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0 Replies and 1753 Views maladies new album  1753  0 Started by  Ruan new album 'a whole bunch of rivers' in all good shops from fri sept 23rd launch gig in whelans on sat 24th support from groom and kieron black. Dublin 6 piece The Maladies were formed in 1999 by childhood friends, acquaintences and a guy they met at a party. Early days were spent playing shambolic gigs in every venue that would have them, while also building up a small but dedicated following. In 2003 the band decided it was time to take a serious step foward and record an album. Record...
0 1753
9/15/2005 12:59 AM
0 Replies and 1490 Views Flaming Lips @ Electric Picnic  1490  0 Started by  Una Bohemian Rhapsody http://web.aanet.com.au/tom/flaming_lips-bohemian_rhapsody.mp3
0 1490
9/14/2005 9:49 PM
1 Replies and 1566 Views Live Springsteen  1566  1 Started by  Una http://www.springsteen.cz/files/path=mp3/
1 1566
9/14/2005 9:34 PM
0 Replies and 1482 Views Arcade Fire featuring David Bowie - Wake Up  1482  0 Started by  Unicron That's right David Bowie. Unfortunately it seems the version of '5 years' isn't gonna surface for a while. http://www.megaupload.com/d=34MQSSJY
0 1482
9/10/2005 3:20 PM
0 Replies and 1603 Views hybrasil  1603  0 Started by  Proinnsias77 hybrasil's debut EP is now on national release and is available nationwide, you can listen to a sample of it www.hybrasilmusic.com
0 1603
9/8/2005 1:10 PM
4 Replies and 1744 Views The Unicorns  1744  4 Started by  Una these peeps are decent. Here's 'Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone''re20Gone/
4 1744
9/5/2005 9:07 PM
0 Replies and 1351 Views 79cortinaz.com revamped and redesigned  1351  0 Started by  maccor http://www.79cortinaz.com Completely finished, this new version of 79Cortinaz.com has an RSS feed and the Music section is fully podcastable. Feel free to leave some comments.
0 1351
9/3/2005 2:42 PM
2 Replies and 2320 Views warchild charity album  2320  2 Started by  jmc105 interesting charity project - tracks to be recorded on sept 8th, album released on sept 9th. 'Help: A Day In The Life': latest news The latest artists to confirm involvement are Kaiser Chiefs, Damien Rice, The Go! Team and Belle & Sebastian. All four artists have confirmed they will record brand new songs for the project on the 8/9 September and War Child will make these tracks available immediately on the 9th. The Kaiser Chiefs are recording a track in Berlin in a three hour slot on the 8th...
2 2320
9/1/2005 10:46 PM
0 Replies and 1919 Views Dave Couse and The Impossible  1919  0 Started by  Punchbowl More great full lengthers from Mr Couse Here's one from his forthcoming album http://www.davecouse.com/cele.mp3 And here's a bunch of others http://www.davecouse.com/samples.htm
0 1919
9/1/2005 10:08 AM
0 Replies and 1726 Views Maladies single download  1726  0 Started by  Ruan The Maladies 'fifes and forts' - new radio single available for free download from www.themaladies.net taken from the album 'a whole bunch of rivers' out sept 23rd. thank you.
0 1726
8/30/2005 6:31 PM
1 Replies and 2396 Views The Things - Psycho Sound EP  2396  1 Started by  roonus The Things debut US release is now finally available to buy from Big Neck Records. To reserve your copy of this limited edition coloured vinyl, get the credit cards out and go to http://www.bigneckrecords.com/oldfiles/IBIGNECKSWAG.HTM The self produced Psycho Sound 7' EP includes the tracks Demon Stomp, Psycho Lover, Sick Street and She's Trash..... For more info on other releases and more live dates go to www.thethings.net Up-coming dates: September Thursday 15th: Rio, Berl...
