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9 Replies and 4027 Views An Evening of Reading, Music & Conversation with Nick Cave  4027  9 Started by  jan Anyone at this A magical evening....marginally marred by some pretty dull questions from the audience and far too many 'Nick will ye sign me buke will ye' requests. The music, however, was breathtaking....from opening with West Country Girl to ending with Into My Arms via Tupelo and Red Right Hand...the timbre of Warren Ellis' spindly fingers, the groove laden tremor of Martyn Casey's bass and Nick Cave's bespoke brand of cool that can in an instant warm a stone from the inside out. I'll...
9 4027
by  aidanJump to last post
10/14/2009 5:01 AM
1 Replies and 3408 Views Radiohead: 'new album in 2010'  3408  1 Started by  aidan Ha! That principled stance didn't last long! Eejits.http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/200...2010-album
1 3408
by  eoghanJump to last post
10/10/2009 4:50 AM
8 Replies and 4124 Views Bands you've seen most often  4124  8 Started by  PeterQuaife With the Franks 20th anniversary gig just around the corner, it got me thinking about how many times I have seen them live, and what other bands i have seen most oftenFrank and Walters: 17Therapy: 11Hybrasil: 9Ron Sexsmith: 8what about the rest of yePQ
8 4124
by  gilliganJump to last post
10/9/2009 7:06 AM
0 Replies and 2147 Views Vampire Weekend: new song  2147  0 Started by  aidan Yikes - this is really poor stuff. They're playing in a little venue here in Paris in two weeks and after hearing this I don't think I'll go:
0 2147
10/8/2009 3:49 PM
8 Replies and 4404 Views Finding old Albums  4404  8 Started by  Idiot Kid When I go running I normally do so by borrowing my wife's iPod Nano (despite the fact I hate all things Apple) as it's nice and compact and doesn't add any extra weight (my belly does that!). Last weekend though, before I ran the half marathon I found a really old creative MP3 player that, when I charged it, I discovered was full of albums I don't listen to any more.  The most enlightening discovery on it was how good JJ72's eponymous debut album still sounds.  Fair enough, not everybody ...
8 4404
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
10/8/2009 8:20 AM
6 Replies and 4399 Views Streaming Gigs  4399  6 Started by  PeterQuaife Hello allWas wondering if any of you know of any good streaming gig sites / archives I would have been a regular viewer of FabChannel before its demise. I would have a nosey  the following sites from time to time: * Moshcam.com has a good archive of gigs from the Enmore and Metro in Sydney.  * KCRW.com/archives has a great 'in-studio' vault of sessions, both audio and video any recommendations welcomed with open arms cheersPQ
6 4399
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
10/6/2009 1:00 AM
0 Replies and 2641 Views Nuggets from the CLUAS archive  2641  0 Started by  eoghan I just published a new page on the site listing 10 nuggets from the CLUAS archives, one from each year of operations. All part of our ongoing celebrations for hitting our 10 year milestone. Any suggestions for other nuggets to add to this list
0 2641
10/5/2009 5:39 AM
4 Replies and 3513 Views Cool bands on TV chat shows  3513  4 Started by  aidan While poking around YouTube for videos of bands I noticed that US chat shows (Letterman, Conan O'Brien and the like) seem to have a lot of performances by hip indie and alternative bands - Grizzly Bear (perhaps why they went top ten Stateside), St Vincent, Andrew Bird and the like. If there are any American readers here, can you tell me if this perception is correct I think it's great that such non-mainstream music gets mainstream air-time.In Ireland, have there been any decent bands on the La...
4 3513
by  HelmetJump to last post
10/4/2009 11:51 AM
5 Replies and 3733 Views Polaris Music Prize shortlist  3733  5 Started by  aidan The shortlist for the Polaris prize, Canada's equivalent of the Mercury, Choice, etc, has just been announced. It's always a list that's worth checking out - they've been making fine music in Canada for the last few years.Anyway, here's this year's shortlist: I only know Malajube, Metric and Patrick Watson - anyone have any tips on the othersElliott Brood, 'Mountain Meadows' Fucked Up, 'The Chemistry of Common Life' Great Lake Swimmers, 'Lost Channels' Hey Rosetta!, 'Into Your Lungs (and around...
