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74 Replies and 8507 Views New additions to electric picnic  8507  74 Started by  stroller Declan O Rourke, Audio Bullys and Bob Mould have all been added to Sunday's bill. I wouldn't mind seeing Bob Mould just to hear a few songs off Copper Blue but the other two are desperate.
74 8507
5/18/2005 5:44 PM
21 Replies and 9335 Views Greatest Scottish Band.....Ever  9335  21 Started by  Gar In a poll conducted by List Magazine, Belle & Sebastian ran away with being named the Best Scottish Band Ever. Is this deserved They are a cracking band who rarely achieve the recognition they deserve. Here's the list anyway: 1 Belle & Sebastian 2 Travis 3 Idlewild 4 Wet Wet Wet 5 Sensational Alex Harvey Band 6 Simple Minds 7 Teenage Fanclub 8 Bay City Rollers 9 Primal Scream 10 The Proclaimers 11 Texas 12 Mull historical society 13 Big country 14 Snow Patrol 15 Franz Ferdinan...
21 9335
5/18/2005 4:16 PM
11 Replies and 1692 Views Rufus last night...  1692  11 Started by  MACgirl what a show, opened with Agnus Dei with Rufus at the piano, diamante brooch sparkling and scarf thrown over his shoulder. His hair looked like it had a mind of its own and flopped around in time to the music. He played for well over 2 hours and did two or three encores. He had his band with him and mixed up the set with full band numbers and solo songs on the piano. Amazing. He sang Little Sister for Martha, Beauty Mark for Kate, Dinner at Eight for Loudon. Other songs that got an airing include...
11 1692
5/18/2005 10:15 AM
1 Replies and 1321 Views IMRO SHOWCASE TOMORROW NIGHT  1321  1 Started by  Una (Thursday) At Crawdaddy. Anyone going The Bleedin Bleedins rock. Trust me. I'm a doctor* *kinda
1 1321
5/18/2005 9:50 AM
5 Replies and 1409 Views Jack Johnson  1409  5 Started by  Rev Jules Lately, I've been listening to this guy after coming back from the beach following a spot of wave riding. If you like Ben Harper, you might like him, his music sounds just right after a few hours spent in the surf http://www.jackjohnsonmusic.com Jack Hody Johnson was born in 1975, near Haleiwa, on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Being the son to a famous surfer throughout the islands Jeff Johnson naturally led to an interest in surfing at a young age, having practically learned to surf as...
5 1409
5/17/2005 6:46 PM
17 Replies and 1209 Views If Kurt didn't end it all....  1209  17 Started by  Antistar What if Kurt Cobain hadn't committed suicide Would Nirvana be still around in 2005 Would they have continued to release albums and toured Would the Foo Fighters exist Kurt Cobain RIP. The last great rock star........
17 1209
5/17/2005 5:46 PM
2 Replies and 1111 Views Foo Fighters: In Your Honour  1111  2 Started by  Una DISC ONE ’In Your Honour’ ’No Way Back’ ’Best Of You’ ’DOA’ ‘Hell’ ’The Last Song’ ’Free Me’ ‘Resolve’ ’The Deepest Blues Are Back’ ’End Over End’ DISC TWO ’Still’ ’What If I Do’ ’Miracle’ ’Another Round’ ’Friend Of A Friend’ ’Over ‘N Out’ ’On The Mend’ ’Virginia Moon’ ‘Cold Day In The Sun’ ’Razor’ As previously reported, Grohl has revealed that the album title was inspired by his time spent on the campaign trail with Democrat presidential challeng...
2 1111
5/17/2005 5:09 PM
2 Replies and 1178 Views Coldplay X & Y album review  1178  2 Started by  Una This review is a bit s**tty, just lyrics and 'sounds like' - but I think the person writing it just got to hear it once at an MTV listening session or some bulls**t. Anyway, for those of you who care... 'Overall the album is very A Rush of Blood to the Head-esque, with more pounding guitars and pianos, complex layering. Lots of discussion of discovery, repairing/fixing, and not being alone any more. Very personal album. At least one or two songs definitely about Chris Martin's daughter, Apple...
2 1178
5/17/2005 5:02 PM
8 Replies and 1065 Views Explosions In The Sky  1065  8 Started by  Antistar Explosions In The Sky. Their first album 'Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Never Die' released in 2000 is the best album ever made. Buy it and anyone disillusioned with the somewhat stale, derivative nature of many of today's bands will rejoice at the sheer, redemptive power of (post) rock!!! Thank You.