1 2396
8/30/2005 5:06 PM
0 Replies and 1771 Views New Dahlia Tracks - Dischord & Snakebite  1771  0 Started by  Niall - Dahlia We've a new track you can download, Dischord. http://www.dahlia.ie/Dahlia20-20Dischord.mp3 Let us know what you think. Recorded on a laptop in Applerock, so it ain't the best quality... Also recorded in Applerock is a new dirtier (nice amp we had...) version of one of our older songs, Snakebite. http://www.dahlia.ie/Dahlia20-20Snakebite.mp3
0 1771
8/30/2005 5:02 PM
0 Replies and 1672 Views The Things Psycho Sound EP  1672  0 Started by  roonus The Things debut US release is now finally available to buy from Big Neck Records. To reserve your copy of this limited edition coloured vinyl, get the credit cards out and go to http://www.bigneckrecords.com/oldfiles/IBIGNECKSWAG.HTM The self produced Psycho Sound 7' EP includes the tracks Demon Stomp, Psycho Lover, Sick Street and She's Trash..... For more info on other releases and more live dates go to www.thethings.net Up-coming dates: September Thursday 15th: Rio, Berl...
0 1672
8/30/2005 4:53 PM
0 Replies and 1688 Views 8Ball -debut album out Sept. 2nd  1688  0 Started by  mcgyver 8Ball release their debut offering nationwide in all good record stores on Friday September 2nd. List of gigs in support of the launch can be found in the Gig Announcements section... www.8ballmusic.com
0 1688
8/16/2005 5:24 PM
0 Replies and 1336 Views Dudley Corporation Vinyl  1336  0 Started by  dudley 'In Love With The Dudley Corporation' vinyl, Gatefold sleeve, finally on sale in Road Records as of this afternoon. €14, thats right. Some new America dates, in case yer over or have pals. Another 20 or so shows will be put up on the site in the next few days 25/08/05 Courtyard Cafe University of Illiniois, Urbana IL 28/08/05 The Conservatory Oklahoma City, OK 29/08/05 Atomic Cantina Albuquerque, NM 02/09/05 Howie and Sons Visalia, CA 03/09/05 Rickshaw Stop San Francisco CA ...
0 1336
8/9/2005 4:44 PM
1 Replies and 1414 Views New Sigur Ros album - Takk  1414  1 Started by  Una you can stream it here: http://scenestars.net/2005/08/stream-new-sigur-ros-album-takk.php
1 1414
8/7/2005 5:22 PM
0 Replies and 1718 Views Arcade Fire 'Brazil' mp3  1718  0 Started by  Una http://locker.uky.edu/~mcjord2/0220Brazil.mp3
0 1718
8/7/2005 4:56 PM
2 Replies and 1658 Views www.hybrasilmusic.com  1658  2 Started by  PlaytOh Wicklow based Hybrasil have released their debut EP - We Got Music. Its available in: MusicWorld Wicklow Tower Records, Wicklow Street Road Records - near Wicklow Street.... It will also be available in shops that are not associated with Wicklow soon....we're just being eccentric I guess. Charted at number 43 this week and its being played on 2FM. We're happy with the songs (and that actually means something...) Enjoy. C.
2 1658
8/7/2005 12:48 PM
1 Replies and 1513 Views Holy Cow - I Had S*x With An Alien  1513  1 Started by  holycow This is a shameless attempt to get my song I Had S*x With An Alien into the charts so I can play one of these country chart gigs I'm hearing so much about. Please give it a listen - true story! You can hear it here: http://artists.cpu.ie/play.phpband_id=5&song_id=5&mode=song_hifi for 56k you can hear it here: http://artists.cpu.ie/play.phpband_id=5&song_id=5&mode=song_lofi HC
1 1513
8/5/2005 11:48 AM
0 Replies and 1380 Views Oxegen mp3s  1380  0 Started by  Una http://ubb.empireonline.co.uk/showflat.phpCat=&Board=audiophile&Number=1176692&Forum=,All_Forums,&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=1150032&Search=true&where=&Name=4805&daterange=&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=Post1176692
0 1380
8/3/2005 8:32 PM
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