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12 Replies and 1924 Views I used to play guitar.....  1924  12 Started by  Binokular Like most people with more than passing interest in rock, I took up playing the guitar (really, really badly) in my teens but I haven't touched one in at least two years, yet lately I keep finding guitar picks I don't remember picking up in my pocket and stuff. I don't think I've been sleep-riffing as the neighbours haven't complained. What does this mean Your theories please...
12 1924
by  StrangegravyJump to last post
2/26/2007 12:42 PM
12 Replies and 2603 Views Q for admin: time zone of posts  2603  12 Started by  rockchicklet is there any way of fixing the time on this forum all the times of posts seem to be coming up as US pacific time or something like that. i've looked all over the site but can't seem to find any way to change this option.
12 2603
by  klootfanJump to last post
2/23/2007 5:36 AM
19 Replies and 3435 Views The Decemberists... What do you reckon  3435  19 Started by  klootfan Downloaded the Decemberists - The Crane Wife, a couple of weeks back but only got around to putting it on my player and listening to it the first time this morning... what a fantastic album. Great vocals and great tunes
19 3435
by  AllyJump to last post
2/23/2007 4:52 AM
40 Replies and 7382 Views How has Phantom FM being back changed your listening habits  7382  40 Started by  klootfan
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Phantom FM must be back a good 4 months at this stage is it Halloween 06 was it not. Anyway, I have to admit that from being a frequent listener in the past, I dont reckon Ive spent more then 30 minutes listening to them since they launched. I duno what it is really. When ive tuned in they just seemed to have been playing alot of the music they were playing in the old days... but that was probably just bad timing on my behalf. So what do people reckon. Are they any good. Should I...
40 7382
by  EricJump to last post
2/23/2007 3:45 AM
16 Replies and 3321 Views The Wrens  3321  16 Started by  Protein biscuit Hot diggedy dang! A surly stroll into work this morning was considerably elevated by passing a poster for 'Foggy Notions presents .....The Wrens,' Thursday, February 15th in Whelans.
16 3321
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
2/22/2007 7:08 AM
2 Replies and 2143 Views Preston walks off  2143  2 Started by  Altona Saw this on Tv the other night. It's pretty funny. Happy Friday everyone http://www.youtube.com/watchv=PcMiyEt9R08
2 2143
by  ArchieJump to last post
2/21/2007 9:34 AM
6 Replies and 1835 Views I want my old Idlewild back  1835  6 Started by  klootfan Ive been a massive Idlewild fan going back to their first EP. Always looked forward to the their new albums. However, I wasnt too impressed with their last album and im even less impressed with their latest attempt. They have lost their edge. Too much blandness has crept in. Gone are the tunes which made you want to jump into the mosh crowd for, and in replace we have these melodic REM style tunes... which just arent up to scratch.
6 1835
by  klootfanJump to last post
2/20/2007 6:53 AM
8 Replies and 2612 Views The Everly Brothers  2612  8 Started by  Protein biscuit Okay, not exactly cutting edge but i stumbled across a tune on the Jarvis Cocker curated 'The Trip' album from these guys called 'I Wonder if I'll Care as Much' and i have to say it's pretty amazing. I'd have normally passed little or no remarks on them after having been assaulted in the past by 'Unchained Melody' and the other one that i can't think of but am pretty sure i probably know all the words to. So, anyone else have any musical surprises akin to this one Stumnble across a lost...
