0 Replies and 1361 Views
Amazing new website 1361 0
Started by destruction queen
Hi there people,
cluas visitors and lovers of good music, please visit THE DRAFTS new website thedraftmusic.com and please give us your feedback.
There are two songs available for downloads and a message board for your comments. Any one who is interested in new good rock music is welcome to review the songs and we will try to have them posted on various music sites including our own. So budding writers and rock critics log on now. We are asking you the public because we want honest feedback...
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1361 |
4/18/2005 11:13 AM |
0 Replies and 1493 Views
evenings & weekends debut album - crumb 1493 0
Started by crumb
crumb officially release their debut album 'evenings & weekends' on Wednesday the 20th April in The Hub. Admission is ten euros and includes a copy of the album. There is also an instore in Tower Records on Thursday the 21st April at 6.00pm
There are two MP3's from the album availble from http;/www.crumbmusic.com
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1493 |
4/17/2005 9:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1224 Views
Man Half Gander (Electro Mix) 1224 0
Started by maccor
A departure from what some may expect from 79Cortinaz, Half Man Half Gander (Electro Mix) ( http://artists.cpu.ie/play.phpband_id=89&song_id=734&mode=song_hifi ) is online if you wanna check it out ...
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1224 |
4/16/2005 5:47 PM |
0 Replies and 1608 Views
The Walls new single is out now. It?s a radio and 1608 0
Started by space cheeks
About time too!!
Check out www.thewalls.ie for the single i think its well cool!
Passing Through - The Walls new single is out now. Its a radio and internet- only release, so you won't find it in the shops, just here at thewalls.ie. The song is a three minute slice of melodic, guitar-driven energy, taken from the band's long awaited second album, 'New Dawn Breaking', which will be released on May 27th (in all good stores nationwide).
Apart from a few trips around Europe, the band sp...
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1608 |
4/15/2005 9:53 AM |
0 Replies and 1505 Views
new website launched 1505 0
Started by miju
Jaded Sun have relaunched their website to conincide with the announcement of their new management agreement with siAn management & promotions.
The website which has been given a completely new look and forum also has had a new section added to the downloads section where you can view the bands videos.
The band are shortly due to begin recording their follow up to their successfull critically acclaimed debut RAW EP which picked up airplay on radio stations as well as garnering the interest...
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1505 |
4/14/2005 8:55 AM |
0 Replies and 1369 Views
the DRAFT are back 1369 0
Started by destruction queen
hey there loved ones,
The draft are rocking peoples worlds and lives in an uncontrolably unstopabley amazing way. They have recorded a new ep and intend to launch it from the Hub in Temple bar on Thursday the 21st of April. Come along if you enjoy good music,
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1369 |
4/12/2005 10:54 AM |
0 Replies and 1347 Views
The chakras EP Launch @ Crawdaddy 15/4/05 1347 0
Started by choice
Dublin outfit The Chakras release 'Manipura' on Friday 15 April.
The 5-track EP, available in Tower Records, was produced by Leo Pearson (Elvis Costello,U2).
The band will play CRAWDADDY (Harcourt st.) this Friday evening.
There will also be 2 short animation features by David Firth and Scott Altman will be shown on the night.
Support from Andalusia..........
Doors open at 8pm
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1347 |
4/11/2005 5:27 PM |
1 Replies and 1402 Views
Faction Records Launch with Irish Compilation and 1402 1
Started by Lupus
Faction Records will Launch with a compilation album this June. The bands on the album will include The Republic Of Loose, The Marshal Stars, The Angels of Mons, Director, Red Organ Serpent Sound, Mainline,The Immediate and more to be confirmed within the next week.
There will be four Thursday night Dublin Gigs in The Voodoo Lounge in June with four bands from the Album per night and guest DJ's spinning alt / indie tunes each night.
Admission for the gigs will be €5 to cover costs and the fi...
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1402 |
4/6/2005 3:18 PM |
0 Replies and 1275 Views
exhibit 51.. take zero release 1275 0
Started by nessy05
Music Matters International
is proud to announce the release of
the debut album from
exhibit 51
To celebrate this, exhibit 51 are hosting an album launch night in
The Sugar Club, Leeson Street, Dublin, on Thursday 7th April, (Doors 8pm) Adm is €12 and support comes from Draft.
This is to be followed by a live in-store show in Tower Records, Wicklow Street, Dublin,
at 3pm on Saturday 9th of April.
Details of further gig listings are available on www.exhibit51....
