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10 Replies and 2397 Views HWCH Schedule  2397  10 Started by  jaypers FRIDAY OCTOBER 13TH MEETING HOUSE SQUARE The Shakes Boss Volenti The Marshals The Immediate Special Guest PRAVDA Scott Maher Edgar Heaton Cormac o'Caoimh Blair Harvey A Band Called Wanda Dave Couse THE HUB Alias Glee Gordon Is A Mime Angel Pier Pugwash Michael Night The Last Post ROCK ROOM SPIRIT LIVE My Corduroy Lotus Lullaby Hope Is Noise Story Of Hair The Tides The Beat Poets TEMPLE BAR MUSIC CENTRE Bill Coleman Eric Eckhart Ham Sandwhich The Rags ...
10 2397
9/7/2006 9:48 AM
32 Replies and 3821 Views Came so far for beauty  3821  32 Started by  yoshimi Just realised this is on at the Point in October - might be of interest to some. An evening of Leonard Cohen songs sung by such greats as: Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Jarvis Cocker, Gavin Friday, Beth Orton, Teddy Thompson, The Handsome Family and more. Great line up. Tickets in ticketmaster. http://www.ticketmaster.ie/artist/950147/search_redirect=came20so20far20for20beauty&tm_link=tm_header_search ais.
32 3821
9/6/2006 7:50 PM
25 Replies and 3820 Views Yet another Oxegen post.  3820  25 Started by  stroller Did anyone get an email like this one today; Dear Festival Goer, Thank you for your feedback on the Oxegen website, it is very much appreciated. Would you mind sending me a contact number and a convenient time to ring you to discuss your comments further Kind Regards, Ciara Davey MCD Productions Ltd. Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
25 3820
9/6/2006 12:23 PM
1 Replies and 1471 Views brilliant photos from Electric Picnic  1471  1 Started by  Una http://misslili.blogspot.com/ haven't seen many good live shots around, but my mate took these ones of Bloc Party, Yeah Yeah Yeahs etc and they're awesome. If anyone else has links to good pics, hollah!
1 1471
9/6/2006 12:19 PM
32 Replies and 4729 Views Artic Monkeys win Mercury Music Prize  4729  32 Started by  Eoin Artic Monkeys, for f**ks sake .
32 4729
9/6/2006 12:58 AM
8 Replies and 1328 Views New Sufjan boxset  1328  8 Started by  Garret http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/page/news/Sufjan_Preps_Xmas_Box_Set He does realise that at some stage he's gonna need to do another state if he wants do them all before y'know death
8 1328
9/5/2006 4:05 PM
1 Replies and 1255 Views The getting over EP thread  1255  1 Started by  Una it was fun. Bye.
1 1255
9/5/2006 4:03 PM
10 Replies and 1799 Views the comparing-EP-to-last-year thread  1799  10 Started by  palace seeing as i didn't go and i want to be all bitter and twisted and maybe a touch elitist, how did it compare to last year... was just off the phone to my brother and he said that it had definitely lost something - he said the extra 7,000 people really made it seem much larger and with the fact that everyone was camping and there was no daytrippers.... also, as a result of that, amenities weren't quite as good... all in all, he thought some of the vibe had been lost and it was one step away fr...
10 1799
9/5/2006 3:58 PM
12 Replies and 1690 Views RTE's Electric Picnic coverage  1690  12 Started by  Gar I had to sell my Electric Picnic ticket the day before the festival because I had to work all through the weekend. So with drunken calls from mates and texts from other friends saying how great it all was, I was curious to see what way it looked on RTE. Of course, it was a brave move to cover such an eclectic festival but it felt very amateur. Tom Dunne was a decent host but Jenny Huston just didn't look comfortable in front of the camera. It was an obvious attempt by RTE to copy the Glastonbury...
