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19 Replies and 1752 Views Eurovision - am I hallucinating again....  1752  19 Started by  Binokular ..or did GWAR just win it Lithuanias entry was pure genius, but what I really want to know is what Jules thought of Germanys country entry
19 1752
5/20/2006 11:43 PM
1 Replies and 1662 Views Delorentos single lunch yokey..  1662  1 Started by  roxy Anyone heading along on Saturday to the Willage One of my least favourite venues personally but it does serve a purpose. Anyway, yeah, should be good. The Flaws and The Fast Emperors are both very decent. There's actually a good buzz around the single release....heard Stuart CLarke discuss it on the Last Word yesterday...and then there's this morning's Metro. Hooers! But sure, if you see me, say hello...as the song goes.
1 1662
5/19/2006 2:45 PM
30 Replies and 2916 Views Three Albums That I Can't Stop Listening To.......  2916  30 Started by  Gar - Sunset Rubdown 'Shut Up I Am Dreaming' - Jay Bennett 'Bigger Than Blue' - The Court & Spark 'Hearts' What about everyone else
30 2916
5/19/2006 12:15 PM
15 Replies and 1908 Views broken social scene last night  1908  15 Started by  Pilchard AMAZING show! anyone else there
15 1908
5/19/2006 12:08 PM
10 Replies and 1782 Views Musing on Muse.  1782  10 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Anyone heard Muse's new single New dancy funky souly direction! Their lyrics are usually well dodgy, Bellamy tends to wail like a banshee castrato and they have some of the worst song titles ever. Knights of Cydonia So why do I like em so much!!!
10 1782
5/18/2006 4:20 PM
2 Replies and 1577 Views Dance Dance Dance  1577  2 Started by  WhoMe http://www.youtube.com/watchv=lU6sdCeY1Q8 It's always great to see people who really lose themselves in the music. Watch it till the end, it juts gets better and better
2 1577
5/17/2006 2:54 PM
2 Replies and 1143 Views the evolution of dance!!!!!  1143  2 Started by  kramer has to be the best dance routine i've seen in a long time...well since okgo's video fair balls to guy in the video, he put in the work!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watchv=dMH0bHeiRNg
2 1143
5/17/2006 12:26 PM
4 Replies and 1396 Views Scissors for Lefty Last night........  1396  4 Started by  benni Anybody make it to this in The Hub last night Came with a high recommendation from a mate that saw them in SXSW this year Alas I am sans tonsils and in bits at the mo so I couldnt get there myself. Anyone!
4 1396
5/17/2006 10:51 AM
11 Replies and 1711 Views songs that get the makeover treatment  1711  11 Started by  palace i'm thinking here of (usually) subtle changes / mixes to an original song and then the new version becoming the popular widely known one which is now the only one you ever hear... ...i'm thinking primarily of 'love will tear us apart' by joy division... for the 1995 release of permanent, they added jangly guitars that made the song sound slightly more contemporary and radio-friendly... i've haven't heard the original since (other than when i play it myself)... ...others that come to mind a...
11 1711
5/17/2006 9:45 AM
14 Replies and 2044 Views Self Aid: 20 years on  2044  14 Started by  admin Self Aid was twenty years ago today. I never would have noticed it was not for Mick Lynch who submitted an article marking the anniversary. Check it out here: http://www.cluas.com/music/features/self-aid-20-years-on.htm Was anybody here at the gig I have to admit I was there. Up the front of course like any very young teen worth their salt in the mid-eighties would have been. I did of course thoroughly enjoy the day and was convinced I was witnessing, er, history. Needless to say it's n...
14 2044
5/17/2006 9:16 AM
24 Replies and 3758 Views Josh Ritter album review & the Irish Bandwagon  3758  24 Started by  Gar After reading Aidan Curran's review of the new Josh Ritter album (http://www.cluas.com/music/albums/j...-years.htm), I couldn't help but feel a little disgruntled about the adopted tactic of many Irish music-lovers of using and then abusing certain acts that flock to this island on a regular basis. When Chris Rea, David Gray or Josh Ritter first started playing gigs here, crowds flocked to the gigs to show their warm Irish appreciation for a foreign act - as if to say 'Play in Ireland more o...
