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2 Replies and 3816 Views OutKast's B.O.B = song of the decade?  3816  2 Started by  eoghan Polling your writers to find the best the stuff of the decade is so in at the moment. First up CLUAS did so a few months ago to find the top 50 Irish releases of the last 10 years. Now Pitchfork is at it to find the best song of the decade. And their number one song of the decade so far Outkast's 'B.O.B'. Groovier people 'round these parts may think it is pure genius but that high bpm jungle sorta stuff floats no boats for dour old me here. Am I alone
2 3816
by  Idiot KidJump to last post
8/26/2009 1:36 AM
3 Replies and 3624 Views European music festivals  3624  3 Started by  aidan Have you ever travelled from Ireland to any European festival If so, was it for its reputation, a specific act, part of a holiday, perhaps living in that country once and knowing the festival... Do continental festivals like Benicassim, Sziget, Roskilde, etc advertise in Ireland Either in print or online with banner ads etcYou might have seen all the recent gig reviews from La Route du Rock in Brittany - a fantastic little festival but one that (like Ireland) always seems on the brink of fin...
3 3624
by  aidanJump to last post
8/20/2009 3:09 AM
2 Replies and 4352 Views Looking to buy some home recording equipment  4352  2 Started by  whiterob81 As the title says. I'm pretty much a complete novice when it comes to this. Basically, I'm just looking to buy an audio interface and a midi controller keyboard for home recording. It's only for recording home demos and that sort of thing. Purely a hobby thing. I don't really have the skills or the money to be investing in anything too high tech.Also, i probably should mention that I'm not really looking to record vocals, drums, acoustic guitars or anything like that just yet.I have been using b...
2 4352
by  whiterob81Jump to last post
8/18/2009 6:35 AM
10 Replies and 4593 Views Radiohead: no more albums  4593  10 Started by  aidan Thom Yorke has said in an interview that Radiohead will only release EPs and single tracks from now on: www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/aug/1...-radiohead(Apparently he says that he 'can't bear' the idea of making another Radiohead album. Me neither, as it happens.)
10 4593
by  janJump to last post
8/14/2009 12:29 AM
2 Replies and 3379 Views What are Battles up to?  3379  2 Started by  Iambeave They stormed into the music world with an amazing set of tracks, and an album which had no filler tracks.... But what have happened to Battles Are they recording a new album at the moment
2 3379
by  Idiot KidJump to last post
8/13/2009 1:29 AM
6 Replies and 4272 Views Favourite LIVE Irish Bands...?  4272  6 Started by  PeterQuaife Maybe not on recordings, but 5 of my favourite live acts would be * therapy (oh yes) * and so i watched you from afar (take you to another place) * the frank and walters (the sheer joy of a franks gig) * ilya k (intense and lashings of energy) * hybrasil (not too bands can make not-so-dancing feet dance) ((anyway of posting lists, line at a time, or even starting a new paragraph when posting on this message board all sentences run one after t'other!))
6 4272
by  Idiot KidJump to last post
8/13/2009 1:27 AM
2 Replies and 3344 Views Is this the worst cover version ever?  3344  2 Started by  Idiot Kid I'm no Killers fan but I used to quite like When we were Young; that was until I heard this version by The Noisettes: Is it just me or does a lot of it, especially the vocal harmonising, seem out of tune
2 3344
by  Rest_EnergyJump to last post
8/12/2009 4:29 PM
2 Replies and 3508 Views Labels increase their revenue share  3508  2 Started by  eoghan Check out these pie charts. they are from the Gower’s Report (a study of intellectual property rights in the UK conducted by former FT editor Andrew Gowers). Labels are getting a bigger slice of the digital download cake than they do with CDs! Will this persuade more acts to go it alone, a la Radiohead and NIN Or will artists succeed in a push for a bigger slice of the cake I think it more likely that the iTunes of the world will angle for a bigger slice, and may just succeed....
2 3508
by  BinokularJump to last post
8/12/2009 6:09 AM
3 Replies and 4079 Views Bob Geldof Discovered Gravity  4079  3 Started by  Idiot Kid No, it's not the name of some new progressive indie band.  It's far worse.  A study of 5,000 kids in the UK (aged between 6-15) has shown that 5 think that Bob Geldof discovered gravity. Sauce: The Telegraph Any other 'musicians' you reckon could have come up with world changing theories.  I fancy Ian Brown could have come up with evolution myself.
