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6 Replies and 2208 Views Loike all these blogs  2208  6 Started by  The_Pen15 I've no problem with them if they are interesting and different but a rehash of pitchfork's forkcast and news is f**king retarded. This isnt a dig at the ones hosted here..I've just noticed alot of them around lately and its all the same pitchforky s**te loike
6 2208
by  BinokularJump to last post
4/6/2007 12:39 AM
1 Replies and 1630 Views New Album from Wolf Parade's Dan Boeckner  1630  1 Started by  Unicron Himself and his Fiance, it's really good. Anyone else heard it I think it's better than the Sunset Rubdown album even though Spencer Krugs's WP songs are better than Boeckner's. The Handsome Furs - Plauge Park
1 1630
by  The_Pen15Jump to last post
4/5/2007 8:29 AM
4 Replies and 2292 Views www.muse.ie goes live    2292  4 Started by  admin A bit later than their initial announcement said it would but, but www.muse.ie went live this weekend.
4 2292
by  eoghanJump to last post
4/4/2007 2:55 AM
6 Replies and 2429 Views Loud & Clear 2?  2429  6 Started by  Carlsberg Hi Gang i know its been 2 years since 'that' event in the Olympia but overall I thought it was a pretty good success. Some of the acts have gone on to do pretty well but overall I felt the night captured what was good about the unsigned band scene at the time. I feel the night will be somewhat wasted if we don't go again so here we are at the drawing board stage with a view to a possible event next Winter. Thoughts anyone Band ideas you'd like to see. The ethos ...
6 2429
by  teaJump to last post
4/3/2007 7:31 AM
4 Replies and 2266 Views Apples in Stereo gig moved  2266  4 Started by  joeignorant Hey the Apples in Stereo are now playing in Whelans on May 17th as opposed to the Hub. Pandamonium decided to change the venue for the night. It should be deadly
4 2266
by  joeignorantJump to last post
4/3/2007 5:15 AM
2 Replies and 2545 Views Mark Greaney  2545  2 Started by  Garret The lead singer of JJ72 shall be recording his new album this year. He is supporting Simple Kid in the UK, and might be organising gigs in Ireland also. He will play new and old songs. New track up on his myspace - http://www.myspace.com/markwgreaney Yup, I'm excited
2 2545
by  GarretJump to last post
4/2/2007 3:09 PM
8 Replies and 5747 Views Sneak preview of Muse.ie  5747  8 Started by  admin Muse.ie will be launching in the coming days but you can already check them out via this back door page: Muse.ie Bands who have a page on MySpace, Bebo page, etc in addition to their own website, will they be ready / willing to maintain yet another page on muse.ie!! Eoghan
8 5747
by  musehughJump to last post
4/2/2007 9:09 AM
2 Replies and 2493 Views Editors at the Olympia  2493  2 Started by  da reilly Anyone going to this I just booked two tickets this morning. I think it could be good if they get enough bodies in the door. I saw them in the ambassador last time they played here and it wasn’t a good gig but I think that was mainly due to it being a dry (non-alcohol) gig. Shame their new album isn’t out before the gig. Hopefully it will leak.
2 2493
by  diego_maradonaJump to last post
4/1/2007 9:52 AM
9 Replies and 2757 Views REM - 5 Nights in the Olympia  2757  9 Started by  klootfan Anyone manage to get tickets for these gigs. A mate only mentioned it to me last night and it was already too late!!!
9 2757
by  redmosquitoJump to last post
3/31/2007 12:26 PM
0 Replies and 2177 Views Flaming Lips to hit Broadway  2177  0 Started by  The_Pen15 If you thought vibrating panties and spaceships were the only strange things the Flaming Lips were dreaming up, think again: the eccentric rockers have announced they are planning to turn 2002’s Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots into a Broadway musical. The noise-experimentalists with a penchant for the bizarre are teaming up with TV writer and show creator Aaron Sorkin — the man who adapted The Who’s Tommy into a stage adaptation and who created the West Wing — to write the musical’s scrip...
