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1 Replies and 1333 Views Bell X1 on KCRW  1333  1 Started by  Gar The latest in-studio session with Nic Harcourt sees Bell X1 play a few tunes. While it's not an outstanding performance, it's worth watching. And if that doesn't do it for you, there's always the new additions of Martha Wainwright, Doves, Keren Ann, Tim Burgess, Feist. www.kcrw.com
1 1333
6/26/2005 8:26 PM
0 Replies and 1603 Views hybrasil  1603  0 Started by  Proinnsias77 hybrasil have updated thier webpage www.hybrasilmusic.com and added a forum, check it out, they've also confirmed for a number of dates around the country in june/july. Big thanks to the indie-legends 'The La's' for giving us the opportunity to open for them on thier return to the live circuit, at the savoy on cork, great night of Rock'n'Roll!
0 1603
6/22/2005 2:12 PM
0 Replies and 1521 Views New improved Richard Hiorns website  1521  0 Started by  richardh Richard Hiorns' official website has been updated with new features such as a weblog (a work in progress). Improved audio page with lots of full length streams and sample downloads of new and old songs. The blog is open to anyone who wishes to post their own blogs, or comment on the existing ones. All six Richard Hiorns albums are available on the site for delivery within the U.S, Canada, and Europe. http://richardhiorns.com Thanks, Richard Hiorns.
0 1521
6/22/2005 11:52 AM
0 Replies and 1339 Views Run out and buy our Album!!!  1339  0 Started by  PLAY HI all... just to Say that PLAY have released our Debut Album 'GRAVITY' in tower Records and it is on sale in there now. Http://www.playfanclub.com
0 1339
6/21/2005 12:16 PM
0 Replies and 1216 Views road relish compilation cd  1216  0 Started by  palace anyone know the latest status of this release... was due last month with a launch gig
0 1216
6/20/2005 11:36 AM
4 Replies and 1725 Views clap your hands and say yeah  1725  4 Started by  Una new band, pretty distracting. MP3s are here: http://youaintnopicasso.blogspot.com/2005/06/clap-your-hands-say-yeah.htmlcomments
4 1725
6/17/2005 2:17 PM
5 Replies and 1537 Views Dirty Epics.  1537  5 Started by  DIRTY EPICS Hey, If anybody has a spare minute or two and wants to check out a new band, you could do a lot worse than to check out the following... http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/323 Any feedback whatsoever is welcome and appreciated. The 'Epics play Dorans Friday 03/06 09.30pm. Thanks for reading. DE
5 1537
6/2/2005 1:31 PM
0 Replies and 1384 Views *cough* downloads - My Brother Woody  1384  0 Started by  Dang Woody Some demos from the upcoming debut album http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/461/ Thanks Mike
0 1384
6/2/2005 11:22 AM
0 Replies and 1472 Views Return of The Shakes!  1472  0 Started by  Patistuta Songs from the new Shakes EP :- 'Two's Company, Three's A Terrorist Cell' are now available for your aural pleasure in the Artists section of CPU. http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/166/ Check that s**t out! Upcoming gigs include this Friday 3rd at the Nerve Centre in Derry for the Tennant's InTro showcase (http://www.nerve-centre.org.uk) and the following Saturday 11th in Eamon Doran's at Radiator. http://www.theshakesrule.com - You know it!
0 1472
5/30/2005 5:05 PM
1 Replies and 1587 Views JohnPlayerBluesQuartet  1587  1 Started by  Dr Bill new dublin music making people have free mp3s at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/johnplayerbluesquartet_music.htm
1 1587
5/30/2005 3:28 PM
7 Replies and 1188 Views LISTEN TO THE BLEEDIN BLEEDINS  1188  7 Started by  Una http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/317/
7 1188
5/30/2005 2:17 PM
1 Replies and 1206 Views Tom Dunne plays The Beat Poets  1206  1 Started by  nessy05 Yip.. Staring Stars Down got its first National radio play today and will be next weeks 'Rising Stars' on Pet Sounds at 9.30 each night.... YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Hear the tracks www.myspace.com/beatpoets
1 1206
5/26/2005 7:54 PM
1 Replies and 1497 Views Joyridin' Video  1497  1 Started by  Hoovers The promo video for the song Joyridin', by Hoovers and Sledgehammers is ready for your eyes. http://www.hooversandsledgehammers.com/video.html H&S
1 1497
5/19/2005 1:38 PM
0 Replies and 1402 Views Help us to No 1  1402  0 Started by  Lupus Hey there a quick heads up on the faction Dublin gigs this June most of the bands have now been confirmed for OXYGEN so if you want to check them out beforehand please do. Cheers LUPUS A radio release from the album has just gone to DJ's all round the country Please request the track at your local station. The first release is The Marshal Stars - Tough as Old Boots/ Details of the nationwide tour and the release can be found on www.themarshalstars.com A MONTH OF THURSDAY’S ...
0 1402
5/18/2005 11:04 PM
0 Replies and 1361 Views SLEEPWALKER on CPU  1361  0 Started by  sleepwalker Just to let everyone know that SLEEPWALKER have a microsite on CPU now and that two of our songs are there for a listen. Cheers SLEEPWALKER http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/330/
0 1361
5/16/2005 11:59 PM
0 Replies and 1159 Views THE BLEEDIN BLEEDINS ON 2FM  1159  0 Started by  Una Jenny Hewson has been playing 'The Darkest Day' by THE BLEEDIN BLEEDINS on 2fm. to request it again, email jenny2fm.ie check out more tunes on www.thebleedinbleedins.com THE BLEEDIN BLEEDINS play CRAWDADDY this THURSDAY, the TRINITY ROOMS in Limerick on FRIDAY and TOWER RECORDS at 6pm on SATURDAY
0 1159
5/16/2005 3:42 PM
0 Replies and 1547 Views Download The Tides new ep!  1547  0 Started by  Pepe hi, the tides have just completed the 'on our way' ep. Its our second ep recorded by neal caulderwood. We're an indie rock'n'roll band from northern ireland. to hear the tracks visit www.thetidesonline.co.uk hope you enjoy them, please leave any feedback in the guestbook cheers Paul
0 1547
5/15/2005 9:42 PM
2 Replies and 1678 Views BUTTERFLY EXPLOSION - new website  1678  2 Started by  Butt The Butterfly Explosion launch their debut EP 'Vision' tonight Fri 13th in Eamonn Doran's with copies available at the door. And the three tracks can be heard on the new website... www.butterflyexplosion.com
2 1678
5/13/2005 1:56 AM
1 Replies and 1784 Views THE ECLECTIC  1784  1 Started by  theeclectic hear THE ECLECTIC's debut ep, ' songs for a blank canvas' by following the link, let us know what you think. http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/207/ website is also up. www.theeclecticsound.com e mail: theeclecticsoundgmail.com
1 1784
5/11/2005 12:57 PM
2 Replies and 1505 Views what do you think?  1505  2 Started by  destruction queen Hi there, we are a new Dublin band called THE DRAFT, we've just released our new EP and the downloads are on the website thedraftmusic.com we need feedback so please let us know what you think! Honest criticism welcome, thanks, THE DRAFT
2 1505
5/11/2005 11:51 AM
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