5 3733
by  aidanJump to last post
10/1/2009 4:03 PM
5 Replies and 4100 Views Discover Cork  4100  5 Started by  PeterQuaife Afternoon allOff to Co Cork in a few weeks to see the Franks celebrate their 20th anniversary (!!), christ. We're heading into the city on the Saturday night. Anyone recommend a good bar for a few recovery stout and some good tunes Have been to a few before, An Brog, Sine, Callanans...any ideas welcomed with open arms.excellentPQ
5 4100
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/23/2009 6:34 AM
4 Replies and 3769 Views 7 Worlds Collide - The Sun Came Out  3769  4 Started by  floodzer http://www.7worldscollide.com/7worldscollide/  No doubt most of us have heard about this album. I didnt realise that it was released already. Has anyone heard it If so, what are your thoughts I'll be purchasing it myself asap. I think it will be very interesting to see how certain individuals have got on in unfamiliar surroundings, out of their comfort zones and in some cases perhaps without being lead by their front men...
4 3769
by  floodzerJump to last post
9/22/2009 6:47 AM
10 Replies and 4432 Views Duckworth Lewis Method  4432  10 Started by  floodzer Anybody heard these guys Theyve had 2 singles that are regularly played on Phantom and I think they sound remarkably like other bands. When I first heard 'The Age of Revolution' I was sure it was Franz Ferdinand, and with 'The Sweet Spot' I could swear Im listening to QOTSA... Anybody else
10 4432
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/21/2009 8:38 AM
7 Replies and 3731 Views Oasis 'split'  3731  7 Started by  aidan For real or a desperate cry for publicity after yet another dud album Does anyone really care anymorewww.cluas.com/indie-music/Blogs/Fre...again.aspx
7 3731
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/15/2009 9:44 AM
5 Replies and 4169 Views Electric Picnic 2009  4169  5 Started by  aidan So, how was it Who was good and who was bad (The acts on stage, I mean, not whatever you got up to in your tent.)
5 4169
by  aidanJump to last post
9/15/2009 4:56 AM
20 Replies and 7643 Views Mercury Prize Shortlist  7643  20 Started by  Idiot Kid
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
The Mercury Prize Shortlist is to be released this morning, anyone care to take a guess as to the albums that will make itI have a feeling that at least 5 of the following will be on there (note, they are not necessarily my favourites)Bat for Lashes - Two SunsThe Horrors - Primary ColoursLa Roux - La RouxFlorence & The Machine - LungsManic Street Preachers - Journal for Plague LoversGlasvegas - GlasvegasDoves - Kingdom of RustFriendly Fires - Friendly FiresThe only Irish entry I can see getting...
20 7643
by  aidanJump to last post
9/15/2009 4:51 AM
0 Replies and 2294 Views One for the musos...  2294  0 Started by  twisted Thought this one might be for any musos on the board...singer-songwriter Nerina Pallot is inviting musicians to open her set in London's ICA venue in October. If anyone's interested go to http://www.youtube.com/watchv=cY3ArH2bh4E where she explains it all.
0 2294
9/10/2009 2:07 PM
1 Replies and 3349 Views Free tickets for Cois Fharraige  3349  1 Started by  John Doe I have two free tickets for the Cois Fharraige festival if anyone's interested. They can be collected in Dublin or I can post them (although that would want to be today if they're to arrive on time.)PM me if interested.
1 3349
by  John DoeJump to last post
9/9/2009 2:03 AM
10 Replies and 4962 Views Stuff you really shouldn't admit to...  4962  10 Started by  eoghan Out of the blue this weekend I heard a track I hadn't heard in years but one that I always loved. But it was also one of those tracks you should really never, ever admit to digging. Excuse me as I take the risk to obliterate whatever remains of my already massively depleted street cred and own up. The song I am talking about is (cough, splutter) 'Walking on the Chinese Wall' by Phillip Bailey and Phil Collins. Anybody else out there prepared to admit to liking something as thoroughly despera...
10 4962
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
9/8/2009 8:11 AM
3 Replies and 3852 Views Music that's aged badly  3852  3 Started by  Binokular Ever had an album in your collection that you thought was great at the time, but nowadays, while just about listenable, would just not hold your interest Just listening to 'Utopia Parkway' by Fountains Of Wayne and while the whole tongue in cheek cheesy power pop thing seemed like fun at the time, now it just seems a bit dull. Any you could list
3 3852
by  Rest_EnergyJump to last post
8/27/2009 6:34 PM
3 Replies and 14131 Views Favourite Album Covers  14131  3 Started by  Rest_Energy Firstly, I love the Blur: Best of album cover because Julian Opie is one of my favourite artists, and it's one of few album album covers I can actually paint. Secondly, I think the cover artwork for Tiger Army's 'Music from Regions Beyond' is great, if not a bit unnerving. I left out the obvious ones like Joy Division because they're a given. What're your favourites
3 14131
by  Idiot KidJump to last post
8/26/2009 1:51 AM
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