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6 Replies and 3724 Views Arcade Fire autumn gig confirmed.  3724  6 Started by  Unicron http://thrillpier.blogspot.com/2007/08/arcade-fire-irish-autumn-date-confirmed.htmllinks
6 3724
by  UnicronJump to last post
8/4/2007 5:52 AM
1 Replies and 2539 Views PsychoFest 3 ?  2539  1 Started by  Mully Is it going to happen this year I thoroughly enjoyed the last 2. Great shame if it doesn't happen, but I understand how difficult/expensive it is for the The Things lads to organise.
1 2539
by  MUSICLOVERJump to last post
8/1/2007 12:17 PM
16 Replies and 4220 Views the thrills new album teenager  4220  16 Started by  christianwise im sorry if this makes me uncool i acyually like it. alot. the lyrics are very good and i think they may have noticed there from dublin. so what do you all think anyway.
16 4220
by  AllyJump to last post
8/1/2007 7:54 AM
4 Replies and 2657 Views Albums you bought inspired by Cluas  2657  4 Started by  klootfan I first wandered across Cluas all those years ago, when looking for music by Irish artists. At that time there was a downloads section on Cluas and I remember taking ages on my dial up connection to download a few tracks, some of which inspired me to check out full albums by these artists and led me to their gigs and so on... Since then, the messageboard has been the main source of inspiration for me to wander out and pick up albums recommended by other posters... Here are...
4 2657
by  aidanJump to last post
7/31/2007 9:55 AM
6 Replies and 2749 Views Wilco's imminent return to Ireland  2749  6 Started by  mixtapepublicity At last, fantastic. From the Wilco newsletter: 'If you're in Europe, stay tuned for new tour dates in Spain, Ireland, and the UK this November.' Its definitely going to be the Phoenix Park right
6 2749
by  UnicronJump to last post
7/31/2007 4:28 AM
1 Replies and 2546 Views Wilco in Vicar St - Tickets now on sale  2546  1 Started by  amawaster Vicar St - Wed 14th & Thurs 15th Nov, onsale now
1 2546
by  UnicronJump to last post
7/31/2007 4:28 AM
13 Replies and 2727 Views Bandalism! the Book  2727  13 Started by  muzak Heard about this book this morning on Edel's show on Phantom - she was interviewing the writer and he seemed quite funny and clued in. There are excerpts here - www.myspace.com/bandalism - I've ordered a copy so I'll post again if its good. There are some very funny excerpts on the myspace page - the one below really reminds me of some of the 'musicians wanted' ads on Cluas.... Most musicians wanted adverts sound very, very boring indeed. And when they don't they soun...
13 2727
by  muzakJump to last post
7/31/2007 2:50 AM
2 Replies and 2143 Views The greatest YouTube music clips  2143  2 Started by  aidan Saw this on the Observer Music Monthly site: ten great music clips from YouKnowWhat. There's a hilarious clip of Bowie getting a karate lesson on a '70s US TV show, Joy Division playing in a pub, Neil Young busking, but best of all is this amazing live footage of Iggy:
2 2143
by  aidanJump to last post
7/31/2007 2:08 AM
19 Replies and 7309 Views Interpol's new album 'Our Love to Admire'  7309  19 Started by  christianwise ok bought it today and after one listen i think its amazing really puts those copycats like the editors to shame.
19 7309
by  muzakJump to last post
7/28/2007 7:56 AM
3 Replies and 2565 Views Green Sessions- New Irish bands to UK! Thoughts??  2565  3 Started by  Littlest Mojo Hello, we are a small group of people in the UK called Littlest Mojo Music and we have a huge passion for music coming out of Ireland!! We’ve just set up a series of gigs called the Green Sessions kicking off in November. The aim is to make it a little easier for some of the best new Irish bands and musicians to come play in the UK. Our launch gigs are in November will be in London the Luminaire and Leeds Josephs Well. Don`t want to waffle too much here so all the info about ...
