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2 Replies and 1018 Views Buffalo Daughter  1018  2 Started by  Una does anyone know where I can get any Buffalo Daughter CDs in Dublin Tower didn't have anything last time I looked. All I have is one track ('Cyclic') and I want more. MORE.
2 1018
6/21/2005 2:49 PM
14 Replies and 1333 Views the genius of wild billy childish.....  1333  14 Started by  clamps just wondering if anybody got to the gig on saturday night in whelans. it just fooooking blew my mind, the best thing i've seen in an age. please comment.....
14 1333
6/21/2005 12:42 PM
3 Replies and 996 Views turntable  996  3 Started by  Una does anyone know where i could get a cheapass deck/record player to plug into my stereo I kind want to spend less than 100, is that possible cheers
3 996
6/20/2005 5:35 PM
3 Replies and 1474 Views oxegen line up change  1474  3 Started by  caps lock Just got an email update to say that Engineers will not be playing Oxegen as previously billed, Mono Band will be replacing them. Other changes include: Jimmy Chamberlain Complex replaced by Republic Of Loose Countermine replaced by Sylvia Saint It's a pity cos I was looking forward to checking out Engineers but I'll survive..
3 1474
6/20/2005 4:43 PM
0 Replies and 937 Views Depeche Mode - New Album / Tour  937  0 Started by  benni Ooooh I'm very excited. First album in a while and the first time that Dave Gahan (singer) will actually be involved in the songwriting. Release date sometime around the end of the year and touring in January. No Irish date announed as of yet mind - and probably won't be either cause the last time they played here was during Faith and Devotion in like 95 or something. Still tho... i'll be looking forward to it.
0 937
6/20/2005 1:16 PM
6 Replies and 1896 Views Anyone know where to get t-shirts and badges made?  1896  6 Started by  CH-1 anyone have info on somebody/somewhere that makes up t-shirts/badges for bands
6 1896
6/20/2005 11:22 AM
7 Replies and 1701 Views IMRO showcase  1701  7 Started by  Butt anyone go to the Village gig on Saturday 8 bands each playing a mini set, very impressive stuff. place eventually filled up but was over half empty for the first couple of acts and two of my faves on the night. definately recommend catching these live: Soviet Filter, f**ked-up indie-pop, http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/31/ Lotus Lullaby, catchy electro rawk!, http://artists.cpu.ie/bands/453/ 8Ball, a lot of cool layered sounds(7 members!), http://www.8ballmusic.com/ I doubt t...
7 1701
6/20/2005 1:32 AM
4 Replies and 1085 Views the kaiser chiefs  1085  4 Started by  Una why is the interview labelled as 'The Kaisers' on the website
4 1085
6/19/2005 1:07 PM
7 Replies and 1087 Views New Arcade Fire song and a radio session  1087  7 Started by  Una The song is Cold Wind from the Six Feet Under and the radio session is KCRW http://youaintnopicasso.blogspot.com/2005/06/arcade-fires-new-song-and-old-kcrw.htmlcomments
7 1087
6/17/2005 8:05 PM
14 Replies and 1387 Views Great Best of's/Compliations  1387  14 Started by  off the post Off the top of my head: Dexy's - Let's make this precious. Saint Etienne - Too young to die. Tindersticks - Donkeys. OMD - Best of.. More, more....
14 1387
6/17/2005 11:13 AM
18 Replies and 1324 Views Yeah! New York  1324  18 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf This day two weeks I'll be in New York for a short time and would like advice on decent bars/clubs to go to from those of you who've tasted the big apple. Ideally, I'd like to find smaller places with DJs showing the good taste of our friend Benni. Like a New York ANSEO or Carnival or the like. Know what I mean
18 1324
6/16/2005 3:31 PM
10 Replies and 1267 Views not much going on  1267  10 Started by  Una Not many gigs on are there I guess it's the dry patch before the festivals. Only stuff vaguely interesting coming up; Moodyman the sugar club on saturday, Billy Childish Whelans on the same night and Slunt at Crawdaddy next week. and billy corgan. am i missing anything worthwhile or interesting. PS speaking of worthwhile gigs, saw Garbage last week. Absolutely excellent stuff.
10 1267
6/16/2005 10:54 AM
3 Replies and 1604 Views ATL tv  1604  3 Started by  sweetie Anyone see this on BBC2 on tuesday night. It had music from the bellies, rep. of loose, thrills and mainline were on it aswell. It's connected to the bbc radio show across the line...worth checking out in these times of post no disco depression.
3 1604
6/16/2005 9:19 AM
54 Replies and 5853 Views Info on Issac Butts?  5853  54 Started by  benni Anyone know when this old fav is gonna be up and running again Used to be some good nights and gigs in there. I'm looking to set up a new indie night and was thinking of enquiring here. I DJ in another club in Dublin but I'm looking for a smaller place to play some more left field stuff, not so NME driven etc( Does that sound really pretentious!) Anyway yea... no clue when its supposed to be reopening its doors. Anyone have any info
54 5853
6/15/2005 10:54 AM
40 Replies and 6994 Views Great Opening Lines  6994  40 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Listened to eels 'PS: You Rock My World' yesterday and got thinking about great opening lines in songs. 'I was at a funeral the day I realised I wanted to spend my life with you...' Got a favourite opening line
40 6994
6/15/2005 10:54 AM
14 Replies and 1636 Views OK so im a bit late with this buuuut....  1636  14 Started by  benni Can someone please explain to me what the 'dinner table bit' was at the Beck concert - whatever i've read has only been informative if you were there!! It's wrecking my head!!! Someone fill me in please
14 1636
6/14/2005 12:13 PM
4 Replies and 1381 Views don't look back concerts series  1381  4 Started by  aidan ....saw this on the NME website and I'm not sure if the concept is a good one or a bad one.... THE LEMONHEADS and GANG OF FOUR are to join the likes of THE STOOGES and BELLE AND SEBASTIAN by taking part in a unique season of gigs this autumn Presented in association with NME’s sister magazine Uncut, ‘Don’t Look Back’ will see a selection of veteran artists revisit a classic work, played on the night in its entirety. The shows will take place in various venues across London from Augus...
4 1381
6/13/2005 5:05 PM
28 Replies and 4233 Views great 2nd albums  4233  28 Started by  aidan ....inspired by archie's post about lame 2nd albums, I've been thinking about 2nd albums that are not only good but absolutely classic - for starters massive attack 'protection' suede 'dog man star' katell keineg 'jet' ....and surely lots more....right
28 4233
6/13/2005 4:54 PM
5 Replies and 1334 Views Reverb  1334  5 Started by  Rev Jules I have been watching this RTE archive clips show over the last few weeks and amoung the pleasures so far have been Sandy Kelly's duet with a perplexed Johnny Cash, Glen Hansard wearing a perm, eyeliner and lipstick and Blue in Heaven just doing their thing...Oh and Leslie Dowdall.
5 1334
6/13/2005 2:08 PM
8 Replies and 1429 Views RTE in cool music shock  1429  8 Started by  indiecater has anyone heard the music being played in the background as RTE advertise the Sunday Game. None other than Explosions In The Sky's 'Your Hand In Mine'. For one brief moment Ger Canning made me weep. http://indiecater.com/earthisnotadeadplace.html
8 1429
6/11/2005 7:02 PM
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