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21 Replies and 3180 Views Damien Rice and iPods in cars  3180  21 Started by  yoshimi Two totally separate topics here and forgive me if you've all talked about it before... Just wondering if there is *any* sign of Mr. Rice bringing out anything new anytime soon Is the man just incredibly lazy or having a spiritual crisis or what I know he's on tour but it's been forever since he brought out anything new. And to iPods - I have a radio transmitter I bought in the States and it's just useless. It would have to be taped to the stereo to give out any kind of decent sound ...
21 3180
8/15/2006 9:29 PM
16 Replies and 1380 Views 'Playbacks' ... Are they the new gigs ?  1380  16 Started by  Mully I saw this over on Phantoms forum ... Basically, turn up at Crawdaddy on Wed & they'll be playing the new Young Knifes album before it comes out on Fri ... What do you think of them, Are they a good, or silly idea
16 1380
8/15/2006 3:51 PM
0 Replies and 1282 Views RADIO CITY AUGUST  1282  0 Started by  norastagetech Aug 17 2006 8:00PM The Read Flags Aug 18 2006 8:00PM Japanese Toys, My Invention,Colspoon Conspiracy, Blood Red Mountain Band Aug 19 2006 8:00PM Phill Lynott Trust Fund Statue Anniversary Read the spec and facilities on their myspace at www.myspace.com/radiocityireland This place is a hidden jem, right across from busaras
0 1282
8/15/2006 12:13 PM
0 Replies and 1548 Views Sultans of Ping  1548  0 Started by  kramer just the news i've been waiting for...the sultans of ping are playing whelans on dec 1st tickets going on sale later today or tomorrow!! saw them play the village last xmas..was a deadly gig, this should be the same!!! ticket at www.tickets.ie
0 1548
8/15/2006 10:36 AM
21 Replies and 3762 Views independent promoters  3762  21 Started by  palace thought i'd take this out of the mcd thread and start a new one... quote:would definitely agree that independent promoters would be the way to go, only problem is that they are independent and so face huge obstacles, bit of a catch 22. Especially since the majority of people who make mcd their money seem to have no interest in going to smaller indie style thangs. who did we mention before: u:mack, skinny wolves, deserted village, foggy notions, twisted robot, lazybird... here's some of th...
21 3762
8/15/2006 10:13 AM
15 Replies and 1915 Views Places to go in Dublin on Thursday nite.  1915  15 Started by  off the post Heading to Faithless next Thursday in Marley. Was wondering if any Cluas heads knows any good spots to head to in town afterwards. As far as I know, Thursday nites has been kinda knocked on the head so to speak so people make it into work on Friday. Still, there must be a few late nite places on Thursday in our fair old capital. As you've prob guessed, its been a while since I hit the town on a Thursday nite.
15 1915
8/14/2006 5:32 PM
1 Replies and 1744 Views tom waits new album!  1744  1 Started by  kramer well as heard through the grapevine, looks like its true!! cant wait for it, hopefully there will be a tour to support the 3cd compliation!!! tracklisting - http://www.keeslau.com/TomWaitsSupplement/Discography/orphans.htm
1 1744
8/14/2006 10:54 AM
71 Replies and 11722 Views mcd start legal action against boards.ie  11722  71 Started by  H3lx sweet jebus http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.phpt=2054975678
71 11722
8/13/2006 9:18 PM
0 Replies and 1461 Views dun laoghire festival of world cultures  1461  0 Started by  Daragh just in case anyone is interested, the email is audienceparadisepictures.com (n the title was in english!) From: 'Audience Paradise Pictures' < audienceparadisepictures.ie> To: < audienceparadisepictures.ie> Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 15:59:32 0100 Subject: Audience Wanted for TV Music Show We are delighted to announce that we are currently allocating tickets to our Festival of World Cultures TV Special 2006, recording between the 25th-27th August. This three part se...