3 2565
by  PARTONJump to last post
7/26/2007 2:59 AM
15 Replies and 3978 Views The review of Bjork's 'Volta'  3978  15 Started by  sham Any chance of another review of this being put up. objective, level headed and the like, not just i hate it and i want everybody else to do so also. No disrespect intended.
15 3978
by  PeejayJump to last post
7/26/2007 1:24 AM
6 Replies and 4866 Views Dirty Epics: deserving of their exposure?  4866  6 Started by  muzak I just don't get it. Does anyone else
6 4866
by  rollinjonesJump to last post
7/24/2007 2:59 PM
7 Replies and 2503 Views CDWow order delays  2503  7 Started by  steviecash Have any other members been left waiting months for delivery of CDs from CDWow I have been waiting 2 months for the National's Boxer, and have just heard that Ryan Adams' Easy Tiger will not be ready for delivery until July 27th, a month after it was released. I know that they lost a recent court case, but it seems to be business as usual on their web site, but it just doesn't seem worth the wait, even at cheaper prices.
7 2503
by  klootfanJump to last post
7/24/2007 8:24 AM
103 Replies and 13274 Views Your All-Time Favourite Band  13274  103 Started by  comet
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 ... 4 )
no ifs, buts, maybes, no lists of 20 bands you love, gotta be just One, it's a tough call but right now at this moment who do you go for. I'm with Super Furry Animals
103 13274
by  muzakJump to last post
7/20/2007 9:28 AM
1 Replies and 1990 Views Malajube at Electric Picnic  1990  1 Started by  aidan I've just seen that Malajube (French-language indie rock from Montreal)have been added to the EP line-up (on the Saturday) - if you get the chance you should see them; they're brilliant. And you won't even notice that they're singing in French
1 1990
by  muzakJump to last post
7/20/2007 8:40 AM
11 Replies and 3200 Views IMMA gigs: White Stripes & Arcade Fire to play?  3200  11 Started by  christianwise ive heard a bit about these but how do ya reckon you will get tickets and has anybody else heard that the white stripes and arcade fire are supposed to be playing.
11 3200
by  PunchbowlJump to last post
7/19/2007 5:25 AM
30 Replies and 6078 Views Barbra Streisand: Italians say 'no!'  6078  30 Started by  Peejay
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Italian consumer groups have argued that Barbra Streisand's concert in Rome next month should be cancelled, saying that her show tickets are too expensive. The Adusbef and Codacons groups have said that prices, which range from €150 to over €900, were 'absurd and shameful'. They are asking that Rome and the Italian Olympic Committee withdraw permission for Streisand to perform at the Stadio Flaminio on 15 June. In a statement released earlier this week, they said that the 24,000-...
30 6078
by  AllyJump to last post
7/17/2007 7:29 AM
17 Replies and 4446 Views Kings Of Leon's new album  4446  17 Started by  klootfan Loving the new Kings of Leon album. A lot slower then some of their earlier stuff but quality all the same.
17 4446
by  TrixJump to last post
7/17/2007 3:15 AM
40 Replies and 11746 Views Bands to look out for in 2007  11746  40 Started by  Garret
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
With a new year coming in I thought it a good idea to write a bit about bands I think we should all keep an eye on in 2007. Yes, the sole purpose of this exercise is to be able to look back in 12 months time and, hopefully, have a smug impression on my face. On the other hand I might end up backing a band that will turn into 2007’s The Automatic. I will probably be woefully inaccurate. All signs indicate that 2007 will be the year of Klaxons. According to NME, who are always more ...
40 11746
by  GarretJump to last post
7/16/2007 4:36 AM
6 Replies and 2729 Views The Shins to play Belfast?  2729  6 Started by  mixtapepublicity What's this about The Shins playing Belfast at Tennents Vital! Can't find any bloody info online... Anyone in the know
6 2729
by  aidanJump to last post
7/16/2007 4:22 AM
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