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6 Replies and 3472 Views Phantom FM?  3472  6 Started by  Mr Johnny Boss Anyone know what the latest is, last I heard they got their licence but that was about a year ago and still havent heard anything.
6 3472
10/25/2005 5:15 PM
3 Replies and 1684 Views AERIAL  1684  3 Started by  akablue Has anyone heard any of Kate Bush's new stuff Good reviews but yet to hear it, highly anticipated.
3 1684
10/25/2005 1:54 PM
8 Replies and 1326 Views what mp3 player should i buy?  1326  8 Started by  ctrlaltdelete i've finally scrambled the grade together to buy an mp3 player but don't have a clue what one to get. is iRiver they way to go or iPlod
8 1326
10/25/2005 1:23 PM
24 Replies and 2916 Views Irish bands playing soon  2916  24 Started by  Una For boredom's sake, here are some 'native' bands I'm looking forward to seeing. Add to the list as y'all se fit (nearly rhymes) Sinead O'Connor The Helix - Nov 3 Lost The Sugar Club - Nov 4 Humanzi TBMC - Nov 5 Dry County International - Nov 6 and other regulars - Seven Deadly Skins The Mezz, Zrazy The George. Missing anyone good
24 2916
10/24/2005 8:20 PM
3 Replies and 1244 Views Down In Albion  1244  3 Started by  Una anyone got a hold of it yet, just started listening to it properly today. Great stuff IMO. La Belle Et La Bete is alright - a bit circus-y, f**k Forever is of course, great. favourite tracks of the minute, a rebours and the 32nd of december
3 1244
10/24/2005 12:41 PM
3 Replies and 1817 Views iPod mini  1817  3 Started by  Gh Hello learned ones. I have an iPod mini. I have a CDR with some tracks on it in MP3 format. I have tried uploading these tracks to iTunes and on to iPod but it is not working. Can somebody please give me a step by step guide of what I need to do.
3 1817
10/23/2005 8:58 PM
0 Replies and 1541 Views Are The Frank & Walters still relevent?  1541  0 Started by  indiecater Still basking in the glory of one of the gigs of the year last night in Whelans where Team Calhoon, Hybrasil & The Frank & Walters put the art back in performance. The Frank & Walters are as precious as ever, but 14 years down the line they seem to be morphing into an hilarious cabaret act. Imagine after all this time they are still not taking themselves seriously. Probably part of the reason why they've never attained what they truly deserved and partly the reason why they chose to call their n...
0 1541
10/23/2005 9:15 AM
8 Replies and 1752 Views Bloc party  1752  8 Started by  tommythecatz Bloc party are playing the black box in Galway on the 8th of nov as part of the heineken green room sessions. Sweet!!! Log on for free tix
8 1752
10/21/2005 3:17 PM
12 Replies and 1667 Views Wolf Parade  1667  12 Started by  Gar As fas as I was aware Wolf Parade were due to play Whelan's on Nov 27th. But on my ticket it says the date is Dec 10th. Anyone know the actual date Or was it just a misprint from the WAV box office
12 1667
10/21/2005 1:31 PM
1 Replies and 1120 Views Software for inserting Trackmarkers on MP3 Files  1120  1 Started by  stroller I've just done a mix to promote a club night but the problem is that it's just one long 74 minute wav file. Does anybody know of any software that I can download which will allow me to insert trackmarkers so that I can break it down into 22 seprate tracks
1 1120
10/20/2005 5:26 PM
2 Replies and 1245 Views Supergrass Review  1245  2 Started by  Gar Kudos to Aidan for reviewing the new Supergrass album as I think it's pretty damn good. Probably their best yet in fact. But I disagree with his comment about 'St. Petersburg'. Anyone else think it's about time Supergrass got the recognition they deserve
2 1245
10/20/2005 1:51 PM
0 Replies and 1585 Views Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion  1585  0 Started by  fiddlechick I don't if anyone else who reads this board was at their gig in Whelans last night - but they are well worth checking out if you like Americana/folk music. Whelans was barely half full and the acoustics were really great. Sarah Lee is Woody's granddaughter and Arlo's daughter. She's a little scatty (like forgetting her solo guitar and a Jessica Simpson moment mixing up risky with risque prompting a Newlyweds moment with hubby Irion correcting her) but has an amazing voice. They've fantastic ...
0 1585
10/20/2005 1:18 PM
13 Replies and 1821 Views Ballymun Rap Group on RTE Radio 1  1821  13 Started by  Rev Jules Anyone hear the documentary on One, compiled by Brian Kenny, about a Ballymun rap group on RTE Radio One earlier tonight (19/10/05)
13 1821
10/19/2005 8:03 PM
57 Replies and 7880 Views is anyone going to psychofest?!  7880  57 Started by  dirtypropaganda im interested to know folks perception of this event. i think its gonna be an historical day. but then i would say that..discuss
57 7880
10/19/2005 1:08 PM
18 Replies and 1985 Views Halloween songs?  1985  18 Started by  stroller I'm DJing on Halloween night this year for the first time in ages. Can anyone think of any Halloween themed songs along the lines of; The Sonics - The Witch Bobby Boris Pickett - Monster Mash Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters Victor Mizzy - The Adams Family (Main Theme) Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You Dusty Springfield - Spooky Charles Sheffield - It's Your Voodoo Working The Cramps - Human Fly Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand PJ Harvey - Down By The Water Warren Z...
18 1985
10/18/2005 7:52 PM
0 Replies and 1563 Views All u bedroom DJ's...  1563  0 Started by  Ruby Need to buy a sound system for my decks. I've been playing them through a normal hi-fi for a few months but finally blew the speakers. I've been eyeing up a pair of speakers with built in amp, for 400yoyos, but am also considering buying a proper music system (technics or jvc) with cd player etc, and with big speakers and built in amp (and woofer whatever that is) for like, 5 or 600 euro. Any advice please
0 1563
10/18/2005 2:28 PM
5 Replies and 1184 Views another q re: music in tv ads...  1184  5 Started by  benni ok so theres an ad for SVU-Special Victims Unit on RTE. The music is this electronic thang - fairly chaotic. I've heard it before and I know it but i just cant remember who the f**k its by... any takers
5 1184
10/18/2005 12:07 PM
19 Replies and 2282 Views Humanzi on MTV2  2282  19 Started by  benni Apparently a new video by Humanzi was picked as video of the week on MTV 2's Gonzo last night.. anyone catch it. Fair play I say!
19 2282
10/18/2005 10:42 AM
10 Replies and 1553 Views So, Sufjan last Friday  1553  10 Started by  Unicron Any thoughts
10 1553
10/18/2005 1:52 AM
5 Replies and 1848 Views music magazine  1848  5 Started by  Flem anyone want to contribute to an indie zine its a bit of crack ya might get a free moro out of it
5 1848
10/17/2005 7:24 PM
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