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32 Replies and 4556 Views Any Bruce Springsteen fans here?  4556  32 Started by  Pilchard I have just read that he's going on tour to plug the new album and plays a solo show at The Point on May 24th YAHOO! http://www.billboard.com/bb/daily/article_display.jspvnu_content_id=1000872203
32 4556
4/6/2005 5:13 PM
3 Replies and 1197 Views Xlantic Battle of the Bands  1197  3 Started by  Lee Byrne Wednesday, April 13th 2005, Eamonn Doran's. The third heat of the Xlantic College Battle of the Bands sees AUTOMIUM, OSMIUM 76 and GUESTS OF THE NATION battle it out for a spot in the grand final. NOT TO BE MISSED (9 euro/7 euro with student card, doors at 8.00pm.)
3 1197
4/6/2005 4:05 PM
16 Replies and 1321 Views Info on gigs in NY?  1321  16 Started by  stroller I'm going to New York for a week's holiday from the 5th to the 12th of June. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good websites where I good get information on gigs in the big apple
16 1321
4/6/2005 3:37 PM
8 Replies and 1190 Views Evolution  1190  8 Started by  Una has anyone heard of this 'festival' It's meant to happen in Wicklow in May...
8 1190
4/6/2005 1:23 PM
14 Replies and 3678 Views Fm104 - End of John Walsh's show  3678  14 Started by  Carlsberg Have recently become aware that John Walsh's show 'going underground' has been axed by Fm104. I am guessing that it was for the usual reason that listenership was low. So either the show was not good (which i would not agree with) or once again, with the exception of Today Fm's Pet Sounds, an alternative Irish show was axed because it was broadcast at yet another crap time and once again has become the victim of another corporate decision'. Just thought it was worth mentioning as John is a g...
14 3678
4/6/2005 1:05 PM
34 Replies and 4494 Views Musicians Who Fade Into Seclusion  4494  34 Started by  Gar Ever think of what happened to a certain band Or what a certain musician has been up to Who are the most infamous people to just slip from mainstream attention to not being heard of again I heard this Dublin singer/songwriter last years called Colm Lynch but haven't heard anything about him since. Anyone know if he is recording
34 4494
4/6/2005 9:26 AM
3 Replies and 1482 Views Two US solo artists looking to tour Ireland  1482  3 Started by  jpat Hey everyone It has been a long time since I played in Ireland and a long time since I posted to this board, but a friend of mine and I would really like to come over and do a short tour in Ireland and Scotland this coming July We've both played all over the US and mainland Europe and although we'd like to make some money, we just don't want to go broke We really just want to play in front of the best audiences we can If anyone can help, or has any ideas, please, please feel free to send...
3 1482
4/5/2005 8:26 PM
0 Replies and 1034 Views MIDWEST MUSIC SUMMIT and NAMM  1034  0 Started by  Rev Jules For those of you so inclined and also for our American readers. I am posting this simply because I got sent it via email. Any questions, I know nothing http://www.midwestmusicsummit.com The Midwest Music Summit, now in its 5th year, is a three-day music conference and festival featuring the best in local, regional, and national talent. With over 300 bands performing at over 25 different venues around Indianapolis for three days and nights, the event has emerged as the top music indust...
0 1034
4/5/2005 5:37 PM
13 Replies and 1642 Views Be Cool (not!)  1642  13 Started by  Vent My Spleen Is this possibly the worst film ever made that had anything to do with the music industry Has anyone else seen it Excrutiatingly bad.
13 1642
4/5/2005 12:50 PM
3 Replies and 1087 Views Glasto  1087  3 Started by  Daragh Anyone up for tickets im just counting down the minutes here, it will be my first time, looks like a sweet (strongly rumoured) line up, chances of getting tickets though are absolutley zero though
3 1087
4/3/2005 7:28 AM
3 Replies and 1129 Views JJ72's new song  1129  3 Started by  Una new song, 'Heat' http://www.xtaster.co.uk/assets/2817/heat.wma raaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwk
3 1129
4/2/2005 12:27 PM
7 Replies and 1331 Views Brave New Stage last night  1331  7 Started by  Una Was surprised at the level of talent, usually Battle Of The Bands bring out the worst in people. Lost were the best on the night I think.