0 1461
8/12/2006 1:37 PM
15 Replies and 1900 Views Latest Electric Picnic Additions  1900  15 Started by  stroller Koop, Cut Chemist and wait for it..................Grandmaster Melle Mel and The Furious Five! http://forum.electricpicnic.ie/viewtopic.phpt=11866 'Dont push me, cause Im close to the edge, Im trying not to lose my head'
15 1900
8/11/2006 4:58 PM
25 Replies and 2959 Views Which band would you like to see Soundtrack a Film  2959  25 Started by  Scales They should have got Sigur Ros to do the Lord of the Rings Trilogy ...
25 2959
8/11/2006 1:51 AM
28 Replies and 3733 Views Exciting News? (Warning: Frames Thread)  3733  28 Started by  bonzo http://www.rte.ie/arts/2006/0810/frames.html Why bother
28 3733
8/10/2006 11:55 AM
3 Replies and 1413 Views arlo guthrie  1413  3 Started by  Daragh is anyone going to see him friday week, or has anyone seen him before a little old for sure, but from what i've heard he's always very entertaining, and has some great songs in the bag. to be honest, what really sold me is his cover of dylan's 'walking down the line' at woodstock, and the brilliant stoned ramble in the middle.
3 1413
8/9/2006 9:59 AM
4 Replies and 1566 Views Joe Allen - venues to play/contact  1566  4 Started by  stevea Hi all Joe Allen is a 20 year old singer songwriter from the UK, often compared to artists such as Jeff Buckley and Damien Rice - we are looking to maybe come over to Ireland/Dublin in early september and hopefully play 2 or 3 venues, any suggestions on places we could contact would be great thanks www.joeallen-online.co.uk
4 1566
8/8/2006 2:36 PM
17 Replies and 2628 Views Congrats to Castlepalooza organisers!  2628  17 Started by  BEAT CONNECTION have to say fair play to the organisers of castlepalooza. i was there on sunday and it was such a relaxed fun festival. all the punters and staff alike were so chilled that it made for a great day. the setting was great aswell and it was cool to see a non corporate event go off so well. i really hope this is on next year again Richie CH1
17 2628
8/8/2006 8:13 AM
13 Replies and 2769 Views new Kasabian song - 'Empire'  2769  13 Started by  Una God, it's awful. you can listen to it here: http://www.myspace.com/kasabian
13 2769
8/6/2006 6:06 PM
11 Replies and 1540 Views Kerdog in Fibbers last friday  1540  11 Started by  klootfan Went along to see Kerbdog in Fibbers friday. was really looking forward to it. 4 support bands and doors at 8 so I wandered in around 9 hoping to miss the early stuff but to be in nicely for Kerbdog aroun 9.30/10. So 10 came and went, 11 came and went 12 came and went and still no sign of em...had to leave at around 12.15 or so due to other commitments, but on the way out i copped a look at the times on the sound desk..it said 1.15 for kerbdog to come on... what a joke... no mention of a lat...
11 1540
8/6/2006 5:15 PM
31 Replies and 3688 Views HiFi Festival 2006: post mortem  3688  31 Started by  Una Went down last night. The setting was SO beautiful, unbelievable. Because of that, it could be the best festival of the year if the line-up was right. Good fun though.
31 3688
8/6/2006 3:51 PM
10 Replies and 1469 Views Top of the Pops  1469  10 Started by  Binokular Judging by the lack of comment about it on these boards, am I the only one who is a little sad that Top of the Pops has finally been cancelled Yeah, I know it was a bit rubbish by the end (final show was dire), but still....
10 1469
8/4/2006 10:45 PM
1 Replies and 1259 Views Team Love Label  1259  1 Started by  Gar Not sure if many people are aware of this or not but you can download free albums from the Team Love website. They've got Tilly And The Wall, Jenny Lewis & The Watson Twins, Mars Black, Craig Werden and David Dondero. All decent albums if you don't already have them! www.team-love.com
1 1259
8/4/2006 4:10 PM
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