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1275 |
4/6/2005 3:00 PM |
1 Replies and 1474 Views
New Substance Track Website 1474 1
Started by TSS
Dublin City's Substance have just released their brand new track, entitled Scars From The Stars, exclusively to irish online Music community www.CPU.IE.
This new track marks a slight change in direction from the band, who have recently become a six piece with the addition of new vocalist Marina Cullen.
To celebrate the release of 'Scars' the band have re-launched their Official Website. For more information on the band you can now visit www.SubstanceHq.com
To listen to the new Track click h...
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1474 |
4/5/2005 12:28 PM |
0 Replies and 1443 Views
New Dahlia Track - Crescendo 1443 0
Started by Niall - Dahlia
This is Dahlia's first track written with our new singer, which we recorded ourselves in Loop Rehearsal Studios.
Our influences include Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Placebo. If you could take some time to have a listen and tell us what you think it'd be really appreciated.
If you'd like to catch us live we'll be playing the Layne Staley Tribute Gig in Eamonn Doran's, April 20th. Our website is www.dahlia.ie
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1443 |
4/3/2005 12:43 AM |
0 Replies and 1198 Views
JJ72 1198 0
Started by Una
new song, 'Heat'
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1198 |
4/2/2005 12:26 PM |
0 Replies and 1356 Views
the boy you hit is dead EP 1356 0
Started by daniel
Galway based band THE BOY YOU HIT IS DEAD have just released their debut recording. The 6 track EP was recorded over 3 days in Galway and clocks in at just over 24 minutes. It is an independent and self financed effort.
It is available from us directly for only 5 euro. Contact us at theboyyouhitisdeadyahoo.co.uk
Daniel 00353(0)863431147
Also from:
Zhivago Records, Galway.
Sentinel Records, Dublin.
Soundcellar, Dublin.
Distro’s and people up for...
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1356 |
4/1/2005 7:20 PM |
0 Replies and 1476 Views
Dublin Creative Pool 1476 0
Started by Obidal
My name is Jon Swingler and I work for a company that specialises in sourcing creative people to take part in Market Research projects across the UK and Europe.
We are currently building a pool of people in Dublin for use on projects over there, and we were wondering whether you possibly knew of anyone living in that city or surrounding area that you think might like to start getting involved.
The pool we are building is exactly the same as the one we built in London a couple of ...
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1476 |
4/1/2005 10:54 AM |
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1362 |
3/31/2005 3:07 PM |
2 Replies and 1197 Views
Started by Una
a track from their forthcoming album 'LIFE WITHOUT COMPUTER'
The Bleedin Bleedins will be playing in Ireland in May
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1197 |
3/24/2005 1:24 PM |
0 Replies and 1482 Views
new CH-1 track streamed on channelonesound.com 1482 0
Started by CH-1
CH-1 have just completed a new track 'Release' in the studio.
'Release' will be available to listen to online to all on the mailing list until their gig in Crawdaddy-The Pod on Sat 2nd April.
For more information
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1482 |
3/21/2005 1:52 PM |
4 Replies and 1258 Views
soviet filter on spin fm 1258 4
Started by eoinfilter
soviet filter spin fm
soviet filter are going to be appearing on eva staics show 'Irish Alternative' this sunday at 10 45. its on spin 103.8
we will be doing a few acoustic songs, including hopefully our nu little ditty called 'electric' - its more of polish cleft type. other than that we will be mainly playing our standard stadium frock rock classics, in-between our medoly of popular songs of Free and Europe
anyone who is sad enough to be awake for it should give it a listen. other than ...
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1258 |
3/16/2005 10:33 AM |
0 Replies and 1446 Views
wallmark album available in..... 1446 0
Started by wallmark1
just to clear up any confusion..wallmarks album is available in virgin records nationwide, tower records, zhivago galway, city disks, heartbeat city, top twenty in naas and most regional stores... if you cant find it.. jusk ask at the counter... thanks to everyone whos bought it so far
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1446 |
3/13/2005 9:02 PM |
9 Replies and 1437 Views
soviet filter tracks off unproffessional 1437 9
Started by eoinfilter
the tracks that we like off unproffessional uncoordinated are all up on our mini-site on cpu.ie
the tracks are .....that american sound (a commercial rip-off disaster), churpy (disaster never sounded so bitter), best in show (should sound great at oxegen) and uganda (god only knows!!!)
we havent bothered putting keep distance on cause its crap and we havent put tgauges on because we dont like keane!
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1437 |
3/11/2005 6:31 PM |