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16 Replies and 2544 Views Great news! New 17000 venue for Dublin  2544  16 Started by  nerraw But MCD are building it and thus their iron grip ever tightens lol From the Irish Times Music promoter Denis Desmond is developing plans for a EUR 100 million national arena in the greater Dublin area to accommodate up to 17,000 people, The Irish Times has learned. Arguing that the biggest acts favour a one-night, one-appearance approach to performing, Mr Desmond is understood to be saying that artists of international standing are no longer willing to perform a series of concerts in a...
16 2544
9/28/2006 12:53 PM
212 Replies and 31068 Views Emperor's new clothes? Irish music scene in 2006...  31068  212 Started by  hearty its been an exciting time for the irish music scene with all the most promising acts signed up to labels, small and large over the last year. but as the bands start to release the albums and begin to make their way into the gigging world one by one they seem to be falling on the early hurdles. blizards - talented, but very very poppy. will sell bloody loads with people outside dublin, but whats the point in another shallow pop act director - first single was great, new single is ...
212 31068
9/27/2006 4:39 PM
2 Replies and 1747 Views Village ... Fully Seated ?  1747  2 Started by  Mully I got a mail regarding the listings for Oct, says that Albert Niland is playing a fully seated show ... Is that a chair for him or us
2 1747
9/27/2006 10:49 AM
0 Replies and 1346 Views Updates to Discussion Board  1346  0 Started by  admin I tonight updated the scripts that run the discussion board to the latest and greatest version. Changes introduced with this (minor) upgrade will not be immediately apparent but include: A few security holes have been plugged.Some pages on the board should load faster (most slightly faster; a few - such as the search page - much faster).Addition of a nifty new anti-spam feature during the registration process to render it difficult / impossible for malicious 'bots' to register on the boardI al...
0 1346
9/26/2006 11:24 PM
11 Replies and 2130 Views Myspace named worst website  2130  11 Started by  nerraw according to PC World http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,127116-page,8-c,sites/article.html not a fan of it myself, essentially Bebo for bands. 25. Rentmychest.com. 24. IKissYou.org 23. InmatesForYou.com 22. Digital entertainment network (den.com) 21. Golden Palace Casino 20. Hotmail.com 19. WebVan 18. Beenz.com and Flooz.com (tie) 17. Boo.com 16. Microsoft Windows Update 15. Neuticles.com 14. BidForSurgery.com 13. Whitehouse.com 12. The Dancing Baby 11. Rabies...
11 2130
9/26/2006 2:17 PM
9 Replies and 2090 Views Maximo Park  2090  9 Started by  elmo95 Hey anyone headin to this tonight Should be a good bopper of a gig as my friend tells. But she is only 5 foot tall, should be intersting to see her keep up with the crowd
9 2090
9/26/2006 11:57 AM
12 Replies and 1734 Views Black Keys  1734  12 Started by  Gar Anybody else at the gig. f**king class.....
12 1734
9/25/2006 11:58 PM
0 Replies and 1755 Views John Cale to play vicar street  1755  0 Started by  Garret on oct 24th tickets are €35 all i really know is Paris 1919, mightnt bother to go EDIT I've just been told that that news is sooo last month
0 1755
9/25/2006 7:22 PM
1 Replies and 1352 Views The Frames ...itunes  1352  1 Started by  Unkle Monkey anyone else load the new frames album using itunes... 'genre' gospel & religious hmmm interesting.
1 1352
9/25/2006 4:45 PM
2 Replies and 1244 Views video editing doo da  1244  2 Started by  Una hello everyone. I'm trying to edit some video footage, but the only programme I have on my computer is windows movie maker, which is fine for what I'm doing BUT. The video footage I'm editing in it is from a digital camera and automatically converts to a QuickTime file when I shove it into my computer - and the movie maker thing won't recognise the file. How can I convert the file to something the programme will recognise Help me!, from Desperate in Dublin 8
2 1244
9/25/2006 12:27 PM
4 Replies and 1997 Views The Frames, Vicar Street, A Revelation  1997  4 Started by  Rev Jules I was at the Frames in Vicar street 2nite, and I had what can only be described as a near religous experience. What an amazing band. and from 'People Get Ready' on I got quite emotional. Peace and love. Jules
4 1997
9/25/2006 2:16 AM
9 Replies and 1818 Views Scariest video/song you'll ever see  1818  9 Started by  yoshimi http://www.youtube.com/watchv=QlYbvFuPxak nuff said. a.
9 1818
9/24/2006 6:02 PM
1 Replies and 1619 Views The End of The Coldspoons (as we know it)(and we f  1619  1 Started by  coldspoon conspiracy After 6 years (and 4 with this line-up), The Coldspoon Conspiracy as we know it will cease to be! Pat has decided to move on, and we wish him nothing but the best. So The Coldspoon Conspiracy as we know it will be winding down before the end of 2006. But all is not lost....as Ronan, Darren, and Peter are already planning to start a new band from the ashes of The Coldspoon Conspiracy, albeit with a different name, new songs and new member/singer. Pat also intends to continue making music ...
1 1619
9/23/2006 6:33 PM
2 Replies and 1274 Views Rice Cakes  1274  2 Started by  Una http://www.rte.ie/arts/2006/0922/bellx1.html
2 1274
9/22/2006 2:50 PM
10 Replies and 1891 Views Pop Talent Shows  1891  10 Started by  roadhousemag read that the Irish Your a farce winner 2006 was dropped by her label last week. Do you think the fact that Irish Pop Star Talent show winners have done crap proves once and for all that Irish people dont go for the same sh*te as in Britain Does anyone else feel that the money spent by RTE on these failures could have been better spent on perhaps producing an alternative music show (that is aired before midnight) If so, why isnt it happening
10 1891
9/22/2006 1:55 PM
9 Replies and 1759 Views ice bar - parnell street  1759  9 Started by  Ruby can anyone tell me exactly where this is, and if its any good
9 1759
9/22/2006 9:44 AM
0 Replies and 1220 Views Photographer for CLUAS gig  1220  0 Started by  admin Can anyone recommend a Photographer who would cover the CLUAS gig Some other photogrpaher options didn't work out as we were hoping. Yeah, it's all last minute, but we would gladly cover costs incurred by the photgrpaher. We just want to get some nice snaps of the night to stick on the website. If you've got ideas, drop me a line ASAP on: eoghan <at> cluas.com
0 1220
9/22/2006 12:34 AM
7 Replies and 1459 Views angriest lyrics  1459  7 Started by  Una I vote for Backstabber by Dresden Dolls: http://unarocks.blogspot.com/2006/09/backstabber.html mean!
7 1459
9/21/2006 10:51 PM
2 Replies and 1119 Views Chris Cornell Does Bond Theme Tune  1119  2 Started by  Gar Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=SryWdDRf9R8
2 1119
9/21/2006 3:13 PM
15 Replies and 1414 Views Musical Comebacks  1414  15 Started by  Gar Have there been many successful comebacks in recent years for musicians With new releases on the way from Yusuf Isalm (Cat Stevens) and one-hit wonder Babybird, there must be people looking forward to their comeback. And what exactly is a comeback in music these days Is it Elton John releasing an album after five years or members of The Jayhawks turning up on the new Golden Smog record or simply someone we have forgotten about and decides to return with new material
15 1414
9/21/2006 1:03 PM
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