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4 Replies and 1242 Views Last gasp for Fall tickets  1242  4 Started by  Protein biscuit Am i on the wrong forum Anyhoo, i don't suppose anyone knows of any spare Fall tickets for Saturday's gig in The Village. Didn't get the finger out in time alas.
4 1242
10/6/2006 2:21 PM
12 Replies and 1741 Views Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above  1741  12 Started by  stroller Myself and a group of mates were singing this the last night as we walked home from a night on the tiles. Unfortunately we only know one line so we had to invent some alternative lyrics which included; Let's have a shag and listen to Billy Bragg, Lets get our hole and listen to Nat King Cole, Let's make the beast with two backs and listen to Massive Attack. Can anybody think of anything else
12 1741
10/6/2006 1:17 PM
31 Replies and 3081 Views Upcoming Sufjan Stevens gig  3081  31 Started by  Unkle Monkey Less then a month to go woohooo sorry just thought id rub it in for those who didnt get tickets!
31 3081
10/5/2006 10:18 PM
4 Replies and 1320 Views Rodrigo y Gabriela flog motor on Ebay  1320  4 Started by  Binokular Was browsing Ebay and found this: http://cgi.ebay.ie/Rodrigo-y-Gabrielas-car_W0QQitemZ190037481873QQihZ009QQcategoryZ9859QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemebayphotohosting 1 litre Peugeot 206! very un-rock'n'roll I've lost all respect...
4 1320
10/5/2006 7:11 PM
4 Replies and 1534 Views Ticketmaster Accounts  1534  4 Started by  Mully Handy and all as they are, I have found a flaw in the system, purchasing tickets for someone else ... Have a close look on the link 'Hi Karl. Tickets for one of your favourite performers go on sale soon' http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y119/MullyFive0/Disturbing.jpg
4 1534
10/5/2006 4:28 PM
7 Replies and 1883 Views Writing a song  1883  7 Started by  Pol There's nothing happening today in here so im starting a kind of productive stupid thread ..about song writhing .. How do you approach it spur of the moment improv with your instrument do you work better with a team do you dream up melodies and try like a whoooore to make them sound the same in your head as on the guitar ,do you set your self tasks i.e read Mayan history and write a song about there torturous lives ,or do you dabble in other religions to find new and meaningful things to s...
7 1883
10/4/2006 4:57 PM
15 Replies and 2525 Views Strange question  2525  15 Started by  kavobaggins Its a long shot but I dont suppose if anyone knows where I could pick up or even download the debut album 'Nevermind the Zogabongs' from the legendary, groundbreaking aliens that are Zig and Zag.
15 2525
10/4/2006 4:53 PM
2 Replies and 1160 Views Anti-spamming feature  1160  2 Started by  admin Recently a number of members of the CLUAS board received spam emails from other members (emails that told them they could - cough, splutter - share in a few millions of squids, if only they first transferred a few grand to a bank account in Cote d'Ivoire or Nigeria or some place). Anyway, the spamming members have been identified and their membership profile deleted. I have also since implemented some new functionality at the back-end of the board that should remove the possibility (well,...
2 1160
10/4/2006 1:12 PM
6 Replies and 1413 Views Twilight Singers  1413  6 Started by  mixtapepublicity Greg Dulli flavour now with extra Mark Lanegan! Nov 18th, The Village. I missed them last time, are they worth going to
6 1413
10/4/2006 9:40 AM
30 Replies and 3394 Views Your All-Time Favourite *Artist*  3394  30 Started by  dummyrun Elliot Smith
30 3394
10/3/2006 9:01 AM
17 Replies and 2368 Views Favourite Music Journalism Putdown  2368  17 Started by  dera There are many. What is yours This is my new favourite - Pitchfork's review of Jet's new record. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/38853/Jet_Shine_On
17 2368
10/2/2006 10:58 PM
35 Replies and 5914 Views Myth of Difficult 2nd Album Syndrome  5914  35 Started by  Rev Jules Its one of the sacred cows of orthodox music journalism, the second album that never really lives up to the debut but here are three classics that were second albums 'The Bends' - Radiohead 'Transformer' - Lou Reed 'The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan' - Bob Dylan True or myth, you decide
35 5914
10/2/2006 4:01 PM
4 Replies and 1848 Views Where will Phantom FM be based?  1848  4 Started by  Flem anyone know where it's gona be based from now i heard it's the old Zed Fm building. anyone know where that is
4 1848
10/1/2006 10:29 PM
31 Replies and 3725 Views The Decemberists  3725  31 Started by  Gar Coming over for their debut Irish show on the 3rd of February in The Village. I've been waiting a long time for someone to book them here. So good news.
31 3725
10/1/2006 6:34 PM
23 Replies and 3199 Views Duke special last night  3199  23 Started by  kavobaggins Absolutely fantastic gig. Oul Dukie boy was on top form. Even managed to fit in a Beautiful South cover aswell.
23 3199
9/30/2006 7:49 PM
5 Replies and 1864 Views Speaker Connection Question  1864  5 Started by  elmo95 Hi all, This is a wee bit technical and I should know how to do it in the first place, but I was wondering if wnyone could help me. I want to change the ends of speaker cable and attach a mini jack plug onto them. I think I'll have to solder the cables to different parts of the mini jack but I'm not sure which parts. If anyone could help me or even refer me to a decent website that would be great.
5 1864
9/30/2006 4:18 PM
21 Replies and 3566 Views New Sparklehorse Album  3566  21 Started by  Gar Never really got into these before, but loving the new record. Anyone else got it Or recommend a particular early album There's a really good interview with Mark Linkous in The Guardian today too.
21 3566
9/29/2006 1:11 PM
0 Replies and 1314 Views TONIGHT! Casiotone for the Painfully Alone  1314  0 Started by  Foggy Foggy Notions presents: CASIOTONE FOR THE PAINFULLY ALONE THE DEAD SCIENCE GOODTIME JOHN Friday September 29 Whelan’s, Dublin, 8pm Tix: €13 plus booking fee from: WAV Tickets City Discs & Road Records Etiquette is the fourth album by Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. If it doesn't sound much like the previous albums by CFTPA, it's because he actually spent a little bit of money on this one. Owen Ashworth from San Francisco is one of the best songwriters working in indepe...
0 1314
9/29/2006 12:53 PM
5 Replies and 1794 Views Planxty  1794  5 Started by  ctrlaltdelete Reading Leagues new book 'The Humours of Planxty' at the minute. Great stuff. Anyone else got hold of a copy yet
5 1794
9/29/2006 12:11 PM
11 Replies and 1550 Views Peaches for HWCH  1550  11 Started by  Una are my eyes deceiving me Or is that what it says in the HWCH add in the Ticket today
11 1550
9/29/2006 11:54 AM
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