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10 Replies and 1533 Views All on the Black  1533  10 Started by  mannaman Hi guys, check out the band 'Leya', I think they're pretty good. What do you think They've a new single out 'All on the Black', & if you like it, try to catch them at Oxegen. Mannaman. www.leya.info
10 1533
7/4/2005 12:12 PM
16 Replies and 1653 Views Dandy Warhols film 'Dig!'  1653  16 Started by  bonzo You quite simply have to go and see this...now! It is truly brilliant.
16 1653
7/4/2005 10:08 AM
1 Replies and 1076 Views common  1076  1 Started by  Una common / kanye west je ne comprende pas
1 1076
7/3/2005 7:53 PM
13 Replies and 1417 Views LIVE 8 - Thoughts Anyone ?  1417  13 Started by  Rev Jules Hi there, well I finally peeled myself from the sofa in the the wee hours of this morning after watching practically all of Live 8, whaddya all think
13 1417
7/3/2005 6:27 PM
8 Replies and 1222 Views Martha Wainwright  1222  8 Started by  Gar Good interview on the site there by Ian. But just wanted to ask if anyone knows if tickets are still on sale for the Dublin gig And who's supporting
8 1222
6/30/2005 7:44 PM
15 Replies and 1590 Views The definitive top ten Irish bands of all time!  1590  15 Started by  Antistar Very bored at work so I came up with this! Top Ten Irish bands of all time! 1 My Bloody Valentine 2 Fatima Mansions/Microdisney 3 Whipping Boy 4 Rollerskate Skinny 5 Power Of Dreams 6 Into Paradise 7 Planxty 8 The Frank and Walters 9 Ten Speed Racer 10 U2
15 1590
6/30/2005 2:50 PM
2 Replies and 1242 Views More good stuff from Sinead O Connor  1242  2 Started by  Una Sinead O’Connor addresses the rumours that Live 8 artists are being told that they cannot criticise George Bush from the stage. Sinead’s thoughts are formulated in response to an article published in the Daily Telegraph, in which a high profile artist was quoted as claiming that they were instructed to keep silent about their political opinions while performing the worldwide television broadcast of the Live 8 concerts next month. “If George Bush pulled out of helping Africa because he was ...
2 1242
6/30/2005 12:44 PM
9 Replies and 1395 Views want to make Jacko bankrupt?  1395  9 Started by  Una http://love-n-happiness.blogspot.com/2005/06/help-me-help-michael-jackson-into.html
9 1395
6/30/2005 12:40 PM
32 Replies and 4509 Views Oh Canada  4509  32 Started by  Una How many great Canadian bands are there at the mo Crikey. Great Lake Swimmers Stars (you can get their album 'Set Yourself on Fire' on regnyouth) Arcade Fire and my personal favourites Alexisonfire and Danko Jones another nominations www.kickinthehead.com is a good source for all things maple.
32 4509
6/30/2005 12:38 PM
2 Replies and 1475 Views death disco  1475  2 Started by  cwrenn was anyone in the village on monday nighti have to say,the concept behind it made me slightly queasy...i don't think that the people were there to hear the music,more out of a morbid fascination with mister mcgowan...i suppose it's something thats linked to the whole pete doherty thing..i wish the people would realise that overuse/misuse of drink/drugs just isn't cool..take,for example david byrne...he's roughly the same age as mcgowan,but instead of incoherence,he's producing some of the most ...
2 1475
6/29/2005 5:44 PM
6 Replies and 1588 Views antony and the johnsons on saturday night  1588  6 Started by  cwrenn folks,if people hear of any tickets going,they wouldn't ever throw up a message here,would theyit's a show i'd really like to go to...
6 1588
6/29/2005 5:26 PM
3 Replies and 1517 Views US filesharing law change  1517  3 Started by  sweetie http://www.nme.com/news/112833.htm Apparently courts in the US have ruled that the creators of p2p programs are now liable for their illegal use aswell as the users. Don't know if it applies to makers ofcd and dvd burners though. What do ye think
3 1517
6/29/2005 5:01 PM
14 Replies and 1297 Views RICEFEST 05  1297  14 Started by  Una Damien Rice is set to try his hand at staging a music festival in Ireland this summer Damien Rice has revealed that he’s planning to run his own festival in Ireland this summer. “I haven’t had time to do anything about it before, but having been chilling out for the last while I’ve made some calls, hooked up with some people and found a place,” he reveals. “It’d be so great to have something to go to in Ireland where you can watch music, but have amazing food and where there’ll be fires l...
14 1297
6/27/2005 2:18 PM
4 Replies and 1503 Views Oxegen  1503  4 Started by  sweetie Check out the irish ebay site to see what people are prepared tp pay for tickets. 2 weekend passes with camping are going at around 540 at the moment! Madness, I say.
4 1503
6/27/2005 12:39 PM
2 Replies and 1211 Views Glastonbury mp3s  1211  2 Started by  Una I wasn't there. If you weren't there either, here are The Killers http://puddlesofrobots.westernave.net/killers/2005/06-24-05/ anybody got s'more
2 1211
6/26/2005 7:34 PM
40 Replies and 5969 Views U2 Appreciation Thread  5969  40 Started by  Gar Just how good or over-rated are U2 With the Vertigo Tour in full swing now, alot of emphasis has been placed on how good the band actually are. Or how great they are. Could they simply be the best band in the world
40 5969
6/25/2005 10:43 PM
26 Replies and 2997 Views Indie Musicians Seek New Band Name  2997  26 Started by  Rev Jules Hi all, I have just got an email in from a group of indie musicians who are attempting to name their band at present but who can't agree on one from the suggestions made by the band themselves. They have therefore asked me to post this thread in order to seek suggestions from the Cluas readership. If any of you have ever wanted to give a band a name I guess now is your chance.
26 2997
6/23/2005 8:08 PM
22 Replies and 2100 Views Interpol @Coldplay  2100  22 Started by  benni Sorry to all coldplay fans but i have no interest in hearing how they were!! Anyone go Any reports on Interpol. I'm a bit of a fan y'see.
22 2100
6/23/2005 3:47 PM
15 Replies and 1593 Views U2 Mania  1593  15 Started by  fiddlechick Who's going Who's excited Dave Fanning's interviews with U2 are on tonight and RTE's filling up Saturday night - U2 mania has begun. Looking at some of the setlists and they're just alright - hopefully it'll be amazing! Unfortunately I've exams next week (Mon, Tues, Wed) and have tickets for Monday night and Saturday night, so trying to swap to Friday night so as not to have study guilt casting shadows on me in Croke Part (if anyone's up for a swap let me know!)
15 1593
6/22/2005 12:02 PM
10 Replies and 1153 Views What are the best sites for downloading music?  1153  10 Started by  stroller I finally got broadband installed in my appartment and I was just wondering which are the best sites/peer-to-peer file sharing systems for downloading music Also which ones are riddled with spyware and viruses and thus should be avoided
10 1153
6/21/2005 9:14 PM
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