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2 Replies and 1193 Views The Curse of Garden Party  1193  2 Started by  stroller Apparently this all happened earlier in the week but it's news to me; Toots & The Maytals were due to play the Garden Party festival until Toots pulled out a couple of days ago due to knee problems. The organisers swiftly booked Desmond Dekker as a replacement but sadly the Reggae legend has since died due to a heart attack. If I were an aging Jamacian musician I don't think I'd be in a hurry to answer any calls from Aiken Promotions. On a happier note Buck 65 has announced on his website th...
2 1193
5/27/2006 4:08 AM
16 Replies and 2003 Views Electric Picnic Tix  2003  16 Started by  Eoin right, apologies if this has been covered here before, but I went to check out tickets for the Electric Picnic today, and I came accross this..... There is just one type of ticket this year which is a weekend ticket that includes camping. (There are no day tickets.) Tickets are €175 which is for three days plus camping. I'd really like to have everyone thoughts on this, cause to me this is a f**king sham.
16 2003
5/26/2006 8:29 PM
0 Replies and 1542 Views Jim Noir Postponed!  1542  0 Started by  pvc Jim Noir in Crawdaddy has been Postponed with a later date to be confirmed, very dissapointing. Was hoping to see him in Crawdaddy as missed him in Feb. Looks like i'll have top wait til EP.
0 1542
5/26/2006 4:17 PM
21 Replies and 2754 Views Really good music featured in really bad films  2754  21 Started by  stroller I was channel surfing the other day when the the film Road Trip popped up on one of the channels. I would have kept flicking except for the fact that the scene in question was cut to Lovin Machine by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Puzzled but pleased I switched over but when I mentioned it to a fellow Blues Explosion fan the next day he informed me that he'd watched the whole film and that Ween, Eels Supergrass and Ash had also appeared on the film's soundtrack. I was pretty taken aback by this as...
21 2754
5/26/2006 1:17 PM
47 Replies and 7402 Views RTE f**kwits  7402  47 Started by  palace have just rejigged their radio schedule and got rid of the best two programmes on radio 1... rattlebag and the mystery train are no more... dave fanning moves from radio 2 to radio 1
47 7402
5/26/2006 10:09 AM
15 Replies and 2223 Views Tom Pepper & the Red Pettys  2223  15 Started by  blacksheep Chili Peppers new single 'Dani California' is an absolute rip off of Tom Pettys 'Last dance with Mary Jane'. It's the same key,tempo,chord structure,melody & there are similar lyrics.I can't host an mp3 at the moment but if you hear them you'll know instantly. Can't see the peppers getting away with this one.
15 2223
5/26/2006 1:18 AM
4 Replies and 1332 Views Charles Manson - The 1st Dublin Singer Songwriter  1332  4 Started by  Rev Jules At the end of the book Hotel California there is a discography of key tracks of the era covered and one of them is by Charles Manson. So I tried to get a listen to as many of the artists I could on the list via i-tunes and Ole Charlie was one of the guys who came up, with his LP, 'Lie - The Love And Terror Cult' and you know what, its doesn't sound like the cold dark sound of unabashed evil, it sounds like one of those sad litle pr*cks who play their mopey acoustic songs in Dublin's various open...
4 1332
5/25/2006 11:46 PM
4 Replies and 1202 Views Ramblin' Jack Elliot  1202  4 Started by  Protein biscuit If you've nothing better to do and your ears have stopped bleeding after Lightening Bolt last night why not check out the legendary Ramblin Jack Elliot in Whelans tonight. Some information on the man below. (By the way re: emoticons, can we have one with a cowboy hat) http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dllp=amg&token=ADFEAEE57B1AD24FAE7E20E2B11E76FD8D53DD20EC66DBAD36146B66929C14548A1A21F777D1BFCCFDFF6AB67CB0FD2EA45C43DBC0EF5FF6DC6E2D4CF0&sql=11:2vpyxdgbjoly~T1
4 1202
5/25/2006 1:22 PM
12 Replies and 1478 Views Editors Last Night  1478  12 Started by  klootfan Strange gig last night.. Turns out it was an dry gig as U16s were allowed in.. not that there were many there. With it being a dry gig, it looked like the only ones with alcohol in them WERE the U16s up front. While the band performed well, the crowd just didnt react. And I must count myself in with this. That and the fact that I thought the coldplay feel was a little bit too much at times. Oxegen should be more fun.
