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8 Replies and 980 Views the machinist  980  8 Started by  sweetie Anyone seen this film yet I really enjoyed it although it did have a touch of the M. Night Shymalayans about it. Christian Bale turns in a fine performance and it's great to see Jennifer Jason Leigh in a big(ish) movie again. Recommend.
8 980
4/15/2005 3:20 PM
4 Replies and 1409 Views Ahoy matie!  1409  4 Started by  fairynuff just wondering wot y'all think of piracy general consensus and all that kind of craic.
4 1409
4/15/2005 12:07 PM
35 Replies and 3866 Views Running Out Of Revivals  3866  35 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf I remember reading an article in the mid-90s about cyclical trends and how it takes roughly 20 years for things to come back around again. It applied to Britpop at the time in the early 90s. I looked ahead and figured that the Eighties would come back in the early part of the current decade and wondered why in hell anyone would want to revive it. (I was unaware at the time of some of the great stuff from the Eighties.) Now I'm wondering if the Nineties are next. What could bands revive from t...
35 3866
4/14/2005 4:18 PM
12 Replies and 1281 Views the killers Vs the bravery  1281  12 Started by  emu I dont paticularly like either but i had to pay attention when the lead singer of the killers started saying that the bravery where only signed because of them and are just a rip off . I think in that case the killers are just a rip off of hot hot heat what do you think . there are similarities with the synthsizers and all ( someone tell me how to spell that). Singing is also kind of similar
12 1281
4/14/2005 3:58 PM
12 Replies and 1268 Views Franz and Pixies  1268  12 Started by  Una The Pixies and Franz Ferdinand look set to play headline dates at Dublin's Lansdowne Road this summer Although there’s no official confirmation yet, the word on the industry grapevine is that the Pixies and Franz Ferdinand are to play separate Lansdowne Road headliners between August 19 and 24. Both bands will be in gig mode then, with the Americans warming up for Reading (25) with a series of smaller European festival dates, and Franz playing the Chelmsford and Staffordshire V Festivals ...
12 1268
4/14/2005 1:35 PM
34 Replies and 4384 Views HAL  4384  34 Started by  Una Great gig in the Village, 4 stars for their album in Q. I'm a fan, what do yeeee think
34 4384
4/14/2005 1:06 PM
0 Replies and 1115 Views SKD Raps for Ireland in NYC  1115  0 Started by  Rev Jules If y'all thought that Irish music was pasty faced boys with guitars, the following might be of interest. After the successful release of two singles in Nigeria, UK and the Republic of Ireland, SKD has been selected to perform at this years New York International Music Festival (28th April to 5th May), hosted at The Roosevelt Hotel at 45 East 45th Street on Madison Avenue in New York. The New York Music Festival is a highly promoted and well respected Music show in America and SKD was chosen t...
0 1115
4/13/2005 10:44 PM
2 Replies and 1595 Views Daisy Okell Quartet  1595  2 Started by  jmc105 just booked my tix to see bell x1 next week, with support from ben christophers (strange but excellent), and the 'daisy okell quartet', featuring lisa hannigan on vocals. anyone know anything about them are they a new group or is lisa taking over vocals duties from someone else should be a great night, can't wait...
2 1595
4/13/2005 6:25 PM
19 Replies and 1478 Views The O.C. Soundtrack  1478  19 Started by  Gar I've seen a couple episodes of the show and not really into it. But looking at the tracklisting of the soundtracks for the show reveals some really great bands. I didn't buy any of the cd's and felt a bit embrassed to be even handling something with the O.C. stamp on it. Does anybody have one of the soundtracks or are thinking of getting one Are the compilations just a guilty pleasure or a chance for people to discover bands who wouldn't normally recieve mainstream attention And does the credi...
19 1478
4/13/2005 4:04 PM
20 Replies and 2181 Views IRMA, file-sharing and the law  2181  20 Started by  Pilchard Has anyone been following this and have any views In a nutshell, IRMA, the Irish record companies lobby group, announced yesterday they intend to prosecute 17 Irish file-sharers for illegally uploading a couple of thousand tracks There was loads of coverage on radio and TV news and in the usual online and print sources. It all seemed a bit one-sided to me - all taking IRMA's press releases and slant at face-value with only one or two dissenting voices Just interested in hearing th...
