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18 Replies and 1469 Views New music shows on TG4 and Channel 6?  1469  18 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf There's a new music show coming up on TG4 called Deis Roc (based in Belfast) but I read Channel 6 are planning a similar show. Anyone able to shed more light on this for me
18 1469
2/2/2006 10:43 AM
16 Replies and 1514 Views Another Music Mag folds ....  1514  16 Started by  Mully http://media.guardian.co.uk/site/story/0,,1700185,00.html Smash Hits, the magazine that postered teenage bedrooms across Britain for nearly 30 years, is to close after its mix of pop lyrics and heart-throb interviews lost its appeal with young readers. The last edition of the loss-making title, published by Emap, will appear on February 13. Smash Hits has seen its circulation decline from a height of 1m in 1989, when Kylie and Jason graced the cover, to 120,000 as it lost out in the comp...
16 1514
2/2/2006 10:26 AM
22 Replies and 2499 Views Who is better off solo?  2499  22 Started by  Gar - Who do you reckon is much better off playing solo than trying to regain past glories with their band - Or should stick with their band and leave the solo outings alone
22 2499
2/1/2006 6:42 PM
5 Replies and 1311 Views we are scientists  1311  5 Started by  emu does anyone know where they are playing it says it on hotpress.com but i am not a member so i cant see it. i would be very greatful if u would tell me cos they where deadly last week in the ambassador.
5 1311
1/31/2006 3:09 PM
117 Replies and 13751 Views Humanzi on the tele!!  13751  117 Started by  duncan Voices from a room, this weds network 2, 11.30. Stay up extra late and get the popcorn out!
117 13751
1/31/2006 12:45 PM
30 Replies and 4225 Views So which irish songwriters do you like, then?  4225  30 Started by  palace maybe you've done it to death but i haven't seen it... no new rock bands please - i've certainly heard that one to death... on the back of everyone forever constantly saying that irish singer / songwriters are unoriginal useless pieces of s**t, i'd like to hear something positive... obviously there are a few that fit in to the above category but what about the martin finkes, the adrian crowleys, the nina hynes' etc.. and whatever you think about hansard the man, can you not see the und...
30 4225
1/31/2006 10:29 AM
16 Replies and 1801 Views New Reviews  1801  16 Started by  Archie Just continuing Gar's crusade of getting discussion going on the new reviews on Cluas....off ye go.
16 1801
1/30/2006 6:59 PM
33 Replies and 7918 Views CLUAS Opinion - Buskers  7918  33 Started by  admin Post your comments here on the latest CLUAS Opinion piece in which CLUAS writer Aidan Curran froths at the mouth during a reflection on that social, er, phenomena: Buskers. Read it all here: http://www.cluas.com/opinion/buskers.htm Cheers eoghan
33 7918
1/30/2006 9:16 AM
3 Replies and 1327 Views The Wall  1327  3 Started by  Archie Watched Pink Floyd's The Wall there the other day. Being to young to remember Pink Floyd when they were really real and stuff, I was just wondering, was the album written as a kind of concept album to go with the film, or was it just so...personal that it was easy to attach a (semiautobographical) character to it and make it into a story if you see what I mean Just want to know the story behind it. They are an awfully interesting band altogether.
3 1327
1/29/2006 11:46 AM
6 Replies and 1440 Views Boredom, Dublin 2  1440  6 Started by  Una Jaysus, is there actually NOTHING on in this town tonight or tomorrow night I relish Saturday and Sunday nights because I have Sunday and Mondays off, but there is actually NOTHING to do this weekend music wise - or am I wrong The only vaguely interesting thing is Scratch Perverts TBMC tonight. Any suggestions from Cluasers Save me from a blank weekend.