12 1690
9/5/2006 11:30 AM
6 Replies and 1470 Views MySpace to allow acts to sell MP3s  1470  6 Started by  admin Article from the Washington Post about MySpace allowing acts to sell MP3s directly from their MySpace pages: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/04/AR2006090400806_pf.html Would those here in a band with a MySpace page be interested in this or do you think it would not be worth the effort eoghan
6 1470
9/5/2006 8:47 AM
25 Replies and 3459 Views The complaining-about-the-EP-camping thread  3459  25 Started by  Unicron I'm sure that there'll be a ton of posts talking about how great the weekend was. And there's a lot of really good things to be said about the festival but there was one thing that really bugged the s**t out of me at EP. The camp site and the complete haims that was made with it. First off, and this is a minor thing, lots of people arrived early on Friday morning in the hope of getting a decent camping spot close to the arena only to be told that they had to head off to the red campsite. I...
25 3459
9/4/2006 2:43 PM
6 Replies and 4230 Views Daft Punk continued: anybody heard of the iDeejays  4230  6 Started by  untie manhattan hey all, long time no post. Just on the whole Daft Punk scam... was at this house party last month, these two dj's were playing of a set of iPod decks. Anyway it was one of the best DJ sets I've ever heard, kinda like the whole radio soulwax thing, cool electro-dance and cheesey pop stuff with funky motown esque soul and indie rock. The really cool thing was the guys, iDave and iJim/Jon, attitude, there wasn't the whole 'i'm a dj' bag with them. They had cool visuals and really didn...
6 4230
9/4/2006 1:53 PM
82 Replies and 15456 Views Electric Picnic 2006 post-mortem  15456  82 Started by  milkman that was a fantastic festival in my eyes. i need to go to sleep now though. lovely weather - lovely atmosphere - well laid out and organised, saw no trouble, saw nobody even crying. in short, i'd a brilliant time, one of the best festivals i've been at in ten years. well done EP! now sleep.
82 15456
9/4/2006 12:49 AM
4 Replies and 1656 Views Where would one go to get tickets for...  1656  4 Started by  Garret ...Final Fantasy at Whelan's in October. Foggy Notions are putting it on. Is there a box office to call, or could i just turn up on the night
4 1656
9/3/2006 7:33 PM
1 Replies and 1366 Views Cluas gig - raffle  1366  1 Started by  Archie Hi all, as you are all aware, the 22nd of September sees a Cluas put on an outstanding show for the benefit of music fans, Cluas devotees, and most importantly, the charity Aware. http://www.cluas.com/cluas-gig-sept-2006.htm As part of our initiative to make as great a night as possible and raise as much money as possible, we will be running a raffle on the night with lots of prizes, hopefully just as outstanding as the night itself. This is a call to all Cluas devotees frequenting thes...
1 1366
9/3/2006 1:46 PM
6 Replies and 1554 Views Hope Of the States Split  1554  6 Started by  Sigur The band split yesterday, bad news had a lot of potential and a really great live act
6 1554
9/1/2006 5:18 PM
9 Replies and 1703 Views We've all thought about doing ...  1703  9 Started by  Mully Would D****n R*** fit the description of 'a small man' ... http://www.breakingnews.ie/2006/09/01/story274817.html
9 1703
9/1/2006 10:08 AM
14 Replies and 2030 Views Did daft punk actually play last week?  2030  14 Started by  nerraw Fro popbitch The greatest rock'n roll swindle So, you're a reclusive but legendary dance act. You decide to do a few gigs. Your agent contacts the big European festivals and tells them you are prepared to do three dates only - to the highest bidders. Bidding reaches 300,000 euros, so you agree. And then your agent rings more festivals and says - ok, you'll do ten dates only, at 300k a pop. You then do these festivals dressed as robots....
14 2030
8/31/2006 6:01 PM
12 Replies and 1648 Views Heineken Green Synergy  1648  12 Started by  Mully I was looking through the listings on the Whelans site, & I see so gigs in early October, or under the header above. Anyone any news on it Is it a Dublin wide festival
12 1648
8/31/2006 3:24 PM
17 Replies and 2058 Views Are illegal raves back?  2058  17 Started by  Una this: http://arts.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1860846,00.htmlgusrc=rss&feed=1 and the Observer article on the 'rebirh of rave' last Sunday probably offer more comment on corporate youth culture than they do on raving itself. still, interesting.
17 2058
8/31/2006 10:22 AM
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