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16 Replies and 2189 Views Pulling down the Astoria  2189  16 Started by  Dromed Booo.....they're going to pull down the London Astoria to build apartments...s**t one http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/culturevulture/archives/2006/09/13/space_opera.html
16 2189
9/13/2006 4:48 PM
44 Replies and 6999 Views Jools Holland - Best Performances  6999  44 Started by  benni Inspired by Elmo95's mention of programme - whats peoples favorite all time Jools performances The one that always stands out in my mind is Airbag by Radiohead circa 1997.... It was just as OK Computer was released and they played a few tunes on the show - with Airbag being the closer for the show. That was around the time that I was beginning to take music very seriously indeed and I remember actually thinking to myself that my mouth was quite literally hanging open in awe by the end. ...
44 6999
9/13/2006 2:02 PM
10 Replies and 1743 Views New content on the site  1743  10 Started by  admin Long overdue, but in the last few days I've been getting stuck into the back log of new submissions. New gig and album reviews are up there (including new releases from Cansei De Ser Sexy, Tapes'n Tapes, Peaches and Great White with more to come in the next few days). Also new 'Redneck Ramblings' and 'French letter' columns are published, check them out here: 'Redneck Ramblings' -> http://www.cluas.com/columns/redneck-ramblings/ 'French letter' -> http://www.cluas.com/columns/french-let...
10 1743
9/13/2006 9:28 AM
1 Replies and 1335 Views Good news for legal downloaders  1335  1 Started by  Gar Looks like itunes are getting some worldwide competition now - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/5328564.stm I've been using emusic for a couple of months now, just for the odd few things as I still prefer buying cd's, but it's a great service. So I reckon it's good news that they are expanding into Europe and focusing on independent labels.
1 1335
9/13/2006 12:11 AM
1 Replies and 1421 Views I keep hearing My Sharona everywhere  1421  1 Started by  Binokular I'm starting to wonder if theres a sort of weird collective conciousness in popular music that causes everyone to 'borrow' from the same same song at the same time. In this case, 'My Sharona' by the Knack. First off, the Little Chris single 'checkin it out' (which is brilliant, I reckon, sorta like a Feargal Sharkeys hyperactive, slightly mentally challenged nephew with an ASBO), doesn't rip it off wholesale, but theres a cheeky little 'Sharona' riff about third of the way through. Then t...
1 1421
9/12/2006 9:18 PM
5 Replies and 3221 Views TV On The Radio TBMC Nov 7th  3221  5 Started by  Antistar This should be exciting but I saw them on BBC 2's Reading coverage and they are truly awful live. Great first album, underwhelming follow-up, poor live act....disappointing.
5 3221
9/12/2006 6:03 PM
2 Replies and 1978 Views I Like 'People Get Ready'  1978  2 Started by  Rev Jules I have never had any bad feelings towards the Frames, even tho' they helped foist Damien Rice upon us; they haven't been my fav band, i have never seen them live, I don't listen to their records, I never bought their t shirt but I still like them, i think they send out good vibes, i remember being in a funk once on the way to an awful 'charity' function and stopping to listen to glen hansard and another frame busk on grafton street one summer evening and feeling uplifted by it, and continuing on...
2 1978
9/11/2006 6:32 PM
17 Replies and 1869 Views Free Bright Eyes Download  1869  17 Started by  kramer was just strolling through the internet when i came across a website as featured below http://www.yourstandardlife.com/2006/06/ click on this link and scroll down till you get to the Bright Eyes Live at the Bonnaroo Festival, you can download the entire setlist by right clicking on the songs and going down to 'save target as' and you'll be able to save them to your computer!, great setlist featuring collabartions with Gillian Welch, Gruff Rhys and Jim James..there's also a my morning jacke...
17 1869
9/11/2006 3:06 PM
12 Replies and 2295 Views 13pc VAT on gig tickets  2295  12 Started by  Pol Scum bags http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3ca=9&si= 1686229&issue_id=14630 Festival fans to be hit with 13pc VAT on gig tickets CONCERT goers are facing a 13.5pc rise in ticket prices next year as part of a Revenue Commissioners crackdown on unpaid VAT. The Government is set to earn millions of extra euro from the ticket tax, which will cover events like the Oxegen music festival and concerts in venues across the country. Tickets for music festivals and gigs es...