6 1440
1/28/2006 11:55 AM
0 Replies and 1272 Views Rufus Goes Country  1272  0 Started by  Rev Jules I logged into i-tunes tonight, saw that the 'Brokeback Mountain' soundtrack was there, had a look and saw that Steve Earle had stuck a kicking version of 'Devils Right Hand' on it, downloaded asap, the thing is it also has a number of country songs by Rufus Wainwright. The church of country music is spreading, and its a wide church y'all. The Reverend Jules Earl Jackson
0 1272
1/26/2006 10:48 PM
13 Replies and 1851 Views Artic Monkeys - what do ye think?  1851  13 Started by  off the post Worthy of the hype Overhyped or just damn good or not good at all
13 1851
1/26/2006 2:36 PM
20 Replies and 2968 Views Other Voices Season 4  2968  20 Started by  Gar Kicks off tonight at 23:30 on RTE Two. John Kelly is back to present it and tonight things are started with The Walls, Laura Cantrell, Vyvienne Long and Jame Blunt.
20 2968
1/25/2006 12:14 AM
4 Replies and 1418 Views Music mag survey for college  1418  4 Started by  Hantori Just wondering if anyone of yis had the time. Could you complete this simple survey for us 1. Do you currently read music magazines If yes which ones 2. Why do you choose this / these magazines above others 3. What features of the magazine do you enjoy ( albums reviews, gig reviews etc ) 4. Do you read any digital / creative arts magazines 5. What music are you interested in ( Can specify bands also ) 6. Is there any thing you don’t like about current music magazines 7. Do yo...
4 1418
1/24/2006 5:14 PM
19 Replies and 2274 Views NME gig last night...  2274  19 Started by  Ruby anyone go good I'm going tonight, who was on first and what time. Dont wanna miss mystery jets.
19 2274
1/24/2006 11:09 AM
6 Replies and 1688 Views most affected albums  1688  6 Started by  Super Nintendo Chalmers i was listening to Love is here by statsailor today and it occured to me that i really like it, which isnt remakable in and of itself (some may disagree) but ther reason i really like it is that it reminds me of weekend trip in belfast a few years back when i was in college which was perhaps my best wkend of four years in college. what two albums that you've heard, that you ideally own have been most affected by other circumstances just two. mine would be, starsailor as above. i suspect...
6 1688
1/22/2006 10:17 PM
3 Replies and 1338 Views Westport-based Definitely Blue  1338  3 Started by  mndwalsh Does anyone know what happened to Westport-based Definitely Blue It was years ago that I downloaded a couple tracks off this web site and the band had actually sent me a letter and a couple demos saying they were off to record a cd. They may have changed the name of the band but I cannot find anything on it. Can anyone help
3 1338
1/20/2006 3:37 PM
16 Replies and 2107 Views Why people lose interest in music in their 20s?  2107  16 Started by  miwadi L:istening to Fanning the other evening he had Colm (from No disco)on, who always makes sense and loves the Sprouts, so he is ok in my book, but I digress...... He made the point that at 20, almost everyone is into music of some merit. They buy decent albums, discuss bands, go to gigs etc. Then somewhere between 20 and 30 (he said 24 but I think it is older), they loose interest and go the Phil Collins/Mary Black route into hell. They still have and cherish the old albums and often go see th...
16 2107
1/20/2006 2:56 PM
6 Replies and 1214 Views The Last Broadcast on Blizzard Of Odd??  1214  6 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf A mate told me he saw The Last Broadcast on Blizzard Of Odd a while back! Anyone see this Dying to know what they were saying!
6 1214
1/20/2006 12:03 PM
12 Replies and 1176 Views Smashing Pumpkins to reform and play festivals  1176  12 Started by  John Doe So according to Tom Dunne, the Pumpkins are to reform but only to play festivals. Fantastic news for us Pumpkins fans of course, but the question I want answered is: will the stunningly attractive Melissa Auf Der Mar be playing bass with them I can't be arsed trawling through a thousand fan sites so maybe some benign Cluas reader will do it for me. :D
12 1176
1/20/2006 11:38 AM
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