7 1331
4/1/2005 6:01 PM
5 Replies and 1568 Views Phantom FM  1568  5 Started by  Gar Was anyone at the gig in The Village last night When is the station going to be live on air Do people reckon it will be any use
5 1568
4/1/2005 12:07 PM
41 Replies and 5644 Views Oasis: Past It Or Possible Return To Form?  5644  41 Started by  Gar With the new album due out soon enough 'Don't Believe The Truth', the media will soon swamp their pages on Oasis-related material, but the question needs to be asked whether or not Oasis can return to their blistering best Of course, it can be argued that they never were great but let's just assume that their first two albums were their best and the debate trying to unfold here is if they can recapture that same originality or quality..... Is anyone even looking forward to their new material...
41 5644
3/31/2005 12:17 PM
86 Replies and 10838 Views Bands Who Should Be More Well Known  10838  86 Started by  Gar I realise that music fans will always discover new bands/acts through artists side projects, certain magazines, webzines, radio shows etc etc. But what are the bands around right now who don't feature in mainstream media but who should In other words recommend a band you think are great but haven't yet proved to be successful.... I'll start it off with The Czars www.czarsmusic.com
86 10838
3/30/2005 1:18 PM
10 Replies and 1366 Views Bands/Artists - Are they Products  1366  10 Started by  klootfan A while back we all had a discussion on the merits of the music played in a certain dublin establishment (no names). One of my arguments at the time was that as I had paid money into the establishment, i was therefore availing of a service and I was therefore entitled to a certain level of quality. In the times we live in, records labels spend fortunes marketing their bands, on tv, radio, posters, tshirts, record signings, world tours, etc. I wonder, have these bands/Artists effectivel...
10 1366
3/30/2005 10:40 AM
11 Replies and 1279 Views Beck - Guero  1279  11 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf So what do people think of Guero I reckon it starts well, gets a little samey round the middle and ends well. I love Clap Hands, Go It Alone. What do Beck fans think of him these days As much as I like Guero, I think he may be starting to run out of ideas...
11 1279
3/29/2005 1:50 PM
18 Replies and 2099 Views ipod  2099  18 Started by  elle ok what is the deal with ipod I've wanted to get one for ages but just don't know if it's worth my while, I want one of those mini ones, are they worth the money and are they a lot of hassle coz I wouldn't be the most advanced when it comes to computers. I can download music but never used this itunes site or any of those. I dunno, if i have mp3's on my computer can i put them onto the ipodIs it like burning them onto a cd only u put them onto the ipod insteadDo they only work with apple com...
18 2099
3/28/2005 11:27 AM
3 Replies and 1793 Views Why I will NEVER use an ipod / itunes  1793  3 Started by  Wicker http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4379371.stm Personally, I will not subscribe to any site/medium that forces DRM copy protection down my throat... When I buy music, I see nothing wrong with the ability to...... 1. Create a backup copy (for myself) 2. Copy it to my computer (or another one of MY computers/devices)for personal use. I'm talking personal use here and not the burning of a cd for a friend scenario and most certainly not talking about making it available to P2P sites...
3 1793
3/25/2005 12:08 PM
35 Replies and 4746 Views bob dylan  4746  35 Started by  aidan .... is an over-rated, only-mildly-talented songwriter. his lyrics are terrible (his lyrics are pretentious and try too hard to be poetry) and as a book-lover it makes me laugh AND cry that he always seems to be rumoured to be up for the nobel prize for literature (joni mitchell wipes the floor with him lyric-wise: now SHE'S a 'poet' if any singer-songer is). his voice is weak, his musicianship nothing special - songs without melodies. he has been mythologised to a ridiculous and unjustified ext...
35 4746
3/25/2005 10:23 AM
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