8 2612
by  PeejayJump to last post
2/19/2007 2:03 PM
5 Replies and 5453 Views Long Lost Papa M  5453  5 Started by  Helmet Aloha, a few years back I saw Will Oldham in Vicar St with a wee Mexican looking lad going under the name Papa M supporting. I have since tried locating anything by him on D'Internet and in road/tower and the like but can't find anything. He did a fantastic version of Wayfarin' Stranger. Can anyone help me out here
5 5453
by  HelmetJump to last post
2/19/2007 8:19 AM
19 Replies and 3537 Views Did Neutral Milk Hotel play Ireland?  3537  19 Started by  The_Pen15 Thought you guys might be able to help me out. A friend of mine says they played here in Ireland circa October 1998. Although I can't find any record of this on the net, I did come across it in my reading of the 33 1/3 book. Can anyone shed anylight as to the dates and venue
19 3537
by  The_Pen15Jump to last post
2/19/2007 6:26 AM
0 Replies and 1384 Views Rediscovering Beulah  1384  0 Started by  The_Pen15 I bought a copy of 'The Coast is Never Clear' for €8 the other day. I hadn't listened to it in yonkes but I bought it for my collection....I forgot how much I love this record Anyway, there's no point to this thread really. Just to say how much I love Beulah and rediscovering records
0 1384
2/19/2007 6:10 AM
0 Replies and 1207 Views SXSW 2007 Mp3s  1207  0 Started by  Binokular SXSW has released a torrent file with over 700mp3s from bands playing the festival (yes it is 100 legal). Download it here: http://www.donewaiting.com/sxsw/archives/2007/02/sxsw_releases_f.php or direct link to torrent: http://player.sxsw.com/torrents/SXSW_2007_Showcasing_Artists-Release_1.torrent You will need a Bittorrent client to download it and it's 3GB (sorry dialup people or folks surfing in work). Should keep your iPod busy for a while.
0 1207
2/19/2007 5:43 AM
16 Replies and 3678 Views upcoming dublin gigs  3678  16 Started by  Ally these all hold interest for me (to larger or smaller degrees)... thought it might be useful for you too... any good ones missing: clap your hands say yeah - feb 1st the decemberists - feb 3rd my brightest diamond - feb 6th nina nastasia - feb 7th the ex - feb 10th micah p hinson - feb 11th the wrens - feb 15th tilly and the wall - feb 23rd field music - feb 25th the hold steady - feb 27th au revoir simone - feb 28th i'm from barcelona - mar 2nd white m...
16 3678
by  YouAreNotSafeJump to last post
2/18/2007 7:36 AM
7 Replies and 2206 Views Festivals  2206  7 Started by  Mully So where is everyone off to for the summer festivals
7 2206
by  GarretJump to last post
2/17/2007 9:22 AM
3 Replies and 1812 Views Techie help  1812  3 Started by  Archie Hi. Just bought a bass. The thing is we're going to be feeding it straight through a mixer and to a PA system, bypassing the whole amp business. Basically what we aim to have at the end is like a mini-studio, minus recording capabilities. My question for anyone who might know, is this: bearing in mind that the mixer itself will act as a d.i. box so voltage and stuff like that isn't a problem, should we get a pre-amp I mean for getting the best possible projected bass sound into the mix....
3 1812
by  ArchieJump to last post
2/15/2007 1:59 PM
7 Replies and 1644 Views DJ-esque Help  1644  7 Started by  Idiot Kid I'm getting married in November this year and I'm struggling to find a DJ who will play the type of music I want to hear/dance to at my wedding. They're all sending me demo cd's full of ABBA and Robbie Williams, and that's fine in small doses (ie when drunk enough) but I'd also like to hear some Interpol, The Cure, etc, basically indie tunes as well as wedding classics like YMCA (it's not for me, it's my uncle, he loves that song...) thrown in for good measure. Anyone know where I might ...
7 1644
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
2/14/2007 7:10 AM
1 Replies and 2171 Views good club nights in Dublin  2171  1 Started by  UnaRocks I've done a listy here - any more to throw into the mix
1 2171
by  DaraghJump to last post
2/13/2007 2:45 AM
10 Replies and 2875 Views Has Hansard quit the Frames?  2875  10 Started by  Rev Jules Sunday Times profile on glen headlines that he has left the franes, is this true
10 2875
by  Rev JulesJump to last post
2/8/2007 6:20 PM
1 Replies and 1808 Views Balkan Music Festival Cork  1808  1 Started by  Daragh Howdo, Apparently theres a balkan music festival on in cork over paddys weekend, put on by the IMC. Anyone know anything (at alL!) about it. Also, anyone know anywhere to stay there, all hostels are booked out. FUCKING YANKS!
1 1808
by  cometJump to last post
2/8/2007 3:10 PM
5 Replies and 1898 Views my top five albums of January  1898  5 Started by  UnaRocks I've made a little list here... http://unarocks.blogspot.com/2007/02/top-5-albums-of-january-2007.html
5 1898
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
2/8/2007 7:08 AM
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