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3 Replies and 1308 Views iPorn  1308  3 Started by  Rev Jules Click on the link below, go on, you know you want to http://www.dailysixer.com/iporn.shtml
3 1308
3/11/2006 11:52 AM
24 Replies and 3011 Views Brian Jonestown Massacre (DIG)  3011  24 Started by  WhoMe Anyone familier with the Rockumentary DIg might be pleased to know that the 'Brian Jonestown Massacre' are playing Dublin in May. How f**king class is this. Anyone see the moive, f**king funny as f**k
24 3011
3/10/2006 12:59 PM
7 Replies and 1260 Views Cool Band Websites  1260  7 Started by  Gar What are the better/unqiue band websites worth browsing through I just came across a Tron-like one for The Raconteurs that is different and kinda cool. www.theraconteurs.com
7 1260
3/10/2006 12:52 PM
11 Replies and 1608 Views Blueroom recording studio burgled  1608  11 Started by  godtalkingsoul Hi Folks, i'm not sore if this has been posted but sure what harm if it has, the more people see this the more chance of recovering the stuff. I'm posting this on behalf of Pete 'I just called into my studio on the way home from a friends house to find that the place has been broken into and a substantial amount of equipment stolen. I am completely devastated, I was just about on top of the difficult first year of starting my business and this has knocked me for six. Those of you reading ...
11 1608
3/10/2006 9:29 AM
8 Replies and 1288 Views Teddy Thompson  1288  8 Started by  Rev Jules About two years ago, I started going around telling people about Jack Johnson to a blank reception...you know who you are...and the latest edition of HOTPRESS has old Jack on the cover with a headline saying' Who The Hell is Jack Johnson, surfer, songwriter, eco warrior and 21st Century Superstar'. Now I am going to give you another tip...Teddy Thompson. http://www.teddythompson.com/ He's the son of Richard & Linda Thompson. He's going to be important.
8 1288
3/9/2006 11:21 PM
1 Replies and 1320 Views MP3 blog search engines  1320  1 Started by  stroller Ages ago Una reccommended a deadly site which I've knocked loads of use out of; http://elbo.ws/ I've since discovered a similar but far quicker site; http://hype.non-standard.net/ Has anybody found any other ones which they can reccommend
1 1320
3/9/2006 4:09 PM
23 Replies and 2555 Views Death Cab For Electric Picnic?  2555  23 Started by  Gar Well.....not 100 confirmed but the band were considering playing it. Hopefully a band like this are signed up rather than returns of acts we had last year (e.g. Husky Rescue).
23 2555
3/9/2006 3:44 PM
19 1324
3/9/2006 3:39 PM
18 Replies and 1914 Views The Immediate on 'Other Voices'  1914  18 Started by  mickeyjoe Did anyone see the immediate on other voices last night. I thought they were very good, quite different to most of the new irish bands around. I seen them last night at the a gig in Cafe en Seine for the french festival the day fo music I cant wait to get their ep when it comes out.
18 1914
3/9/2006 1:48 PM
5 Replies and 1568 Views we are scientists suppport razorlight  1568  5 Started by  emu can any1 confirm that razorlight are being supported by we are scientists in the olympia on april 17th
5 1568
3/9/2006 11:45 AM
6 Replies and 1995 Views Music Festival in Mullingar  1995  6 Started by  Cel Anyone know anything bout this festival in Mullingar
6 1995
3/8/2006 4:46 PM
38 Replies and 5172 Views Babyshambles @ Temple Bar Music Centre  5172  38 Started by  Una woohoo -picked up 3 tickets yesterday. In celebration, I have turned my work screen saver to a photo of Pete Doherty on NewsNight. Roll on April 13
38 5172
3/8/2006 11:13 AM
70 Replies and 9513 Views radiohead in marley park  9513  70 Started by  emu whats the story with this i was told by someone yesterday that radiohead are playing in marley park with support from beck. anyone have any more details on this
70 9513
3/7/2006 7:54 PM
10 Replies and 2159 Views Irish Bands of times past  2159  10 Started by  uli This is a thought from recent Whipping Boy reunion. I must say I was looking forward to it but after gig realised that it was not that good. Heartworm was a good album almost dispite the band. One comment that was made I recall was that they where always sheep in Wolves clothing and I think its right..anyway prompted me to look through some old vinyl and dig out some records from past..Light a Big Fire..great lyrics..and also Scale the Heights..Goodbye to All that..which for my money was a truly...
10 2159
3/7/2006 5:52 PM
9 Replies and 1276 Views Nick Cave On Jonathan Woss  1276  9 Started by  Gar Anybody see this interview last night Not sure which was more scary - Cave's handlebar moustache or the fact that he penned an anti-war Gladiator 2.
9 1276
3/7/2006 11:32 AM
1 Replies and 1160 Views Guillemots  1160  1 Started by  Gar Was anyone at their recent Whelan's gig I picked up their 'From The Cliffs' release this week and it gets better with each listen.
1 1160
3/3/2006 2:40 PM
12 Replies and 2265 Views Oxygen...its started already  2265  12 Started by  bud A friend of mine was buying their tickets this morning. They wanted to buy tickets for Saturday and Sunday, but not to camp.....only to be told if they wanted tickets for the weekend they had to buy Camping tickets....and spend another 20 euro on a parking spot at the festival! (No joke) I think the Oxygen money machine has gone into overdrive already! Anyone else experience anything like this if buying a ticket
12 2265
3/3/2006 10:39 AM
26 Replies and 2487 Views Let us f**king swear already!  2487  26 Started by  Una The powers that be: is it really neccesary to have bloody asterixs everywhere on this board Can we not just swear I certainly wouldn't take offense. who would like to add their names to this f**king petition
26 2487
3/2/2006 11:14 AM
4 Replies and 1153 Views Underground club @ Kennedys  1153  4 Started by  Una I went to see a band there last night - I think they were called The Delaneys or something. Two of the guys were from Denmark and two were from London. Anyone know anything about them Anytime I google them I get 'country/rock from West Virginia' etc
4 1153
3/2/2006 10:24 AM
5 Replies and 1699 Views Primal Scream  1699  5 Started by  bud Just heard they are planning a small tour in April, anyone know if they are heading over here for any dates (other than Oxygen) And has anyone heard reports of their new stuff
5 1699
3/1/2006 11:49 AM
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