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7 Replies and 1738 Views Anyone at Gomez Tue  1738  7 Started by  klootfan Did anyone make the Gomez gig on tuesday, really wanted to make that gig, but work kept me away. I think their recent album is their best yet. Great working music
7 1738
by  kavobagginsJump to last post
12/4/2006 12:44 AM
4 Replies and 2054 Views Radiodread!  2054  4 Started by  Daragh anyone head this, i remember (i think) someone talking about it a while ago, its basically 'ok computer' performed by the Easy Star All Stars, the same dudes who did Dub Side of the Moon, and it is f**king awesome! much more downbeat than dub side, and a whole load of reggae legends, horacy andy, toots (!!!!) sugar minottetc lending vocals, but all in its quality. groovy, only word. some cleansing reggae after the disaster that was jimmy cliff live
4 2054
by  DaraghJump to last post
12/3/2006 11:56 AM
6 Replies and 1690 Views Django Reinhardt  1690  6 Started by  Daragh Anyone hear this dude, only got into him recently, amazing. Theres a little documentary on him in the youtube link, well worth checking out. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=a6U2tSVDtGk some other great stuff there too, linked from the sidebar.
6 1690
by  DaraghJump to last post
12/3/2006 11:53 AM
2 Replies and 2026 Views Tonight's Killers gig cancelled  2026  2 Started by  John Doe Tonight's Killers gig at the Point has been cancelled due to illness on the part of Brandon Flowers. And it's not going to be re-scheduled either. Which sucks donkey c*ck.
2 2026
by  The_Pen15Jump to last post
12/1/2006 12:08 PM
3 Replies and 2182 Views Hot Press Gig  2182  3 Started by  klootfan Heard a clip of an add this morning for some sort of Hot Press gig. What I heard of the line up seemed good. Irish bands. Any idea what the craic is..when where etc
3 2182
by  freshcodJump to last post
11/30/2006 8:20 AM
29 Replies and 4570 Views new Eyebrowy DVD  4570  29 Started by  Una
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
so. funny.
29 4570
by  freshcodJump to last post
11/30/2006 8:19 AM
6 Replies and 1659 Views six organs of admittance  1659  6 Started by  Ally tonight in whelans with the hollows supporting... you'd be silly to miss this one... ...anyone else want to talk about him/them
6 1659
by  AllyJump to last post
11/30/2006 7:56 AM
0 Replies and 1637 Views Hal consider name change - NME Ireland  1637  0 Started by  sunkentreasure Interesting story in this week's NME Ireland - Apparently Hal's new stuff is so dark they were going to drop their name! funny interview with the lads anyone going to see them tomorr in Dub
0 1637
11/30/2006 7:05 AM
14 Replies and 2434 Views Finally, a critic admits when they were wrong  2434  14 Started by  nerraw Jim Carroll in the ticket last week, great piece. http://www.ireland.com/theticket/articles/2006/1124/1164236471372.html Every critic should compile a 'oh no, I really did rate them didn't I' list every year. Carroll is NOW spot on with Tapes N Tapes. I'd bet if we went through the year's recommendations, that amount of sheer awfulness would be akin to the Irish soccer team
14 2434
by  bortJump to last post
11/30/2006 3:32 AM
13 Replies and 2303 Views Pimp My Ride Uk  2303  13 Started by  wheelsinmotion Can someone tell me who this prat is who hosts pimp my ride uk. He's a skinny english guy trying to sound and dress like a black american rapper. I laughed for a very long time after seeing it for the first time a few days ago.
13 2303
by  MullyJump to last post
11/30/2006 2:47 AM
0 Replies and 1670 Views New Bloc Party Album  1670  0 Started by  stroller It's not out til February but it was leaked about a fornight ago. You can download it here if you like; http://www.zshare.net/download/bloc-party-a-weekend-in-the-city-2006-zip.html
0 1670
11/29/2006 11:45 AM
13 Replies and 2447 Views Bloc Party/Clap Hands gigs  2447  13 Started by  diego_maradona Bloc Party and Clap Your Hands... are both listed for Feb gigs on Ticketmaster, for Ambassador and Tripod respectively. However neither seem to be onsale.What gives It says Bloc Party was available from 27th Oct. Does this mean its sold out Also do the Ticket Alerts actually work, im sure ive signed up for alerts on many bands but not heard anything when they announced gigs here.                    ...
