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0 Replies and 1380 Views 79Cortinaz music  1380  0 Started by  maccor Some recent 2FM sessions available to download from http:/www.79cortinaz.com/downloads.html - though we'll have to take them down in the next week or so. The double A side single is also available to downlaod for free frm the same place
0 1380
12/2/2004 4:19 PM
2 Replies and 1792 Views Your own microsite  1792  2 Started by  cpu http://artists.cpu.ie/ For those of you who haven't checked it out yet CPU Records has a new artist section where you can upload your own microsite with, biog, news, pics and music. These will be linked with our new shop section in the new year where you will be able to sell your MP3 downloads, CD's, merchandise etc. With over 450,000 hits last month alone you know it makes sense to sign up and help give your band more exposure. The site now also has a seven day play chart for all your str...
2 1792
12/2/2004 2:17 PM
20 Replies and 2663 Views Polar release 'Bite Your Nails'  2663  20 Started by  mick Our new single 'Bite Your Nails' will be available in all good record stores as of friday the 7th of january. www.polarofficial.com
20 2663
12/1/2004 1:31 PM
2 Replies and 1529 Views Free MP3 single at www.66earehome.com  1529  2 Started by  nonemoreblack Like it says our radio release single '66e are home' is available to download for free from our site, along with two other tracks that you may or may not have heard before. Hope you enjoy them. 66e play TBMC Dec 12th with Dry County and some other great bands.
2 1529
12/1/2004 12:43 AM
0 Replies and 1517 Views download free music  1517  0 Started by  mockingbird hi all you can now download free music from www.subscenemusic.com thanks
0 1517
11/29/2004 5:40 PM
0 Replies and 1607 Views Bailer MP3  1607  0 Started by  cat Hiya, You can listen to the title track to Bailer's debut EP 'In the City' on http://www.bailermusic.com/music.html Take care,
0 1607
11/27/2004 1:40 PM
2 Replies and 1808 Views New Ego EP  1808  2 Started by  egorock Hey guys check this out and feel free to leave any opinions. http://egorock.com/music/ego_theres_no_eight_in_time.mp3
2 1808
11/22/2004 7:22 PM
0 Replies and 1502 Views New CD by James Connolly  1502  0 Started by  sheamrock Hello There all my Irish compadres and Happy Christmas, check out my music here -- www.soundclick.com/jamesconnolly www.cdbaby.com/jamesconnolly
0 1502
11/18/2004 12:19 PM
3 Replies and 1502 Views sunscarred mp3's  1502  3 Started by  lucy http://www.sunscarred.com/mp3.htm hey folks - i'd appreciate any feedback you have on these. mail myself or leave a message for the lads. thanks a mill.
3 1502
11/18/2004 10:50 AM
0 Replies and 1265 Views Latest news  1265  0 Started by  thekbband Check up on the latest news at www.thekbband.com Latest : radio interview on Anna Livia (103.2FM) 'Irelands best kept secret' The Soup Music Show
0 1265
11/10/2004 12:05 PM
0 Replies and 1482 Views A DROP IN THE WILD OCEAN  1482  0 Started by  joe90 Typical... I got JOHN HUGHES' fantastic album 'WILD OCEAN', (he's the guy who manages The Corrs), but didn't realise if I bought it from HMV, I could enter the competition for a free weekend in Dublin I was about to download my free drinks voucher from the site and go and drown my sorrows, when I suddenly realised that it will make the perfect Xmas present for a lot of my friends, and double my chances of winning If you haven't heard his stuff (or fancy a free drink ), you can listen ...
0 1482
11/8/2004 1:40 PM
0 Replies and 1553 Views Help out a Canadian  1553  0 Started by  dmbphan041 hey all, as I'm from Canada i don't get much Irish music up here. I have a few Damien Rice shows and a lot of stuff from The Frames. But, I'm looking to expand my collection. Some bands stuff im looking for include: The Frames- Burn The Maps Declan O Rourke Bellx1 Damien Dempsey Brendan O Shea Paddy Casey Mundy David Kitt Niall Connolly Erin Mckeown Pete Courtney Mark Geary The Mary Janes Supergrass Idlewild Eillison9 Gemma Hayes Ash Nina Hynes if anyone has ANYTHING by A...
