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8 Replies and 1236 Views Electric Picnic Newbies  1236  8 Started by  Una Dangermouse Roisin Murphy DJ Format DJ Sneak The Chalets Ceasers have been added to the bill plus For the first time, Ireland will experience LOST VAGUENESS described as a collection of theatrical flamboyance manifesting itself in two tented structures with can-can girls, a 1950s cocktail cabaret, a sexy, swinging, slightly punky burlesque theme with some 21st Century hints. Try out the Pamper Parlour - where the Laundrettas, styled like 1950s housewives, will wash your stinking s...
8 1236
6/3/2005 12:18 PM
1 Replies and 954 Views fears being realised  954  1 Started by  Una the new foos album is rubbish. anybody else have it its on a good few sites
1 954
6/2/2005 8:23 PM
12 Replies and 1168 Views Surfing & Music  1168  12 Started by  Rev Jules From time to time I venture forth from the warm reefs of the Cluas discussion boards and into the cold, deep waters of surfer forums to exchange ideas on things dear to wave riders such as the best spots, wax, types of board, shark repellents (seriously) and other matters of import. At heart, I am a bodyboarder and a disciple of the legendary Mike Stewart whose credo is 'Its not the destination, its the journey'...especially since the time I shared a house with a surfer who absconded late one ni...
12 1168
6/2/2005 7:02 PM
4 Replies and 976 Views Ghetto and trailer park, together at last.  976  4 Started by  Unicron I'm in New York at the minute and was listening to the radio yesterday. The DJ started interviewing this guy and was describing the music as 'Hick-Hop', it's rapping over country music, sounded like an odd idea. Jules, as our yee-haw guru have you heard about it
4 976
6/2/2005 1:17 PM
0 Replies and 931 Views Live 8  931  0 Started by  Rev Jules Click on the link below to find out all you need on Live 8 http://www.live8live.com/theconcerts.shtml
0 931
6/2/2005 10:36 AM
1 Replies and 909 Views weirdest free music site ever  909  1 Started by  Una my mate found this just now http://musicterrormonkey.blogspot.com/ lots of good stuff, and weird stuff! they do 'requests' apparantly.
1 909
6/1/2005 11:43 PM
0 Replies and 986 Views Cribs - Bryan & Kerry McFadden  986  0 Started by  Rev Jules Click on the link below to get your very own tour of the (soon to be former) home of Bryan and Kerry McFadden. http://www2.myhome.ie/search/property.aspid=233706&p=2&rt=search&searc
0 986
6/1/2005 6:02 PM
0 Replies and 1173 Views Experienced Sound Engineer available  1173  0 Started by  jonok Experienced studio/live engineer/musician looking for bands/solo artists of all genres in the dublin and leinster area. Contact Jono 0861276012 between 7 and 9 mon-fri.
0 1173
6/1/2005 5:03 PM
9 Replies and 1011 Views Houston Rap Scene About To Break  1011  9 Started by  Rev Jules Word up. According to my source in Houston TX, Houston rap is gonna break out all over the place. The kids are all into 'the dirty south'. Houston is also the originator of the 'screwed' style where the mix is all slowed down. Authentic Houston rappers are crunksters; more 'arty' stuff is created by 'backpackers.' THE blog to follow this is: http://houstonsoreal.blogspot.com/
9 1011
6/1/2005 3:39 PM
27 Replies and 2468 Views Bud Rising-ers  2468  27 Started by  benni Alright boardies... Which, if any, gigs shall you attending during the Bud Rising Fest Myself well I'm heading off to see a few.. Fri - THE DEPARTURES w/support from EDITORS Saw The Departures in a tent at oxegen on Sunday at around 12pm. There was only around 20 people there but they gave it socks. Heard great things about the Editors, have a few tunes etc. Mon - TOM VEK w/support from TOM RIXTON (DJ SET) Loved the album since I first (illegally!) download...
27 2468
6/1/2005 2:19 PM
12 Replies and 1208 Views Modest Mouse  1208  12 Started by  Daragh anyone heard the new album (ish) 'Good news for people who love bad news' good god it is great
12 1208
6/1/2005 1:17 PM
2 Replies and 1109 Views Weezer tickets back on sale  1109  2 Started by  klootfan Just on TM site there and for anyone thats interested, they are back on sale for the vicar st gig
2 1109
6/1/2005 10:30 AM
0 Replies and 1553 Views fiddy and m'n'm for slane  1553  0 Started by  sweetie http://www.nme.com/news/112521.htm
0 1553
6/1/2005 10:23 AM
50 Replies and 5824 Views Fav Use Of Music In A Movie Scene  5824  50 Started by  Gar This is very much an exhausted topic but something to throw out there, as I'm sure some people will come up with something different than a Star Wars theme tune by John Williams. It can be music, but if any songs stand out at particular times in a scene of any movie let us know. Of course there is the infamous 'Stuck In The Middle' by Steeler's Wheel in 'Reservoir Dogs'. But what else I'll start it off with 'Black Betty' by Ram Jam from the Blow soundtrack. It's the scene where Johnny Depp i...
50 5824
5/31/2005 10:50 PM
5 Replies and 1258 Views Rilo Kiley confirmed for Oexgen  1258  5 Started by  stroller They've been added to T In The Park and they've confirmed on their Website that they'll be playing Oxegen. Other new additions to T In The Park (and thus likely additions to Oxegen) include Tom Vek, The Cribs, Dogs and Editors.
5 1258
5/31/2005 8:19 PM
23 Replies and 2210 Views Gallagher and Bloc Party  2210  23 Started by  benni See: http://www.nme.com/news/112503.htm Hmmm... not too sure what I make of that to be honest. Thoughts
23 2210
5/31/2005 1:50 PM
12 Replies and 1696 Views The Wrens  1696  12 Started by  Unicron I know that there are few people here who have expressed an admiration for Secaucus NJ's finest so they might be pleased to learn that over a year and a half after it was released in the states 'The Meadowlands' (best album of the new millenium) will be released in Europe in a few months on Lomax records. Now comes the best part, they'll follow it up with a European tour around September.
12 1696
5/31/2005 1:25 PM
0 Replies and 1007 Views Scratched CDs?  1007  0 Started by  Una This tip works best with small unreadable scratches, as some hard scratches are too deep and loose the data permanently. Requirements: http://www.alcohol-soft.com/ (Alcohol 120 Software) Cooking oil Small piece of cotton Dry cleaner paper Follow this simple steps to fix a scratched cd for repair purposes: In step one you must do some preparation work on the CD. Begin by wetting the cotton with water. Begin to clean the CD in a vertical motion; three firm wipes shall be suffici...
0 1007
5/31/2005 1:18 PM
16 Replies and 1186 Views Drug Songs (in the spirit of meaningless polls)  1186  16 Started by  Una Was listening to cocaine blues this morning and mentally gathering he best drug songs. These ones about heroin are a start http://opioids.com/heroin/hmusic.html any other suggestions
16 1186
5/31/2005 10:58 AM
8 Replies and 1013 Views Interpol  1013  8 Started by  Una anyone want interpol live in Lyon and Paris
8 1013
5/31/2005 10:36 AM
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