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3 Replies and 2325 Views New Whipping Boy Website  2325  3 Started by  Earthhorse For those of you who remember how brilliant Whipping Boy were or those interested in finding out, you can now read more about them at www.valentine69.com. There are lyrics, tabs, photos, interviews and more. Check it out, if only to never live in doubt.
3 2325
4/20/2002 3:43 PM
1 Replies and 2207 Views New Walls Website  2207  1 Started by  DB Check out the new Walls website at www.thewalls.ie - it'll put the unofficial websites out of business!!! http://www.geocities.com/stunningwalls
1 2207
1/14/2002 8:20 PM
1 Replies and 2092 Views our website is up  2092  1 Started by  mick the website is up at last so if you're interested its: http://www.polarofficial.com we're also playing in eamonn dorans next wednesday the 5th of december mick... http://www.polarofficial.com
1 2092
11/28/2001 1:31 AM
0 Replies and 2215 Views my attempt at a website  2215  0 Started by  mick http://www.geocities.com/mickpolar its my first attemt so no taking the piss! hopefully it'll get better soon mick... http://www.polarofficial.com
0 2215
11/17/2001 4:28 PM
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