0 1553
11/5/2004 7:22 PM
1 Replies and 1590 Views Crumb Website  1590  1 Started by  crumb We have launched our temporary website at http://www.crumbmusic.com.There are two songs which you are welcome to download. We are looking for gigs so if you like the songs and think it may suit what you are doing feel free to contact us. Thanks for your time Derrick
1 1590
11/5/2004 11:11 AM
0 Replies and 1583 Views Groom album, Stitch, out on Fairview House Records  1583  0 Started by  snakybus Here's the blurb - check out the Groom web site for mp3s. Dublin scrufftronic band Groom have released their CDR-only album, Stitch, on Fairview House Records. Well, when we say CDR only, we mean CDR and mp3. You can download the album for free and for a limited time only at http//www.gettaroom.com, on the Sounds page. Groom is a three piece, featuring Michael Stevens on guitar and banjo, who formed the band out of the semi-warm ashes of Settler, and Wil McDermott, also a Settler member, w...
0 1583
11/4/2004 4:29 PM
0 Replies and 1688 Views New MP3s  1688  0 Started by  morello http://www.morellorocks.com/mp3A.html Cheers, Alex
0 1688
10/27/2004 1:09 PM
0 Replies and 1504 Views K16 Recording  1504  0 Started by  Sean Hey all, I have just set up a Portable Digital Recording Studio for Singer-Songwriters or Bands looking to get songs or ideas for songs down on cd before heading to bigger, more equipped and usually more expensive studio. Typically, the studio has beent set up for Singer-Songwriters but can be also used by bands who are looking to record without breaking the bank. The idea is for the studio to come to you.. (your home, rehearsal space, etc) We can work around whatever suits you (live re...
0 1504
10/26/2004 5:05 PM
0 Replies and 1672 Views The Hollows NEW Ep!!!  1672  0 Started by  chutneyfarmer Heya folks just a quick message to let ya know that The Hollows have released their new ep 'We Could Sleep This Season Through' It's released on Slow Loris Records on 3' CDR and comes packaged in a hand-made mini-comic. The band have been compared to the likes of Grandaddy, Sparklehorse and Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. It's on sale now from the lovely folks in Road Records for 5euro. For more info see www.slowloris.org Thanks
0 1672
10/19/2004 2:20 PM
1 Replies and 1425 Views Lucera-Tower Records-Thurs 17th Feb 6pm  1425  1 Started by  Lucera Our first CD is for sale in Tower Records from the 17th Feb. Price will be 10 Euro. We are playing a 30 minute set at 6pm on Thurs 17th Feb in Tower Records to celebrate this minor thing to most, major thing to us. (A SUBLIMNIAL MESSAGE:dont forget also the Hub on Sat 19th FEB. HMMM!) So if you want to have a listen without having to take a chance on a gig or splash out a tenner on a CD, then call in and take a chance that you'll hate the music without having to buy a CD and without the ...
1 1425
10/14/2004 12:47 PM
0 Replies and 1625 Views MP3 for ye...  1625  0 Started by  Diver Just a plug for Dominic Mulvany's album, DIVING FOR PEARLS. You can listen to a track from it by clicking http://www.dominicmulvany.com/angelstar.mp3 or by visiting http://www.dominicmulvany.com The album is independently released and available from various music stores in Ireland (distribution is by Record Services). You can also get it from Dominic's site. Ta very much!
0 1625
10/12/2004 4:51 PM
5 Replies and 1758 Views band website  1758  5 Started by  bear this has been prompted by the DISCUSSION(yes 'discussion', eoghan) about band websites and how most of them are apparently no good. we are making one at the moment, so... please have a look at this www.strangleberries.tk and give us your thoughts. all feedback, positive and negative much appreciated. cheers.
5 1758
10/11/2004 10:44 AM
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