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24 Replies and 3490 Views CLUAS benefit gig for Aware  3490  24 Started by  eoghan CLUAS.com presents A benefit gig in aid of Aware featuring: The Coldspoon Conspiracy 66e Joe Chester (acoustic set) LOST MC: Michelle Doherty of Channel 6's 'Night Shift' Whelan's, Friday 22 September 2006 Doors 7:30pm Tickets 13 Euros (including booking fee) Available from WAV box office (Camden Row or 1890-200-078) Get there early and get your tickets early For more information on Aware visit www.aware.ie
24 3490
8/31/2006 8:21 AM
6 Replies and 1515 Views MSTRKRFT !!!!  1515  6 Started by  Basic Was anyone else at this Bud Rising event in Rogue on Dame.St after Radiohead. Just an amazing night of Techno. Check out their album The Look if u were disapointed with Daft Punk.
6 1515
8/31/2006 3:13 AM
8 Replies and 1280 Views Forget Electric Picnic, Riottt is the festival...  1280  8 Started by  Unicron I think this is now the festival I'm most looking forward to going to... http://www.riottt.com/festival 11/11/2006 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium San Francisco, CA The Rapture / Clipse / Metric / Explosions in the Sky / Sage Francis The Wrens / Sa-RA Creative Partners / Diplo / Saul Williams / Asobi Seksu Breakestra / RX Bandits / Visionaires / The Presets / Tokyo Police Club Girl Talk / Fall of Troy / Busdriver / Showbread / Weird Science
8 1280
8/31/2006 2:10 AM
2 Replies and 1140 Views electric picnic link i sent to some people  1140  2 Started by  Una it doesn't work, so email me if you want a working one. Una
2 1140
8/30/2006 5:21 PM
8 Replies and 1354 Views iPod wiping itself clear - help  1354  8 Started by  Cel I'm devastated. Switched on my i pod this morning and there was nothing there. Over 30 g of music missing. Its like losing a child. Whats the story Do i pods usually do this AAAAAAAHHHHHHH...
8 1354
8/30/2006 1:45 PM
3 Replies and 1266 Views Open Mics 2006-2007  1266  3 Started by  catalystmusic I will be travelling to Ireland in either January or March, and would like to get a chance to play an open mic or two. If anyone can give me a schedule it would be greatly appreciated. Cat
3 1266
8/30/2006 12:56 AM
7 Replies and 1155 Views SpiralFrog to offer Free Legal Music Downloads  1155  7 Started by  Mully Universal Music is to go head to head with Apple Computer's popular iTunes music store in a venture that will allow consumers to download songs without charge and rely on advertising for its revenues.
7 1155
8/29/2006 5:12 PM
15 Replies and 1580 Views Bob Dylan 'Modern Times'  1580  15 Started by  Gar Just wanted to start a thread about Dylan's latest album. I reckon it's his best album in years. Anybody like or dislike his new album
15 1580
8/29/2006 3:07 PM
5 Replies and 1522 Views Duke Special  1522  5 Started by  kavobaggins Playing in the Sugar Club 29th September. Should be a nice intimate gig anywho and for the first gig Ive seen in months, Ive no work the following day!!! Tickets not onsale yet but will be available from ticketmaster.
5 1522
8/29/2006 2:01 PM
19 Replies and 1588 Views Inexcusable music  1588  19 Started by  Binokular Right, complete opposite of the guilty pleasures thread. Is there any music out there that's completely and utterly inexcusable in it's badness. By inexcusable, I mean, not only is the music crap, but has absolutely nothing to justify its' existence. In fact it makes you wonder who the hell is actually buying this stuff I mean something as cringeworthy as Steps or Whigfield might be cheesy but isn't inexcusable because: a)it's quite fun at weddings/office parties/etc. especially after la...
19 1588
8/28/2006 6:58 PM
10 Replies and 1198 Views Festival Of World Culture in Dun Laoghaire  1198  10 Started by  klootfan Anyone pop along to the festival of world cultures in Dun Laoghaire over the weekend. I was out there for Mundy on sat and Joe Chester last night. A great set up and congratulations have to go out to the organisers of a great festival. The setup for mundy, while quite busy, was decent. A free gig, an hour in length. Knocked out all the usuals. Food to be purchase down the back, but queues for the bar were mad. Last night then was the HWCH prequil with Joe playing in scotts upstairs. 10...
