3 Replies and 1665 Views
The Raconteurs gig in Liverpool... 1665 3
Started by MACgirl
Sounds good but then NME were never likely to give it a bad review!!
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1665 |
3/21/2006 1:44 PM |
19 Replies and 1447 Views
ATL TV 1447 19
Started by Norman Schwarzkopf
Anybody see this last night I had the pleasure of seeing a group called Alloy Mental. It's dance-rock the likes of which Ulster has never seen! Hilarious. They had this 'intense' frontman shouting woeful lyrics against a dated industrial/electronic/rock (excuse my
genre-lisation) backdrop. 'Time will be killed!' You heard it here first.
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1447 |
3/21/2006 11:52 AM |
0 Replies and 1393 Views
Support Slot in Crawdaddy Available! 1393 0
Started by suddyn
SUDDYN are looking for an acoustic act or singer songwriter for their upcoming gig in Crawdaddy on Thursday Mar 30th.
Here is a quick rundown on the band:
SUDDYN are a NYC band with an Irish drummer. Their debut single “Drowning Souls” was released on Feb 17th and spent two weeks in the Irish Top Ten!
SUDDYN launched their single in the Sugar Club to a 300 strong crowd. So we are hoping for another great Dublin gig.
So enough of the fluff and big talk….check us out on www.myspace.com/suddyn...
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1393 |
3/20/2006 6:54 PM |
2 Replies and 1325 Views
Giveamanakick 1325 2
Started by klootfan
Anyone catch the Giveamanakick gig on sat night in whelans. Id never heard their stuff before, but I have to say i really enjoyed it.
Still a bit miffed that i only caught 2 berkley songs
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1325 |
3/20/2006 5:33 PM |
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21314 |
3/20/2006 2:16 PM |
8 Replies and 2000 Views
Redneck Manifesto 2000 8
Started by Jerry Garcia
Possibly the most under-rated band to come out of Ireland in years. Knew they went to America but apparently The Ticket covered that on Friday. Did they mention a new album
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2000 |
3/20/2006 11:07 AM |
11 Replies and 1633 Views
I Likes Cluas 1633 11
Started by Jerry Garcia
I've read Cluas on and off for about two years now, but only signed up today - my computer in work won't allow me to for some reason. Anyway, there are some characters on here and i wondered if anyone else has favourable sway towards certain members or past topics or reviews. As you can tell i'm sooooooooo bored on this wet day.
Fav Cluas Writer: Anna Murray
Fav Moderator: Rev Jules
Fav Cluas Member: Benni
Fav OpEd: Whelan's one
Fav Live Review: Madonna in Slane
Fav Album Review: Too man...
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1633 |
3/20/2006 10:50 AM |
1 Replies and 1237 Views
Pop Idol contestants are 'imbeciles' . 1237 1
Started by Antistar
Apparently, pop idol contestants are 'imbeciles' according to Morrissey. No s**t, Sherlock! He also tells us the sky is 'blue'.
Morrissey, please retire.
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1237 |
3/18/2006 3:55 PM |
3 Replies and 1278 Views
Strange things afoot, up at the ol Radiohead House 1278 3
Started by Mully
Strange Message posted on Monday by Thom on the Radiohead site.
all i need
s'all wrong
s'all right
s'all wrong
s'all right.
today, myself, i was struggling, feels like we been trapped for a long time.
in la la land. very frustrating. and under pressure now
its so slow.
enough to drive anyone loopy. im supposed to be positive>>
smiling faces for the outside. well im f**king tearing my hair out.
too much at once.
furiously writing, working out parts. c...
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1278 |
3/16/2006 4:44 PM |
5 Replies and 1717 Views
New Yeah Yeah Yeahs 1717 5
Started by Damien
Stole this from the internet during the week, anyone hear it yet Only starts to pick up about half way through. Pretty weak overall in my opinion.
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1717 |
3/16/2006 3:52 PM |
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1374 |
3/16/2006 3:47 PM |
2 Replies and 1151 Views
Charlie Parr 1151 2
Started by Una
anyone at this gig in the Cobblestone the other night. (Adrian Crowley supported) It was amazing. Heard he played Whelans a couple of years back, but this was a great venue for him,
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1151 |
3/16/2006 1:40 PM |
39 Replies and 4836 Views
This Week I Will Be Mostly Be Listening To..... 4836 39
Started by Antistar
Sun Kil Moon Tiny Cities
Stunningly beautiful reworkings of Modest Mouse's album of the same name. Improves on the original.
Cat Power The Greatest
Her greatest so far. Takes a few listens but works its splendid magic eventually. The fact that she is beautiful helps too.
Mogwai Mr.Beast
Yet another masterpiece from Glasgow's finest. 'Friend Of The Night' is one the most earth-shatteringly sublime pieces of music since recording began. The rest of the album is rather fine too. Live, t...
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4836 |
3/16/2006 12:04 PM |
4 Replies and 1637 Views
Loose Fur 1637 4
Started by vandala
This is a new one on me.
Cogged a couple of tracks from the web. They sound pretty good to me, but then again I'm a self-confessed Tweedy obsessive.
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1637 |
3/15/2006 9:45 PM |
61 Replies and 7837 Views
Who do you not want at Electric Picnic? 7837 61
Started by Gar
This is bordering on complete snobbery but may be interesting to see what names people throw out for this. I'd say The Streets and New Order.
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7837 |
3/14/2006 11:53 AM |
28 Replies and 3107 Views
Dylan & The Flaming Lips 3107 28
Started by Gar
Yep, both are on the bill for this year's Kilkenny Source festival on June 24th. Tickets are on sale this Thursday priced €55.
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3107 |
3/14/2006 11:00 AM |
5 Replies and 1263 Views
Hey! Unicron, how was it with The Wrens? 1263 5
Started by Protein biscuit
Hey Unicron! How was The Wrens exeperience Read the following review from the Guardian and wished i coulda been there. http://arts.guardian.co.uk/reviews/story/0,,1726516,00.htmlAlso, i see another favourite band of mine Silver Jews are going to be doing a few gigs in the UK at the end of March. Alas, no Irish date. If i'm gonna go i'd want to make a bleedin' decision on it now.
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1263 |
3/14/2006 10:40 AM |
2 Replies and 1706 Views
Drop-D's First Podcast . . .. Oh ya baby 1706 2
Started by drop d
Hey Guys,
Drop-D with a bit of news here.
We have recorded and released our very first Podcast.
It’s a roughly 30-40 min long Music Chat show with Deegs, Houli and Gary (Robin Deegan, Shane Houlihan and Gary O'Sullivan).
The Plan is to release a new Podcast every alternate week to the Ezine (so every fortnight).
The Podcast, as the name implies, is specific to IPOD's, Itunes, and related products and software, using these you can subscribe to our podcasts and you will auto download it e...
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1706 |
3/14/2006 10:18 AM |
24 Replies and 4053 Views
Best Irish bands 4053 24
Started by ANTICS@crawdaddy
We're looking to book trhe most talented and entertaining bands to play Antics, and we're interested to know who you think are the best of a rather large crop Are there many bands out there doing something a bit different and pushing creativity
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4053 |
3/11/2006 4:16 PM |
15 Replies and 1540 Views
Bud Rising April 1540 15
Started by Una
the line-up is here
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1540 |
3/11/2006 3:31 PM |