8 1065
5/17/2005 3:12 PM
3 Replies and 1092 Views The National - Alligator  1092  3 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Anyone picked this up Not fully decided on it. Only had two full listens and I find it hard to remember most of the songs. Maybe it's a grower. 'Mr.November' is fantastic though. It's the one absolute standout. Getting some rave reviews.
3 1092
5/16/2005 3:38 PM
6 Replies and 1102 Views Really good article on The Bravery  1102  6 Started by  Una http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/music/ny-ffmus4254970may15,0,2698652.storycoll=ny-music-headlines
6 1102
5/16/2005 10:59 AM
8 Replies and 1956 Views morning becomes eclectic  1956  8 Started by  jmc105 just typed up a lovely message and lost it so here's the expurgated version... kcrw: california radio station. morning becomes eclectic: show on kcrw, broadcasts live sets by bands/musicians, archives them on site. current shows include kings of convenience, shelby lynn, eels, doves, thievery corporation. (some of those may be upcoming shows). huge archive - for those who like them, damo rice and the frames have some great sets on there, and i believe i saw some arcade fire too... apo...
8 1956
5/14/2005 9:17 PM
25 Replies and 2151 Views Arcade Fire on Later with Jools  2151  25 Started by  Una all of my suspicians of Arcade Fire's BRILLIANCE were confirmed when I saw them on Jools Holland last night. What an amazing band. absolutely can't WAIT to see them at Electric Picnic. For anyone pissed off about s**tty bands, Arcade Fire will make you like music again. Promise.
25 2151
5/14/2005 1:34 PM
13 Replies and 1524 Views Trinity Ball (Babyshambles)  1524  13 Started by  Mr Johnny Boss Just wondering if anyone on the board is heading along 2nite and who they are looking forward to seeing. A couple of lads from work just spotted Pete Doherty and 1 of the other Babyshambles band members up on Grafton Street so it looks like they will defo be playing 2nite
13 1524
5/13/2005 2:19 PM
0 Replies and 1062 Views come - be a web DJ  1062  0 Started by  maccor http://www.radiocrackle.com - slots available (they dont have to be regular) though you must play unsigned bands (or those in a position to verbally/email agree to have their stuff played without copyright problems) To DJ you just need Winamp (PC) or Audion (free mac app) plus some connection info. Theres a How To DJ Guide link up on the site - easy stuff
0 1062
5/13/2005 2:05 PM
4 Replies and 1254 Views simple kid  1254  4 Started by  themire was watching some godawful californian reality show on mtv the other day, (malibu beach or something similar). Anyway, they played a simple kid song in it which surprised me because I didn't realise he had exposure in America. Would I be wrong in saying he doesn't get much media coverage in Ireland Anyone into what he's doing or seen him live
4 1254
5/13/2005 1:03 PM
9 Replies and 1069 Views Jools Holland  1069  9 Started by  Gar Make sure to catch 'Later....With Jools Holland' tonight. He's going to have Foo Fighters, Arcade Fire and Black Eyed Peas on. Well two out of three aint bad!!!! It's on BBC 2 at 23:30.
9 1069
5/12/2005 11:45 PM
16 Replies and 1236 Views Ignorance Towards Other Genres  1236  16 Started by  Gar As a music fan, would you regard yourself as being ignornant towards genres of music that wouldn't be your favourite type This kind of relates to the music snobbery that was previously discussed and might elevate someone to being a music snob if they frown or spit upon other genres. Or does it And is someone more likely to cling on to a specific genre the older they get eg. Someone who basically has a rake load of 80s glam rock in their collection but not much else Or are musicians making t...
16 1236
5/12/2005 4:04 PM
9 Replies and 1068 Views OASIS V COLDPLAY  1068  9 Started by  Rev Jules Ok, I'm being lazy, the question is posed in the Telegraph's Music Thursday section today. With regard to the new albums, whaddya all think
9 1068
5/12/2005 12:54 PM
22 Replies and 2627 Views RENEE KEPT IT COUNTRY !  2627  22 Started by  Rev Jules Yes ! What a result ! It lookes like Renee Zellweger has some taste after all. It has emerged that she has unceremoniously dumped Rice Cakes in favour of C&W Superstar Kenny Chesney and, get this, married him in a ceremony on monday. Brilliant ! Nashville: 1 Organic Cafes: 0
22 2627
5/10/2005 8:40 PM
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