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1 Replies and 1278 Views Frank Black is releasing a new album  1278  1 Started by  Una FRANK BLACK “Fastman / Raiderman” Irish Release on 16th June 2006 ...on Cooking Vinyl Records   ::: New Double CD from the Pixies Frontman :::   Features a stellar collection of Legendary Musicians   Following the critical success of 2005’s “Honeycomb”, Pixies icon Frank Black will see the release of his ambitious new double-CD, “Fastman/Raiderman”, on Friday 16th June.   Paired again with producer Jon Tiven, the 27-song CD was recorded over a two-year period at studios in Nashville ...
1 1278
4/20/2006 12:04 PM
51 Replies and 6561 Views Mostly I'm digging - Republic of Loose's 'Aaagh'  6561  51 Started by  Rev Jules Gotta say, Republic of Loose's new album, super groovy, sound of da summer, bangin', stylin', groovin', sweet as, happy days.
51 6561
4/19/2006 9:40 PM
0 Replies and 1527 Views Emm Gryner  1527  0 Started by  roxy Anyone heading to Whelan's tomorrow noysh Haven't seen her live. Her stuff's a bit hit and miss for me but might wander in. She was in the Ruby Sessions recently was she not
0 1527
4/19/2006 5:08 PM
5 Replies and 1751 Views Razorlight t'other night...  1751  5 Started by  roxy ...was pretty good. D'olympia I mean, on Monday night. The vibe was a bit dodgy, with the scuffles before they even came on and plenty of elbows in tits etc. And that wasn't even the pit. But I guess it was my prerogative to move. And I didn't. So tough s**t for me. Anyway, I was majorly impressed. I'm not their biggest fan (more as a result of slight apathy than an active dislike) but I'll definitely be paying closer attention in future. Anyone else think Johnny Borrell had a kind of a ...
5 1751
4/19/2006 4:44 PM
5 Replies and 1237 Views the $40,000 itunes question  1237  5 Started by  Una I just got a new laptop. But all of the music on my ipod came from my itunes on my home computer. how do I download new stuff on my ipod from my new laptop itunes without erasing the contents of my ipod does connecting your ipod to a new itunes automatically format your ipod and replace it with the new itunes content Or is there a way you can keep the contents of your ipod secure and continue to download music from a new itunes source
5 1237
4/19/2006 4:41 PM
3 Replies and 1183 Views The Bonnie Prince in Whelans  1183  3 Started by  Protein biscuit Well, ClUAS-ers, any of ye check out Bonnie Prince Billy in Whelan's last night or heading there tonight Thought it was a really good gig despite not really knowing what to expect from him. Played a great set and there was a wide variety of instruments put to melodic use. Hell, there was even a bit of banter with the crowd at the end!
3 1183
4/19/2006 4:33 PM
18 Replies and 2270 Views myspace  2270  18 Started by  clonequartet who all is on myspace here http://www.myspace.com/clonequartet
18 2270
4/18/2006 6:30 PM
7 Replies and 1746 Views Deis Roc - TG4  1746  7 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf I had reasonably high hopes for this show but deary me it's bad. No reflection on the bands and I know funds are sparse for a show like this but it's so dated. It seemed like everybody on the show had a shaky grasp of the Gaeilge, including the presenters. Think the whole show needs a yoof injection. The panel of judges is some girl from BBC NI, Jim Lockhart and Leslie Dowdall! On the plus side, the sound seems half decent & the bands werent bad at all! I've seen worse on ATL TV. Anyone...
7 1746
4/18/2006 3:37 PM
11 Replies and 1490 Views Is Coke Losing Its Taste?  1490  11 Started by  Gar For all you devout White Stripes fans: Here's the new Coke ad that borrows as much from Michel Gondry as it does from the colour palette of Mary Poppins - There's also a new tune by Jack White in there. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=oWoLu_Hvbbw&search=Jack20White20Coke20Ad
11 1490
4/18/2006 12:48 PM
38 Replies and 4763 Views we are scientists last night  4763  38 Started by  emu any1 else go i thought it was deadly the crowd went absolutely nuts sum got a bit too nuts there was even a mosh pit. but i think the band where brilliant with all there banter. i also like the way they where talking about the chalets when the chalets where there.
