
6/12/2007 2:41 AM
0 Replies and 2025 Views arctic monkeys tickets- sunday  2025  0 Started by  meaghan can't go so 2 tix to malahide castle gig are up for grabs at face value
0 2025
6/9/2007 8:04 AM
0 Replies and 2366 Views Oxegen/Electric Picnic Tickets  2366  0 Started by  elmo95 If anyone has suddenly found out that they cannot go or if they have to feed their giraffes on those dates could anyone please get back to this thread I don't particularly fancy going to Oxegen (at all) but on my own is a fate worse than death with all those teenagers. Muchos gracias. PS - willing to take day tickets as well!
0 2366
6/2/2007 4:30 AM
0 Replies and 2237 Views General Music pRP7 Stage Piano For Sale  2237  0 Started by  Transparencies GM Digital Stage Piano for sale. Practically new. Never gigged. Comes with pedal and manual. Selling with soft case gig bag and stand. €900 ono
0 2237
5/21/2007 9:53 AM
2 Replies and 2877 Views Police Tickets Cost Price  2877  2 Started by  pol* 2 Police tickets cost price.Drop me a mail if your interested. boypolarandthewhitehotroomgmail.com
2 2877
by  pol*Jump to last post
5/16/2007 12:54 PM
1 Replies and 2742 Views Im giving away a ticket free for simple kid May 23rd  2742  1 Started by  Garret Mark greaney aint playing support like The Village advertised (actually still are). Anyway, I already bought a ticket and I'm not an SK fan, so I'm gonna give the ticket to anyone who wants it. Someone might as well use it like.
1 2742
by  aidanJump to last post
5/16/2007 12:32 PM
0 Replies and 1885 Views Microphone for sale  1885  0 Started by  shaneon I am a journalist and bought a microphone which is totally unsuitable for the purpose for which I bought it. The SONY ECM MS957 is a very good studio mic, but totally useless as a reporters mic. Some twit said it was what I needed. Trusting what he said, I took it out of the packaging, left it with the retailer to be binned, and took it with me as I left to go to a press conference. A few days later I was out door recording, and realised the mistake I had made. I bought it for €300,...
0 1885
5/15/2007 1:18 PM
2 Replies and 4810 Views Premier Gen X Drum kit for sale Hardcases  4810  2 Started by  tamlamotown Premier Series - Gen-X, Handmade High end Premier kit for sale... http://www.premier-percussion.com/catalogue.aspid=183&subsection=colours Blue Shimmer Wrap (retro) 4 Piece, without hardware. 20' Kick drum, 14' Deep Snare, 12' Rack Tom, 16' Floor Tom. Kit (with hardware) is 2800 brand new Purchased second hand in 2005 for 1400 euros as is (without hardware). Will sell for 700 Euros, also thrown in 4 HARDCASE hardcases, worth 400 euros. Not eager to lose the kit,...
2 4810
by  jornderksJump to last post
5/10/2007 10:39 AM
0 Replies and 2234 Views For Sale: Joanne Newson ticket  2234  0 Started by  mickeyjoe84 Hi Anyone interested in a ticket for saturday night, I have 1 for sale. its for the stalls and i think its for the second row from the front. If interested please contact me at gallaghermeistergmail.com Thanks
0 2234
4/10/2007 3:31 AM
0 Replies and 2052 Views Wanted: Tickets for R.E.M. any night  2052  0 Started by  diego_maradona Can't believe I missed out. So if anyone has one or two available please respond to this.
0 2052
4/3/2007 10:55 AM
0 Replies and 3047 Views Wanted: Tickets for Wilco in London  3047  0 Started by  vandala Snowball's chance in hell, I guess, but if anyone has tickets to the gig in London in May that they are willing to part with for a reasonable price, you would have my undying gratitude.
0 3047
3/18/2007 1:27 PM
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