12 2295
9/11/2006 11:32 AM
3 Replies and 1659 Views Heineken Sessions  1659  3 Started by  Basic Anyone hear anything about who's playing the next one or where its on
3 1659
9/11/2006 9:55 AM
11 Replies and 1954 Views Irn-Bru  1954  11 Started by  Helmet The greatest hangover cure of all time, I love you Irn-bru!!!
11 1954
9/10/2006 3:06 PM
0 Replies and 1672 Views Enter the Haggis  1672  0 Started by  TimParker I interviewed Enter the Haggis recently. Thought you might enjoy. Enter the Haggis: Kicks in a Kilt http://www.collegecrier.com/interviews/int-0028.asp Tim
0 1672
9/10/2006 12:44 PM
23 Replies and 2950 Views Do we really need another Pet Sounds Reissue ??  2950  23 Started by  Basic Another one has just been put out a 40th Anniversary jobbie but do we need to keep coming back to this classic album again and again and again .........
23 2950
9/8/2006 4:40 PM
15 Replies and 2708 Views Whaddyaknow? It's The Last Broadcast...  2708  15 Started by  Norman Schwarzkopf Hello, it's that time of year again. For anyone interested... Wednesday Night, RTE2, sometime after 11... There's interviews with Wayne Coyne, The Charlatans backstage, Thom Yorke goes through The Eraser, Republic of Loose play live on a Liffey pontoon and have a natter, Colm Lynch plays acoustic live and there's vijos from Morrissey, Arctic Monkeys, Tunng and the new one from The Immediate.... As usual, all comments welcome...
15 2708
9/8/2006 9:38 AM
6 Replies and 1600 Views New Rapture Album  1600  6 Started by  stroller Has anyone else heard anything off this About seven tracks off the album are available here; http://hype.non-standard.net/ I've being very impressed with what I've heard so far.
6 1600
9/7/2006 4:28 PM
16 Replies and 1597 Views Tapes n' Tapes  1597  16 Started by  comet Missed them at Electric Picnic well aren't you lucky The Village, Nov 9
16 1597
9/7/2006 1:50 PM
22 Replies and 3635 Views Warlords of Pez's smash hit with Twink  3635  22 Started by  nerraw http://www.myspace.com/warlordsofpez Most popular song is Twink Vs Bastard. Very funny
22 3635
9/7/2006 1:44 PM
0 Replies and 1320 Views Royseven  1320  0 Started by  Carlsberg Ello Crazy Kids If anyone is not gigging, dancing their socks off or playing playsatation, there is a little get together this Saturday, 9th of September, in The Beacon Hotel Sandyford Industrial Estate. A very informal single launch, (* note, no mention of single title nor requests to buy it )whereby anyone who is anyone is welcome to pop up and have a drink.. its not free bar but the Beacon have kindly laid on a room for us, so its an open invite. Think there is a Becks promotion running...
0 1320
9/7/2006 12:21 PM
8 Replies and 1624 Views Howe Gelb  1624  8 Started by  Protein biscuit Probably don't need to be posting this as a new topic but, hey! i'm excited at the prospect of seeing Howe Gelb in Whelan's next week. Love his last album and all of the Giant Sand back catalogue as well as his AAAA stuff with M Ward, Grandaddy to name but two associated luminaries. Have never seem him live. Anyone see him perform before Heard that he's a bit of a character (who couldn't guess from his tunes!) and that he is prone to stopping in the middle of songs and going off on tangents and...
8 1624
9/7/2006 11:29 AM
8 Replies and 4601 Views Iggy Pop  4601  8 Started by  Daragh hey, looking for some recommendations, absolutely love what ive heard of Iggy Pop (raw power, fun house, and the lust for life album). Can anyone recommend anything else worth checking out Flat broke at the moment, so can't just grab a couple of cds. Anything by anyone like it would be great too. Cheers. PS sweet sixteen has to have one of the sexiest opening ever.
8 4601
9/7/2006 11:04 AM
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