12 1478
5/25/2006 10:36 AM
2 Replies and 1596 Views Lots of Vinyl....  1596  2 Started by  Vent My Spleen Finally, a decent way to get your old Long Players digitised... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/05/24/review_ion_usn_turntable/
2 1596
5/24/2006 3:54 PM
15 Replies and 1845 Views My Latest Novel  1845  15 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Anyone get 'Wolves' Lovely stuff. Missed em at Whelan's unfortunately but saw em support Low, excellent live. Theyve been getting the Scottish Arcade Fire tag but, bar a few moments, they're much more laidback. Anyone see em or get the album
15 1845
5/24/2006 3:03 PM
3 Replies and 1416 Views Radiohead WASTE! some help please!  1416  3 Started by  pvc I'm lookin for some help here about tickets bought for Marlay Park through the pre-release WASTE thing on their site. Basically i missed out on buying my own tickets because i'm a f*cking eejit! But this bloke i work with got them through WASTE, which i told him about, he got 4 and only needs two, so i told him i would take the two others off him. Now here's the problem, i'm goin away for 10 weeks this Summer and arrive home the day before the gig. So i'am abit worried about missing out. Does ...
3 1416
5/24/2006 11:43 AM
0 Replies and 1147 Views Gig Guide for this week.  1147  0 Started by  Unicron Due to Eoghan and I having overlapping periods where we were away from the computer in the past few days we've had to postpone the latest gig guide for 7 days. However had one gone up this week the gig of the fortnight would have been Lighting Bolt who are playing the following places this week. Tuesday May 23rd Belfast Wednesday May 24th Dublin, Whelans Thursday May 25th Cork, Connolys of Leap Friday May 26th Galway, Roisin Dubh
0 1147
5/24/2006 11:02 AM
0 Replies and 1442 Views Hard-Fi @ ambassador  1442  0 Started by  tack well i thought it was good. not brilliant, not tripe, but good. i thought his interaction with the crowd was, to say the least, corny. i mean, did he really ask people in brixton 'are you louder then the people in dublin' i think not mate. i didnt think the vocal sound in the songs was as good as it could have been. certain parts of the nite i couldnt hear his voice over the music at all. but some songs were even better live then on the album. Gotta Reason, Unnecessary Trouble, Move on Now ...
0 1442
5/24/2006 11:01 AM
11 Replies and 1783 Views MP3 Sites  1783  11 Started by  bonzo I know this has been covered before but can anyone recommend a good MP3 site (not Limewire or Soulseek). Many thanks! B
11 1783
5/23/2006 12:03 PM
41 Replies and 5785 Views Anyone headin to Lightning Bolt on Wed?  5785  41 Started by  benni ooooh its very exciting! Lightning Bolt - playing whelans! And support from Giveamanakick and Estel as far as I know which makes things even better. I've heard great GREAT things about this lot live.
41 5785
5/22/2006 10:45 PM
3 Replies and 1212 Views John Butler Trio  1212  3 Started by  Rev Jules If you like RHCP, Jack Johnson and Ben Harper or just fine slide guitar then you just might like John Butler Trio. I recommend his fine long player Sunrise Over Sea, if you cant find it in the shops, its available on iTunes
3 1212
5/22/2006 10:09 PM
8 Replies and 1514 Views Anyone going abroad to amusic festival this year ?  1514  8 Started by  obrienian Sick of the same old stuff here in Ireland every summer. High Prices, High Kids. Tell me ye are all going instead of Oxegen, Hi-Fi, Electric Picnic et al ......
8 1514
5/22/2006 2:29 PM
1 Replies and 1269 Views Mike Skinner is everywhere  1269  1 Started by  Binokular Is it possible to avoid The Streets Picked up a copy of Practical Classics (a classic car mag) today and to my suprise found the letters page dominated by readers expressing their passionate views on the merits and demerits of Mike Skinners blinged up 1976 Rolls-Royce that features on the cover of 'Hardest Way To Make an Easy Living'. You know someone is really famous when even middle aged men who spend most of their life under the hood of something old and rusty, emerging only for tea and bisc...
1 1269
5/22/2006 12:06 AM
37 Replies and 4998 Views Eagles - true creators of country rock?  4998  37 Started by  Rev Jules One of the few good things about my surf trip to north spain, was I got to read Barney Hoskyns new book, 'Hotel California' which bore out two things I have always felt and frequently said, a) Gram Parsons was a drugged up dilletante b) The Eagles were the true creators of country rock Its a great book, easy to read, check it out.
37 4998
5/21/2006 5:31 PM
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