3 Replies and 1201 Views
Archie Bronson Outfit's new album 1201 3
Started by Gar
I've read some mixed reviews about the new album 'Der Dang, Der Dang' by Archie Bronson Outfit. Does anybody have it or recommend it
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1201 |
7/6/2006 1:24 PM |
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1809 |
7/6/2006 7:48 AM |
8 Replies and 1647 Views
Bandwagon jumos on the ...er...bandwagon?? 1647 8
Started by Dromed
Just came across the following:
MySpace gets some serious musical competition with the July 7 launch here of Bandwagon.ie.
Billed as “a music social networking and download portal”, Bandwagon has already proved to be a big hit in the UK where it’s home to 4,300 unsigned acts and registers over 100,000 hits a month.
Bandwagon is free to use, and anybody can create a page. Artists can upload content, and Bandwagon offers to give artists 60 of the revenue for all music downloaded through...
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1647 |
7/5/2006 10:43 AM |
40 Replies and 7402 Views
Stage times for Oxegen 7402 40
Started by off the post
Does anyone know where I can get the stage times for each act Thought I read somewhere that they were supposed to be giving this info but nothing so far on the Oxegen website. Maybe I was just dreaming....
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7402 |
7/5/2006 9:54 AM |
2 Replies and 1298 Views
I'm Going To Bruce !!!! 1298 2
Started by Rev Jules
Sorry, gotta do a little end zone dance here.
I'm going to Bruce, I'm going to Bruce, Na Na Na Na !
After no less than three thwarted ops to get tickets
a) RDS, b) Point with Devils c)Seegar (1st Visit)
I finally got a paid of tickets for november
Did I say I am going to Bruce, its worth repeating,
I'm going to Bruce, I'm going to Bruce, Na Na Na Na !
If you feel bad, sorry, now you know how I felt.
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1298 |
7/5/2006 9:17 AM |
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6913 |
7/4/2006 5:27 PM |
4 Replies and 1450 Views
Beck's new Album Cover 1450 4
Started by Mully
Beck is placing the image of his forthcoming release into the hands of his fans - who will be able to create their own cover for the disc.
The currently untitled follow-up to last year's Guero, released this autumn, lets individual listeners get creative with stickers and make their own artwork.
Beck explains: 'It's really pretty amazing. The artwork is laid out in stickers, it's modular, the cover is blank and you get a sheet of stickers and you make your own cover.'
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1450 |
7/3/2006 3:39 PM |
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1354 |
7/2/2006 3:36 PM |
2 Replies and 1251 Views
Has Johnny Marr joined Mosest Mouse full time? 1251 2
Started by stroller
I know that he's playing guitar on the new album but I was talking to a friend the other night who's just back from the states and he swore blind that Marr is now a full time member of the band.
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1251 |
7/1/2006 2:12 PM |
14 Replies and 1921 Views
Leonard Cohen Tribute concert 1921 14
Started by MACgirl
A host of stars, including Lou Reed, Beth Orton, Nick Cave and Laurie Anderson will take part in a tribute concert to honour legendary poet and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen as part of the Dublin Theatre Festival. 'Came So Far For Beauty - An Evening of Leonard Cohen Songs', which takes place at the Point Theatre on Wednesday 4 October, is curated by music producer Hal Willner. Others that will perform interpretations of Cohen's songs include former Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker, The Handsome Fa...
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1921 |
6/30/2006 3:54 PM |
28 Replies and 2957 Views
Peter Bjorn and John 2957 28
Started by Jairzinho
According to their Myspace-they are touring Ireland in August, including a Crawdaddy date on the 12th.Nice........
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2957 |
6/30/2006 12:11 PM |
0 Replies and 1672 Views
Music Manager Wanted 1672 0
Started by Livinonrock07
Hi I am looking for a music manager to help me succeed.
I have no trouble getting gigs.
If you like my music at http://www.myspace.com/eddiehalford777 please contact me at the myspace site or email me at cryogenicedyahoo.co.uk and we will get the ball rolling.
Experience is not essential but a drive to succeed is.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Eddie Halford
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1672 |
6/29/2006 6:11 PM |
14 Replies and 1836 Views
Serena Maneesh 1836 14
Started by Antistar
'Drain Cosmetics'...Tom Dunne played it last night...One of those rare, stop you in your tracks, what is that, heartbeat increasing, goosepimple-rising songs that comes along but once a year!! Shockingly good.
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1836 |
6/29/2006 5:56 PM |
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2579 |
6/29/2006 4:55 PM |
29 Replies and 3357 Views
Daft Punk Marley Park 3357 29
Started by jaypers
Anyone hear about this. supposedly on August 25th..!!
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3357 |
6/29/2006 4:44 PM |
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1482 |
6/29/2006 4:28 PM |
5 Replies and 1536 Views
Secret Machines. 1536 5
Started by off the post
I really like their new album and I would love to see them live but no sign of them coming here yet. Anyone have any inside info Already checked their website and so far only doing the States.
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1536 |
6/29/2006 3:47 PM |
33 Replies and 4484 Views
Oxegen... Who's going lads? 4484 33
Started by klootfan
Ive me camping gear ready. And im currently stocking up on bog roll. so who else is going
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4484 |
6/29/2006 3:09 PM |
0 Replies and 1294 Views
Arcade Fire in the studio 1294 0
Started by Mully
Canadian group the Arcade Fire are working on the follow-up to their 2004 hit album 'Funeral'.
Billboard reports that in a posting on the band's official website frontman Win Butler said that they had recorded 15 songs.
Butler also said that the band were considering recording some songs with a full orchestra in Budapest.
The Arcade Fire are looking at a February or March release date for the album.
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1294 |
6/28/2006 1:09 PM |
5 Replies and 1520 Views
bruce springsteen is coming back 1520 5
Started by kramer
the boss is coming back!!!!!!
he's playing 2 nights in november 17/18 tickets go on sale on the july 5
oh cant wait was an amazing gig first time round!!!
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1520 |
6/28/2006 12:06 PM |