38 4763
4/18/2006 12:33 PM
5 Replies and 1729 Views Manchester Passion  1729  5 Started by  WhoMe Anyone see this. I thought it was pretty cool. I thought there were some akward bits, somethings didnt gel together too well but overall at the end i thought it was pretty cool. Some of the tunes worked really well, At the end, Jc up the tower sining, I AM THE RESURRECTION, blah blah blah stone roses. I thought it was a bit special anyway. looked a bit under rehearsed though
5 1729
4/18/2006 11:23 AM
3 Replies and 1626 Views Kudos to Six  1626  3 Started by  Vent My Spleen OK, it seems to do more advertising for it's shows than actually showing and it looks like E4's cousin but dammit their music shows are good. Lots of Irish stuff that hardly gets a spin on any other station and some quality overseas stuff (Any cath the name of that rappin' Rabbi, caught some of a live perf, intriguing)
3 1626
4/18/2006 9:37 AM
4 Replies and 1505 Views The Immediate, WRM, The Young Knives - Whelans gig  1505  4 Started by  alameda Anyone else at this Was seriously impressed with 'The Immediate' Last time I saw them was the end of their set supporting Doves last Xmas in the Olympia and they didn't catch fire for me at all This time round though, they were sharp, accomplished and on top of their game Quality set from them - at least 4 or 5 really memorable tunes WRM and The Young Knives had their moments too - in fact all three bands put their back into it - a really good nite of live music Can't ask for more than ...
4 1505
4/18/2006 9:24 AM
3 Replies and 1122 Views WRM - Whelans  1122  3 Started by  Dromed Anyone go to White Rose Movement in Whelans on Saturday night Started off a bit ropy but by the end of it was pretty good. Crowd were unusually dead (ha!) and when the band wallked on stage almost no one acknowledged them..bit embarrassing.
3 1122
4/18/2006 9:17 AM
3 Replies and 1691 Views indie  1691  3 Started by  monkey Why does it say 'indie album reviews' and 'indie gig reviews' when the bands include Kanye West, The Coors and Van Morrision Why not just say 'album reviews'
3 1691
4/16/2006 9:32 PM
12 Replies and 1458 Views Director  1458  12 Started by  Antistar I'd just like to inform everyone that the most exciting Irish band in a long, long time is here...Director. To cut a long story short, I came across their video for 'Reconnect' on Channel 6 and wss suitably blown away. I thought they were American or British such was the strength of the song, the rather fine and highly polished video, the excellent ever-so slightly geekish image a la Weezer/We are Scientists et al.They've even got the band name right ('The'Blizzards, 'The' Immediate, 'The'Thrill...
12 1458
4/15/2006 7:54 PM
23 Replies and 2481 Views Babyshambles last night  2481  23 Started by  Una I was there. Unfortunately, the band wasn't.
23 2481
4/14/2006 1:14 PM
9 Replies and 1305 Views Why are their so many female DJ duos?  1305  9 Started by  stroller In Dublin we had Chicks on Decks and now we have Love Action and Leather Girls. And if you go to the indie club section of NME it seems that every second week the featured DJ is a female DJ duo in the mould of Queens of Noize Why have so many emerged in the last few years and why do they always seem to play a hyprid of indie, electro and ironic 80's pop
9 1305
4/14/2006 12:59 PM
7 Replies and 1280 Views Random Music Survey  1280  7 Started by  Una Spread the Love Below are Una's Answers Music Love Survey and Other Tids, Week of 4/16 Best New Release in April: Mono, 'You Are There' Best New Release 2006: Yeah Yeah Yeahs, 'Show Your Bones' This Week’s Guilty Pleasure: “We're From Barcelona' - I'm From Barcelona This Week’s “Private Listening”: “Sweet Child of Mine” - Guns N Roses Biggest Music Scam: The Bravery Frontman/woman You’d Like To Have: Karen O Dance Move: The classic head nod Song to Dance Insanely To...
7 1280
4/13/2006 6:08 PM
15 Replies and 1422 Views Anyone going to any Bud Rising Gigs?  1422  15 Started by  stroller I'm going to The Long Blondes on Saturday, Isobel Campbell on Sunday and Mr Scruff on Monday. Anyone else heading out
15 1422
4/13/2006 5:23 PM
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