20 2181
4/13/2005 10:59 AM
15 Replies and 1885 Views podcast  1885  15 Started by  karlvin heh all , Here's the deal , am looking for artists/bands mp3s for a regular weekly radio show which instead of being broadcast will be available for download from a website for you mp3 player or to listen to in work. i.e. you listen to the show when you want and wherever you want. Idea behind the show is to play a mix of unsigned , upcoming irish artists/bands of all genres and hopefully give out some details about the band , gigs , where to buy them etc. , also hopefully get around to ge...
15 1885
4/12/2005 2:30 PM
48 Replies and 5846 Views Bud Rising  5846  48 Started by  Gar It's not officially confirmed as their website won't be updated until April 20th, but rumour goes that tickets for the Bud Rising Festival are on sale from Ticketmaster outlets tomorrow morning. Last year had some good acts and this year seems to be the same with: - British Sea Power (support from Sons And Daughters) - Echo & The Bunnymen - The Engineers - Masters At Work - Monoband - Roots Manuva - Stephen Fretwell - The Departure (support from The Editors) - The Duke Spirit (support...
48 5846
4/12/2005 12:49 PM
8 Replies and 1505 Views mor  1505  8 Started by  roseanne barrs armpit cant do the fada. so who are yis hoping will play at mor this year. personally id be loving it if joanna newsome, lightning bolt, the angels of light, white magic, little wings, autechre (slim chance) ah f**k it theres too many....but if any of theses dudes played it would be sweet. i know theres normally only about four or five international artists playing. should be lots of good irish talent to check out which should be cool since i havent been around in a while. anyone got any inside info
8 1505
4/12/2005 11:51 AM
2 Replies and 1298 Views music  1298  2 Started by  destruction queen music is so washed up booh hooo, I'm thinking about turning my back on it forever, its all been done before, really has very little to offer........ booh hoooo
2 1298
4/12/2005 11:09 AM
7 Replies and 1552 Views BRAVE NEW STAGE 05  1552  7 Started by  john@soundweb.ie hi all, can anyone shed some light on who has qualified for the semi's of this thing my own personal faves, SACCADE made it, but who else anyone have an opinion on this particular event - it seems fairly well organised compared to previous such things i have attended.
7 1552
4/12/2005 10:31 AM
0 Replies and 1049 Views Nina Simone remixed by the Postal Service  1049  0 Started by  stroller Since there seems to be so many Postal Service fans on this site I tought you might be interested to an MP3 sample of their remix of Little Girl Blue from the new Verve Remixed 3 LP. Just click on this link http://www.juno.co.uk/products/174775-01.htm It looks like an interesting album. Although as with he previous two in the series there's a lot of filler. I quite like the contributions from RSL, Danger Mouse and the Album Leaf.
0 1049
4/11/2005 6:01 PM
0 Replies and 1069 Views Xlantic Battle of the Bands  1069  0 Started by  Lee Byrne The Xlantic Battle of the Bands continues the search for Dublin's best college band on Wednesday in Eamonn Dorans. April 13th Osmium 76, Wigmond, and Guests of the Nation square off for a spot in the final. 7 euro student / doors at 8.00pm. 100 audience decision.
0 1069
4/11/2005 1:36 PM
37 Replies and 4697 Views The Irish singer-songwriter virus is spreading  4697  37 Started by  Pilchard http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/02C2C176-15588412C00.html
37 4697
4/11/2005 9:28 AM
31 Replies and 4602 Views The La's  4602  31 Started by  Eoin Irish Dates (unconfirmed as yet) Galway - venue TO BE CONFIRMED - 6th June. 2005. Dublin - Ambassador Theatre - 7th June. 2005. Belfast Queens - 9th June. 2005.
31 4602
4/9/2005 7:11 PM
0 Replies and 1717 Views Rep of Loose interviewed, CH-1 reviewed along...  1717  0 Started by  roadhousemag with Jaded Sun, Yakuza, Mojo Fury, The Student Media awards, Andalusia and some all at www.roadhousemag.com this week! All feedback welcome. Thanks dec
0 1717
4/6/2005 6:45 PM
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