13 2447
by  diego_maradonaJump to last post
11/28/2006 10:08 AM
4 Replies and 2235 Views Test your musical skills in 6 minutes  2235  4 Started by  comet Originally developed as a quick online way to screen for tonedeafness, this tool turned out to be a pretty good test to check for overall pitch perception ability. The test is purposefully made very hard, so excellent musicians rarely score above 80 correct. It's actually quite difficult, and will let you know if it's true that you really can't carry a tune, not even in a bucket. http://jakemandell.com/tonedeaf/ I got 80.6, think i could have done better and no doubt everyone els...
4 2235
by  diego_maradonaJump to last post
11/28/2006 10:05 AM
0 Replies and 1683 Views Attention Bands! Phantom 105.2 wants your band's news.  1683  0 Started by  roxy Access All Areas, presented by Edel Coffey, broadcasts daily on Phantom 105.2 between 10am and Noon. She wants to know what's going on with your band. If you're tinkering with some new material, if you're about to go on tour with the Stones, or if you're simply playing an underage gig down the local, get the details over to Edel! Quick! Email your news to aaa&91at&93phantom&91dot&93ie and she'll let the world know. Please feel free to add this email address to y...
0 1683
11/28/2006 6:26 AM
2 Replies and 1641 Views Relaunch of www.muse.ie  1641  2 Started by  admin Six years or so on www.muse.ie is coming back. And their new MD sees their 'website as being like a cross between Cluas and NME.com...' Full article from www.enn.ie below: From: http://www.enn.ie/news.htmlcode=9850244 Muse.ie: Back for good Thursday, November 23 2006 by Charlie Taylor It's not just boybands such as Take That making comebacks this year, Muse.ie, the music website formerly owned by Eircom offshoot Rondomondo is re-launching next month. Th...
2 1641
by  favouritedressJump to last post
11/28/2006 6:07 AM
0 Replies and 1804 Views The second coming??  1804  0 Started by  El Duderino The Australian version of pop idol just finished over here and it was won by an Irish man by the name of Damien from Kildare. You've been warned
0 1804
11/27/2006 2:19 AM
1 Replies and 1929 Views Primavera next weekend  1929  1 Started by  stroller Anyoneheading to this in Barcelona It's not a bad little line up for €65. All of the following are playing; Cat Power The Rapture CSS Jeff Tweedy out of Wilco The Wrens ESG Richard Hawley Sparklehorse The Young Knives The Pipettes Teenage Fanclub (playing Bandwagonesque in it's entirety) They Might Be Giants The Twilight Singers & Mark Lanegan The New Pornographers The Boy Least Likely To Art Brut Laura Veirs Fujiya & Miyagi Plus on t...
1 1929
by  UnicronJump to last post
11/25/2006 10:02 AM
0 Replies and 1891 Views RockChic Exhibition  1891  0 Started by  comet Looks like a great exhibition and its free RockChic: The Life and Times of the Electric Guitar 1931 - 2006 =============================================================== Set within a dynamic multimedia experience that captures the essence of a rock stage, RockChicTM: The Life And Times Of The Electric Guitar features more than 100 legendary, vintage, rare and customised guitars, in an exhibition which examines the electric guitar’s origins, and focuses on its evolution and inf...
0 1891
11/24/2006 6:26 AM
10 Replies and 2405 Views 9 crimes pitchfork review - Harsh ?  2405  10 Started by  Pol http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/39752/Damien_Rice_9 Im not a big fan but this is preety harsh .Spose its not as bad as showing a video of a monkey pissing into its own mouth !
10 2405
by  PeterQuaifeJump to last post
11/24/2006 5:59 AM
8 Replies and 2411 Views DFA / David Holmes at Anseo  2411  8 Started by  Punchbowl Anyone here get along to Anseo over the weekend for the 'Bud Rising' festivities If you did you will obviously know that DFA were seriously on the money and that David 'Hollywood' Holmes is nothing more than a chancer. I mean, the DJ to the stars played 'Paint it Black' twice and also gave 'Nothin but a heartache' a double spin too. He also added to the joy by leaving allmighty gaps between tracks and generally playing the sort of set you'd hear in Anseo any night of the week. All this w...
8 2411
by  makrelaJump to last post
11/19/2006 11:04 AM
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