3 4079
by  BinokularJump to last post
7/31/2009 8:19 AM
5 Replies and 4092 Views Your First Album  4092  5 Started by  Idiot Kid Some fun for a dull Tuesday!1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random” or click here. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. 2 - Go to Quotations Page and select 'random quotations' or click here.The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album. 3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days” or click here.Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.Mine is:Leagues of Inner Mongolia - Stranger Than ...
5 4092
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
7/31/2009 8:03 AM
3 Replies and 3604 Views New Thom Yorke Song  3604  3 Started by  Idiot Kid Thom Yorke debuted a new song at Latitude yesterday (during a solo set at noon, weird non).  Not a great video, but I quite liked the song, simple yes, but still.Thom Yorke - The Present Tense
3 3604
by  aidanJump to last post
7/24/2009 8:57 AM
5 Replies and 3714 Views Glasgowbury 2009  3714  5 Started by  PeterQuaife I know the country is awash with festivals, but if any of you are at a loose end next weekend (Sat 25th July) is Glasgowbury 09. Stephen has already mentioned the likes of ASIWYFA and General Fiasco in his Oxegen 09 review and blog. Almost 60 acts will play across 4 stages on top of the Sperrin mountains in Co Derry. No setting for a festival comes near. www.glasgowbury.com for more info
5 3714
by  aidanJump to last post
7/24/2009 8:48 AM
4 Replies and 3563 Views Great band names  3563  4 Started by  aidan A free outdoor festival near Chateau French Letter this weekend is featuring an Israeli band that mixes klezmer sounds with punk attitude. Their nameOy Division.They've now become my favourite band name since that Dublin metal group called The State Pathologist Dr John Harbison. Any other brilliantly-named bands doing the rounds at the moment We'll need proof, e.g. a link or a video. Just to show that Oy Division exist, here they are live:
4 3563
by  aidanJump to last post
7/24/2009 8:19 AM
7 Replies and 4722 Views U2 pony up 5m euro for Music Education Scheme  4722  7 Started by  eoghan I'm only catching this now. But U2 earlier this week announced they are contributing 5m euros to the 'Music Education Scheme' which aims to 'offer children and young people in Ireland the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and/or avail of vocal tuition'. Their 5m will be topped up with 2m euros from 'The Ireland Funds'. As someone who, after about 18 years of procrastinating finally took the plunge 2 years ago to learn my favourite musical instrument (the trumpet) I think this is quite so...
7 4722
by  aidanJump to last post
7/24/2009 7:18 AM
7 Replies and 3814 Views U2 360 Tour  3814  7 Started by  aidan You have to admit: it looks impressive. And even this version of this song sounds much better than the album version:
7 3814
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
7/20/2009 2:17 AM
13 Replies and 5768 Views Michael Jackson RIP  5768  13 Started by  jan :(
13 5768
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
7/15/2009 8:07 AM
5 Replies and 3463 Views DJ software - assistance required!  3463  5 Started by  PeterQuaife Have been roped into DJing a couple of friends weddings this summer. Does anyone know of any handy laptop software to connect into the mixer / amp that queues the tunes, plays via itunes Anything really that is a:decent b: idiot proof cheers
5 3463
by  WickerJump to last post
7/15/2009 3:23 AM
7 Replies and 3657 Views Glastonbury 2009  3657  7 Started by  PeterQuaife Anyone on the board make the journey over As per usual I watched courtesy of the TV vowing that I'll be there next year! Neil Young and Bruce Springteen put on what looked amazing shows, the energy of the Boss in particular was truly phenomenal, the steam rising off him mid 'River' Blur went down a treat also, Doves 'Pounding' and '10:03'sounded awesome Lisa Hannigan was her usual gorgeous self. Tom Jones was acting the randy old man etc etc Spinal Tap being Spinal Tap, excellent Ba...
7 3657
by  floodzerJump to last post
7/10/2009 2:09 AM
15 Replies and 4433 Views 2009, an average year for music?  4433  15 Started by  stephen Is it just me or has this been a very average year for music so far I really haven't heard a really special album this year. Even Wilco's latest seems distinctly underwhelming (though is that a surprise after their last effort). Maybe the Doves have stood up but I still prefer The Last Broadcast to the latest.   Probably the Super Furry Animals' new one is the best of a bad bunch. Though I am looking forward to the new White Denim and The Low Anthem.
15 4433
by  QuintJump to last post
6/28/2009 12:48 PM
3 Replies and 3337 Views Who in their right mind......  3337  3 Started by  PeterQuaife would pay €70 to see Fat Boy Slim Marley Pk sweet jesus. Even during this downturn, greed is still rife. Please debit my account €70...... PQ
3 3337
by  BinokularJump to last post
6/26/2009 5:48 AM
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