10 1198
8/28/2006 1:49 PM
5 Replies and 1593 Views tiresome iPod question  1593  5 Started by  bonzo Sorry about this thread, I think it may have been posted before. My friend has asked me to upload my itunes songs to his iPod. Any ideas how I do this Thanks in advance.
5 1593
8/28/2006 9:30 AM
3 Replies and 1307 Views Guilty Secret in your music collection  1307  3 Started by  yoshimi ...my friends constantly slag me about the fact that some years ago I bought a Five Cd - I couldn't help it - I just loved that song 'if you've got the feeling...jump up to the ceiling..etc.' These days my guilty secret is JT. I'm loving 'Sexy Back'. Anyone else got any they'd like to share!! Ais.
3 1307
8/27/2006 1:44 PM
2 Replies and 1225 Views Music Press & Radio Info Required Please.  1225  2 Started by  chugnut Not living in Ireland I was using the internet to source the best publications/internet sites/Radio shows for live reviews/interviews for up and coming indie bands. Hopefully the type of magazines/sites you forum members would read or the Radio show's you'd listen to. Searching on Google hasn't been that successful, some sites haven't been updated recently and after about 30 mins research I think Dan Hegarty from 2FM looks to be a good bet, but you might know different Please post your...
2 1225
8/26/2006 4:15 PM
8 Replies and 1529 Views Scheer  1529  8 Started by  Archie Hey I just dug out Infliction by the Irish band Scheer. I'd forgotten how great it was. Anybody know what happened those guys
8 1529
8/25/2006 10:27 PM
1 Replies and 1464 Views What on earth is Bono on about?  1464  1 Started by  Antistar Tony, (Bennet) Trying to sing with you was a humbling, if not humiliating experience. You're like A HOUSE YOU CAN'T BREAK INTO, at least not by force. You can run at the door, but the doors are locked ... you can bang on the windows ... I got into the HOUSE OF BENNETT, but only as the cat burglar ... looking to steal a place in this incredible legacy. I've had the pleasure of singing with you, AND FOR YOU ... I broke in through the bathroom window, up a drainpipe ... I'm not leaving Bon...
1 1464
8/25/2006 5:49 PM
3 Replies and 1273 Views downloadmusic.ie  1273  3 Started by  comet Is this a new site The URL doesn't seem to be working maybe its actually going live at 3pm today, sounds interesting. Got this from Joe Chester: From 3pm today you can download 'A Safe Place to Hide' at www.downloadmusic.ie This is a new site promoting independant Irish music and is well worth checking out. Each track costs 99c and every week they'll be publishing a chart of the highest downloads.
3 1273
8/25/2006 2:40 PM
36 Replies and 5276 Views Radiohead live in Marlay Park  5276  36 Started by  MACgirl Really good gig, Beck was brilliant, I love Guero so it was good to hear some of the songs from it live. The puppets he had on stage were great and the little skit on the puppets going around Dublin was very funny. The band had a little dinner party on stage and used all the glasses and plates as percussion instruments, think that was the highlight of his set for me. Radiohead were on top form as well, from what i rememember they played Spinning Plates, Karma Police, Creep to finish, Bangers and...
36 5276
8/25/2006 10:00 AM
40 Replies and 6392 Views Deletion of 'Una vs MCD' post  6392  40 Started by  admin A courtesy note to y'all to let you know that the moderating team deleted the 'Una vs MCD' thread that was started a few days ago. Motivation to delete it is realated to its reproduction of copyrighted material (the full text of a copyrighted article from the Sunday Tribune was copy'n'pasted into the thread without permission being recieved from the copyright holder). I underline that no letters from verbose lawyers were received requesting we do this. I trust you can understand why this was don...
40 6392
8/25/2006 7:29 AM
5 Replies and 1662 Views Good News  1662  5 Started by  Man in a can I just heard a report on the radio that the ozone layer is starting to repair itself and they reckon another 60 years and it will be back to its former glory. It has made me optimistic anyways. Just thought id share that.
5 1662
8/24/2006 9:38 AM
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