24 3758
5/16/2006 1:54 PM
11 Replies and 1911 Views pj harvey for electric picnic, it seems  1911  11 Started by  Pilchard is it just my imagination or are the EP people being really slow with announcements about whos playing I think its the same with Oxegen - at least in their case, they have the ticket money in the bank and can go around booking acts like Aslan and the Manchester Stone Roses - but you'd think EP would be putting out names good-o to sell those tickets
11 1911
5/15/2006 5:53 PM
12 Replies and 1561 Views Final Fantasy  1561  12 Started by  Protein biscuit Any of you dudes 'n dudettes at Final Fantasy on Sunday night in Whelans He was amazing. Four foot-pedals, a violin and a drummer who wandered on for a couple of tunes. Amazing stuff. Just incredible. Really enjoyed it and particularly cos i hadn't heard really any of his stuff beforehand. Dublin Guitar Quartet who supported were ace too.
12 1561
5/15/2006 5:28 PM
19 Replies and 2178 Views New Radiohead tunes  2178  19 Started by  kavobaggins Anyone heard any of them and what do you think Ive heard a good few now from ateaseweb.com and other sites and the songs are shaping up pretty nicely. Favourite at the moment is Bodysnatchers. Roll on Marley Park!
19 2178
5/15/2006 5:18 PM
38 Replies and 5652 Views Hi-Fi cancelled?  5652  38 Started by  Pilchard anyone else hear anything about this over the weekend seems ticket sales are shocking and the locals are up in arms because it's more of a rave than a gig.
38 5652
5/15/2006 10:25 AM
17 Replies and 1694 Views Song for a graduation night...  1694  17 Started by  Archie Hi, just wondering does anybody have any tips for a song for a graduation night Looking for something fairly lively, relevant to 6th years leaving school forever ( :D ) but easy to cobble together a version with only one guitar and a load of girls singing along. If your suggestions are an of the following, I appreciate it, but please go away: Time of your life by Greenday Either the Dance or the River by Garth Brooks I hope you dance by either Ronan Keating or LeeAnn Womack or please ...
17 1694
5/13/2006 7:33 PM
7 Replies and 3607 Views The horror of Flash-based websites  3607  7 Started by  admin I want to let blow about a pet hate. Websites that use Macromedia's 'Flash' technology. You know the ones, the websites that force you to twiddle your thumbs while a ‘Please wait while we load’ progress bar eternally works it way towards 100 when (if you’ve managed to hang around until then) they hop about the place with cooler than thou motion and images and other such (cough, splutter) cutting edge graphic codswollop Yeah, well apart from being a bandwidth hog (many of them are bad enough on...
7 3607
5/12/2006 11:38 AM
32 Replies and 6295 Views Who is the Sexiest Frontperson in Indiedom ??  6295  32 Started by  obrienian Karen O Gahan ( Depeche Mode ) Let us all know
32 6295
5/12/2006 6:40 AM
3 Replies and 1687 Views Limerick music scene  1687  3 Started by  Ruby anyone suggest some decent bars in limerick, or gig venues. I know dolans, but thats about it.
3 1687
5/11/2006 12:00 PM
12 Replies and 1830 Views Does Punk mean anything to you ???  1830  12 Started by  obrienian Yay or Nay my fellow CLUASlings Punk As Musical Expression: (text taken from Wikipeida) Music is the most important aspect of punk, so much so that it forms the basis of the entire subculture. Punk music is called punk rock, sometimes shortened to punk. Most punk rock is a specific style of the rock music genre, though punk musicians sometimes incorporate elements from other rock styles, and even other genres. Punk subcultures often distinguish themselves from one another by having a dist...
12 1830
5/11/2006 9:07 AM
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