0 2177
3/30/2007 8:05 AM
25 Replies and 6102 Views Albums which have most affected your tastes?  6102  25 Started by  The_Pen15
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I'm not really talking about your favourite albums but ones that have had an impact on your tastes... This was the first album I ever bought (maybe about 5 years ago) and I suppose it is the most affecting as I could probably have just ended up listening to s**t music today. These two weezer records dominated my life for years. Weezer were my favourite band for so long, and I suppose they still are in many ways. They were hug...
25 6102
by  ladeebirdJump to last post
3/27/2007 4:15 PM
1 Replies and 1682 Views Video: Damien Rice & Ray Lamontagne on French TV  1682  1 Started by  aidan For any Damo and Ray Lamontagne fans out there, here are a couple of YouTube links to their recent appearances on French TV (as mentioned in this month's French Letter column): Damien Rice performing 'Rootless Tree' http://www.youtube.com/watchv=rQySgbCIklk Damien Rice and Ray Lamontagne duetting on the Bee Gees''To Love Somebody': http://www.youtube.com/watchv=d0rGr0N3gOk Damien Rice interview (in French!!!): http://www.youtube.com/watchv=iNE1VcwCCTA
1 1682
by  cometJump to last post
3/26/2007 11:54 AM
3 Replies and 2130 Views Brighteyes and hold steady for oxygen  2130  3 Started by  pol* Bastards now i mite have to go gaaa .Was sure we would get Bright eyes for ep .
3 2130
by  cometJump to last post
3/26/2007 11:44 AM
2 Replies and 5209 Views Bryan Ferry  5209  2 Started by  Carlsberg Have a listen. Some of you will hate this, some of you know about it and some of you like me might just listen and go 'wow' ... or words to that affect. Later http://www.youtube.com/watchv=OxH7y5lLxeA
2 5209
by  thethirdplace2Jump to last post
3/26/2007 9:34 AM
4 Replies and 5057 Views Changing your password with the new Forum  5057  4 Started by  klootfan Im not sure if anyone else was confused as me with trying to find out how to change passwords using the new forum, so I said id post a tip on it. I should have found this earlier and im sure most of you have, but to change your password follow the following steps: 1. Login using your profile name and existing password 2. Click on your profile name which appears in the top right hand corner of the screen under the 'logout' text 3. In the 'Manage Profile' page, click the 'Manag...
4 5057
by  klootfanJump to last post
3/24/2007 1:47 AM
4 Replies and 1995 Views Singer/songwriter nights Ireland  1995  4 Started by  lefty01 Hey, How's it going I'm looking for more and more places to play around the country. Can anyone recommend any singer/songwriter nights anywhere in Ireland Thanks, Paul www.paulhourican.net
4 1995
by  The_Pen15Jump to last post
3/23/2007 12:06 PM
11 Replies and 2399 Views Andrew Bird cancelled Roisin Dubh  2399  11 Started by  Garret This week's gig of the fortnight artist has come down with the flu it seems, and has cancelled tonights gig acording to his website. Contact the venue about refunds. No mention as to whether tomorrow's show shall proceed or not, i hope so I am meant to be meeting him :/ Very talented guy by the way. People should check out his mysterious production of eggs album Also, bird flu hee hee
11 2399
by  Protein biscuitJump to last post
3/23/2007 6:18 AM
4 Replies and 2643 Views Arcade Fire & Prefab Spout  2643  4 Started by  Rev Jules Is it just me or does 'Neon Bible' sound alot like Prefab Sprouts Springsteen influenced 1988 album 'From Langley Park to Memphis'
4 2643
by  Rev JulesJump to last post
3/21/2007 11:14 AM
1 Replies and 2095 Views Camera Obscura  2095  1 Started by  The_Pen15 They're playing on the 6th of May in Dublin. Dunno if there's any fans here but I thought I'd post about it anyway http://myspace.com/foggynotions http://www.thevillagevenue.com/page.phpcat=34
1 2095
by  AllyJump to last post
3/21/2007 4:31 AM
2 Replies and 2237 Views Ricky and Red Nose Day  2237  2 Started by  stephen This is just fabulous... http://www.youtube.com/watchv=e-ia__1d_rM Don't mention who appears on this on the thread as it will spoil it for others. This is just wonderful.
2 2237
by  PeejayJump to last post
3/20/2007 9:57 AM
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